Narendra Modi as Prime Minister of India : An appraisal

People must be enlightened about the menace caused by slow poison in fruits. Concerned authorities may also take note of the vicious tale unfolded !


What about Milk??? What about spices???? What about other food items sold in the market????

When detergent and urea is found in place of milk. When spices like turmeric, chilli, etc. are laced with chemicals, there is unstoppable adulteration of everything and there is no heavy punishment by law for the people, who do adultration. it is ludicracy.

The country and states are running on buffalo brains.

Almost most of the food items are laced with poison in direct of indirect form.
Fruits????What about Milk??? What about spices???? What about other food items sold in the market????When detergent and urea is found in place of milk. When spices like turmeric, chilli, etc. are laced with chemicals, there is unstoppable adulteration of everything and there is no heavy punishment by law for the people, who do adultration. it is ludicracy.The country and states are running on buffalo brains.Almost most of the food items are laced with poison in direct of indirect form.
Hmnn ! You have raised a very good topic for discussion which ia not directly connected with Shri Modi as PM; therefore it could be discussed elsewhere. [As it does not seem to fit the thread heading].
Hmnn ! You have raised a very good topic for discussion which ia not directly connected with Shri Modi as PM; therefore it could be discussed elsewhere. [As it does not seem to fit the thread heading].

Yes, it is not related with anyone, as Mr.Prime minister never talks with anyone personally through radio or public speeches.
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Making the biggest pitch to woo US investments, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today courted top financial sector CEOs, outlining the opportunities in various sectors and promising to address their concerns while removing bottlenecks for ease of doing business.Kicking off his second visit to the US in one year with a meeting with eight of the top 10 financial entities in the US, including JP Morgan and Blackstone, Modi outlined efforts made during the last 15 months to increase investment in key areas like infrastructure.

For details Link :
The following is the full text of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's statement to the media after his meeting with US President Barack Obama in New York on Monday:President Obama,

Members of the media,

It is a great pleasure to meet President Obama in New York. Thank you for hosting this meeting.

I deeply value your friendship and your vision and commitment for the relationship between our two countries.

We have achieved significant progress in our bilateral cooperation and international partnership.

I was in Silicon Valley over the weekend. I experienced the strength of American innovation and enterprise that provide the foundation of American success.

I also saw the driving force of our relationship - youth, technology and innovation; and, the natural partnerships of Indian and Americans in advancing human progress.

California also reminds us that India and the United States are part of the dynamic Asia Pacific Region.

Amid the problems that the world faces today and the global challenges that we see ahead, our partnership is of great significance for us and our world.


For further details read ----- IANS
Urging the international community to stand together in the war against terrorism, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday condemned Paris attacks in which Islamic State militants killed nearly 130 people and injured over 200 others.

"We stand united in strongly condemning the dreadful attacks in Paris. The entire humanity must stand together and be one against terrorism," Modi said while speaking at a BRICS meeting on the sidelines of the G20 Summit being held in Antalya, Turkey.

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The Paris terrorist attack has shaken the international community from slumber and it seems that some joint attempt to fight terrorists groups like the one that attacked French restaurant will be tackeled jointly by international joint command in due course.
Prime Minister Modi whether in the country or outside never fails to count the NDA [BJP+] government's achievements. Here is the news that pushing hard the achievements of his government today asked the international community to come and invest in India to witness the changes that country has gone since he took charge.

"Speaking at the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Modi said, "By almost every major economic indicator India's doing better than when we took office 18

months ago. Obviously, this did not happen by accident. The world economy is not exactly doing well. This success is the result of a series of concerted policies."

"The idea was not to reform alone but to reform for transformation" he added highlighting that the 21st century belonged to India."

"We know that our time has come. Most of the ASEAN economies have done their bit for Asia's resurgence. Now it is India's turn," the prime minister said.

For details log link :

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On the state of Indian economy, Finance Minister Arun Jaitly says that it is not being affected by slowing down in Chinese economy whereas RBI Governor told yesterday in Hongkong that the impact of chinese slow down is definitely there.

Who of the two be believed could be decided by some economist.

Would someone clarify !
Urging the international community to stand together in the war against terrorism, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday condemned Paris attacks in which Islamic State militants killed nearly 130 people and injured over 200 others.

"We stand united in strongly condemning the dreadful attacks in Paris. The entire humanity must stand together and be one against terrorism," Modi said while speaking at a BRICS meeting on the sidelines of the G20 Summit being held in Antalya, Turkey.

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The Paris terrorist attack has shaken the international community from slumber and it seems that some joint attempt to fight terrorists groups like the one that attacked French restaurant will be tackeled jointly by international joint command in due course.

What is Indian role in it besides talk and speeches by Mr. Prime minister? are we forgetting something or some people?
Are too many foreign trips too much travelling taking Mr. Prime Minister away from actual goals? Is Mr. Prime Minister loosing precious time due to travelling?
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The Foreign visits of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi are aimed at attracting attention of the people mostly of Indian origin towards 'changed' environment for investment in India under the BJP Government.

In this connection he recently visited Singapore to address Indian diaspora and exhorted the audience to visit sometime to India to witness the 'changed climate'.

He said : ".....The reason for improvement in India's global image is the the people of India. You made Singapore your own despite adverse conditions.India has opened up railways for 100 per cent FDI. New technology and speed will come. Any global citizen can now invest in the rupee bond. The rupee bond signifies India's liberation.India even imports tear gas shells. We import also for our tears. I do not know whether to laugh or cry. India has youth, talent and talent to make its own weapons. Defence deals have always been marrred by corruption. The last 18 months of governance and transparent decisions taken one after another. No one has been able to point a single finger. India has the advantage of youth power. When the country is full of youthfulness, ambitions, dreams and manpower is also youthful.Have told people all over the world, including the Indian diaspora, to visit India whenever the weather at their place is bad...."

Link for source and further details
At another place the P M sought help from the businessmen to invest in India and said : ''Keen to scale up investments in infrastructure, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said rupee bonds to fundinfrastructure projects will be launched in countries like Singapore.

Speaking at the India-Singapore Economic Convention, Modi said reforms in India are happening in a big way and will transform the systems so that they perform.

"We are keen to scale up investments in next generation infrastructure including digital networks and clean energy," he said. "In addition to the core infrastructure, we are keen to invest in our social, industrial and agri-infrastructure to give better income and quality of life to our people."

For more details Link :
Atleast there are no "Ghotalas" and money laundring by politicians till now, it seems so. Earlier years and governments were full of one scam after another. So, one can appreciate this fact about the central government.
Would the Government of India led by PM Narendra Modi listen to the voice raised by the Bhartiya Muslim Mahila Andolan or not on the issue that have sought his intervention for reforms in Muslim Personal Law. The organisation, has over 70,000 members in 13 states and is working to end the discrimination against Muslim women that is built into the existing personal law.

Zakia Soman, co-founder of the Andolan, told the Times of India, "Gender justice is the principle of our Constitution. With our letter to the prime minister, we want to get the concerns of Muslim women registered with the government of India."
The organisation wants the Shariat Application Act and the Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act to be amended. They have also suggested that the government could come out with a fresh enactment of Muslim Personal Law.The Andolan released a draft Muslim Family Law after consulations with a large number of Muslim women, lawyers and religious scholars. The draft is consistent with both Quranic tenets and the Indian constitution. A Supreme Court bench has already instructed the National Legal Services Authority of India to examine whether the discrimination suffered by Muslim women is a violation of their fundamental rights, guaranteed by the Constitution under Articles 14, 15 and 21.The proposals made by the Andolan include increasing the minimum age of marriage of girls to 18 and men to 21, making oral unilateral divorce illegal, and making polygamy illegal.Link : - India TV
So, What is:

1. India Eating
2. India Drinking
3. India Breathing

Just saw this news item :

Every city, small town and village are breathing the heavy polluted air that the cold weather has brought down from upper regions of the atmosphere.

The ground waters are getting polluted and getting beyond repair.

Food is getting adulterated at massive scale.

Rains are causing havoc as seen in Chennai recently.
Every city, small town and village are breathing the heavy polluted air that the cold weather has brought down from upper regions of the atmosphere.

The ground waters are getting polluted and getting beyond repair.

Food is getting adulterated at massive scale.

Rains are causing havoc as seen in Chennai recently.

Totally irrelevant post:livid:..Government or Modi has nothing to do with it.
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Totally irrelevant post:livid:..Government or Modi has nothing to do with it.

If you accept the issues are relevant to the life of every Indian, then who according to you, is responsible for making and getting needful policy to overcome, at least to some extent, and not to let worsen the fast emerging threat to very existence of mankind in coming centuries.

The answer lies in affirmative that Government of the day must do the needful. Yes, a few steps are being taken up but much has yet to be done on this front.