
Pilani (पिलानी) is a town in district Jhunjhunu in Rajasthan.
The Founders
It was founded by Pilania Jats. [1]
Jat Gotras
Thakur Nawal Singh founded the city of Nawalgarh in Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan on magha shukla 2 samvat 1794 at place called Rohili (रोहिली) . Thukur Nawal Singh’s fourth son was Dalel Singh who was given the right of 12 villages after constructing a fort at present Pilani town. The fort was named Dalelgarh after Dalel Singh. When Dalel Singh was expanding his strength Rao Raja Laxman Singh of Sikar attacked him. At that time Dalel Singh’s brother and ruler of Nawalgarh came to his rescue. In the war a brave Pilania Jat with his bravery could save the fort of Dalelgarh. After this the name Dalelgarh was changed to Pilani in the memory of Pilania Jat.
In those days Pilani was divided into two hamlets situated on sand dunes. One was ‘Nehra bas’ occupied by Brahmans and other was ‘Pilania bas’ occupied by Jats and other castes.
Initially Pilani was a village of about 1500 people. Out of these 100 families were of Vaishyas, mainly of Agarwals. There were about 15 families of Maheshwaris out of which there was only one family of Birlas.
The town is birthplace of India's leading industrialist, GD Birla. It houses one of India's finest technical schools, BITS Pilani. The Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CEERI) is also located here. It also houses some good boarding schools like Birla Public School, Birla Senior Secondary School and Birla Balika Vidyapeeth.
GD Birla established world-class scientific institutions in that remote desert village because it was his birthplace. Pilani has now become a prosperous town, which is a great achievement because Pilani has no natural advantages. If Pilani could be transformed the way it has been, any other village can be. All that is required is a seed in the form of a world-class institution.
However, in its formative years lasting a couple of decades, Pilani was sustained by the Birlas who had deep pockets and deeper sentiments for the village. People of Pilani are thankful to Birlas, only few entrepreneurs would be prepared to emulate them, and nurture a village for long years. That is why the Pilani experiment has not been repeated although quite a few other rich business families originate from remote villages.
Pilani is also proud to have CEERI, a pioneer Research Institute in the Country and a contituent laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, established in 1953, for advanced Research and Development (R&D) in the field of Electronics. Since its inception it has been working for the growth of electronics in the country and has established the required infrastructure and well experienced manpower for undertaking R&D in the following three major areas.
पिलानी झुंझुनू ज़िला, राजस्थान का प्रमुख शहर है। तकनीकी शिक्षा का राष्ट्रिय सिरमौर पिलानी न केवल झुंझुनू का अपितु पूरे भारत का गौरव स्थल है। देश के विभिन्न राज्यों से शिक्षा प्राप्ति के लिए यहाँ छात्र बड़ी संख्या में आते हैं। किसी जमाने में राजस्थान का एक छोटा गाँव रहा पिलानी देश के एक प्रधान व्यवसायिक परिवार 'बिरला' का मूल स्थान है। यह शहर 'बिरला प्रौद्योगिकी तथा विज्ञान संस्थान' (बीआईटीएस) के लिये भी जाना जाता है।
पिलानी भारत के उच्च शिक्षा प्रदान करने वाले शहरों में गिना जाने लगा है। यहाँ आने वाले छात्र-छात्रों ने पिलानी में विद्या विहार परिसर को लघु भारत का स्वरूप दे दिया है। यहाँ भारत सरकार का एक उपक्रम 'केन्द्रीय इलेक्ट्रोनिकी आभियांत्रिकी अनुसन्धान संस्थान' (सीरी) भी है, जो देश के विज्ञान और तकनीकी विकास में महत्त्वपूर्ण योगदान कर रहा है। यहाँ का अभियांत्रिकी महाविद्यालय भारत के दस सबसे उच्च महाविद्यालयों में से एक है। जाने-माने व्यवसायिक तथा राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गाँधी के सहयोगी रहे घनश्याम दास बिड़ला ने इस संस्था की नींव रखी थी।
पिलानी का 'बिरला म्यूजियम' एशिया के संग्राहलयों में अपना विशेष स्थान रखता है। वहीं 'बिरला हवेली' में बिरला परिवार की ऐतिहासिकता से साक्षात्कार कराने वाला संग्रहालय भी दर्शनीय है। पंचवटी परिसर में मातुराम वर्मा द्वारा बनाई और तराशी गई सजीव मूर्तियाँ सैलानियों को आकर्षित करती हैं, तो संगमरमर से बना सरस्वती मन्दिर भी पर्यटकों के दिल और दिमाग में रच बस जाता है।[2]
Dr DK Taknet: Marwari Samaj aur Brijmohan Birla, Indian Institute of Marwari Entrepreneurship, Jaipur, 1993, ISBN 81-85878-00-5
External Links
- ↑ Dr DK Taknet: Marwari Samaj aur Brijmohan Birla, Indian Institute of Marwari Entrepreneurship, Jaipur, 1993, ISBN 81-85878-00-5
- ↑ भारतकोश-पिलानी