Share tips how to avoid Sun Stroke


New member
The day temperature has started to pick up newer heights. As usual the incidents of Sun Strokes would start pouring in from hottest regions of the country due to lack of knowledge about the causes.

Members are requested to suggest tips how to avoid sun stroke and if at all, it happens, what are the Deshi and English medicines that could save an afflicted person from falling an easy prey to this accidental occurrence.
It is a different system than the conventional medical system so one must learn how to use it.

Do not eat or drink within one hour before or after the Remedy.

Do not mix the remedy with anything other than clean water.

Do not touch the remedy, else it will loose its effectiveness.

Keep the remedy under or on the tongue, if pills let them dissolve under the tongue, if liquid hold it in your mouth.

Do not use the remedy too often.

Do not take too much remedy, a few pills or a few drops at a time are good enough.

Glonoine not to be used in case of low blood pressure, because it lowers the blood pressure.

Natrum carbonicum can be used more often but don't exceed 4 doses a day.

Belladonna can be used more often but don't exceed 4 doses a day.

Lachesis, do not use it in high potency and do not it repeat much at all.

Natrum mur, do not use it during fever at all.

Consult the Homeopathic Doctor before repeating remedy too many times.

Consult the conventional Doctor if necessary.

All the information is for information sharing purpose only. Good luck.
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