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XIX. Baigram copper-plate inscription, year 128, I side (ASI)
XX. Baigram copper-plate inscription, year 128, II side (ASI)

Baigram is a village in Bogra district in Bangladesh.


Baigram Copper Plate inscription G.E.128 (448 AD)

The Baigram Copper Plate inscription of the time of Kumargupta I was found here. This record belongs to an earlier time than the 4th Damodarpur Copper Plate inscription, which refers to the region near Vayigrama. Since the two copper plates refer to adjacent regions they could yield a significant piece of information about land administration. The purchased piece of land in Chandagrama lay bordered on Vayigrama (Baigram).

The Baigram Copper Plate inscription found in Bogra district belonged to the period of Kumargupta I of year 128 (447 – 48 A.D). Vayigrama of this inscription was said to be situated in the Paňcanagari Visaya. In this case the application is for the purchase of land made by two brothers: Kutumbi Bhoyila and Kutumbi Bhaskara who lived in the locality of three named villages of Trivrta, Śri gohali and Vayigrama. The application was made to Kumaramatya Kulavrddhi, the Visayapati, who was ruling from Paňcanagari, the headquarter of the district. [1]

The administrative practices

According to B.D. Chattopadhyay there was not even probably an astakuladhikarana in these localities for the inscription ran: :Vayigramika-Trivrta-Śrigohalyoh-Brahmanottaran Samvyavahari – pramukhan gramakutumbinah Kuśalamanuvarnya bodhayati Vijnapayati.[2]

The discovery of a number of inscriptions of the Gupta and later Gupta periods within or near the district of West Dinajpur bears ample testimony to the sway of the Guptas over Pundravardhana. Five copper-plate inscription were discovered in the village of Damodarpur in police station Phulbari (now in Bangladesh), and one copper-plate inscription was discovered in the village of Baigram in police station Hili.

The Baigram copper plate is one of the two, which were discovered while excavating a tank at Baigram in police station Hili. The Baigram copper plate inscription is dated in the year 128 of the Gupta era corresponding to 448 AD and thus, refers to the reign of Kumaragupta I. Although the name of the king dose not appear in this copper plate.[3]

Baigram Charter year G.E.128 was issued from two district office, Vishayadhikarana, located at town called Panchanagati. The district officer is also named. He was Kulavriddhi and his title was Kumaramatya. Baigram Charter indicates an interesting administrative practice. The vishayapati Kulavriddhi is mentioned as directly paying his homage to the emperor and not to his immidiate superior provincial chief. It was because the appointment of vishayapati or district magistrate was made by the emperor himself who entered into direct relations with such responsible officer. [4]
