
From Jatland Wiki
Map of Middle East Countries

Hajar Mountains (Arabic: جبال الحجر‎) (Arabic for stone mountains) in northeastern Oman and also the eastern United Arab Emirates are the highest mountain range in the eastern Arabian peninsula. They separate the low coastal plain of Oman from the high desert plateau, and lie 50–100 km inland from the Gulf of Oman coast.


In Jat History

According to H.A. Rose The seats of these Jats lay on the roads of Hajar, which they had seized. [1]

Prof. Abdul Ali[2] mentions that yet another solid evidence of the Jats' active participation in the socio-political life of the Arabs is clear from the fact that they made their presence felt in the riddah (secession) wars triggered by the death of the Prophet in 632 AD, in which almost all Arabia broke off from the newly organized Muslim state and followed a number of local rulers and false prophets. As represented by Arab chroniclers, the Jats settled at Qatif and Hajar in Bahrain, sided with al-Hutam Bin Dubay'ah of the tribe of Qays Bin Tha' labah who had raised the banner of revolt by rallying around him the rebels of the tribe of Bakr Bin Wa'il and Other non-Muslims of that region.[3]

Dr Girish Chandra Dwivedi[4] writes that Other casual references to the Jats appertain to their obstructing the path of foreigners, a fact in some cases confirmed by the traditional accounts and persisting tradition of the Jats. Kamil-ut- Tawarikh[5] notices the Jats seizing upon the roads of Hajar and plundering the corn of Kaskar. They had "planted posts in all directions towards the desert". At the orders of the reigning khalifa, Ajif bin Isa marched against them (219 A.H. - 834 AD.). He was busy suppressing their chief Muhammad bin Usman for seven months. After killing many of the Jats, Ajifis said to have carried twenty seven thousand of them (including women and children to Baghdad.

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