World Autism Awareness Day


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Autism or Austism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) effects the was the brain processes information, and often prevents individuals from understanding what they see, hear and otherwise sense, resulting in difficulties in social relationships, communication and behaviour.

April 2, 2015 is World Autism Awareness Day. The parents of such children are made aware on this day to know that :

Symptoms of autism can range from a mild social and learning disability to a severe impairment.

Some Children with autism do not ever develop speech, some rarely use language to communicate, and some can go on graduate to college.

Autism shows no social, educational, economic, caste or religious bias.

Autism is a complex condition.

Therefore PARENTS who suspect that their child may have autism must start intervention right away. Do not wait for your child to be 'older' or till she/he receives a diagnosis.
The studies reveal that delay in medical intervention in case of suspected autism in the children is major cause of the smaller defects turning into bigger challenges with the advancement of the age of the affected. Hence timely action on the part of such children's parents assumes utmost importance.