Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Udgir (उदगिर) is a city and tahsil in Latur district of Maharashtra.
It is located in the Marathwada division of the state. The city is located very close to the borders of Karnataka and Telangana states.
The town gets its name from the Saint Udalik or Udalik Baba who took Samadhi in the city's fort.
Udgir is home to the historical Udgir Fort. Udgir is famous for the historic war between the Marathas and the Nizam, led by Sadashivrao Bhau, who defeated Nizam in 1759 when the treaty of Udgir was signed. Marathas won a convincing victory in the Battle of Udgir under the leadership of Sadashivrao Bhau. Later it prompted Peshwe (Peshwas) of Pune to elevate and designate him as Chief Commander of the Maratha army for the Third Battle of Panipat fought in 1761. Nevertheless, it was part of the Nizam's state until 1948 and the State of Hyderabad between 1948 and 1956 before being annexed to Bombay State.
Before the formation of Latur district, Udgir was part of Osmanabad district.
There are some old and popular places of worship located in the town and nearby which includes Shri Udalik Baba Temple, Shri Bodhan Aai Temple, Shri Somnathpur Temple, Shri Hawagi Swami Temple and Hazrath Khaja Sadharudeen Basha Dargha Sherif, which is about 400 years old.
Udgir Fort
Udgir Fort is a fort built in pre-Bahamani age, which dates from the twelfth century CE. It is also famous for its historic battle in which Marathas, led by Sadashivrao Bhau, defeated the Nizam, and after which the treaty of Udgir was signed. The fort is bounded by a 40-foot-deep trench, as the fort is built at ground level. In the fort are several palaces, Durbar halls and the grave of Udaygiri Maharaj which is 60 feet below ground level. It is rumoured that the Udgir fort has a direct subway deep underground connecting with Bhalki and the Bidar forts.
उदगीर (Udgir) भारत के महाराष्ट्र राज्य के लातूर ज़िले में स्थित एक तालुका है। उदगीर शहर को ऐतिहासिक महत्व प्राप्त है। शहर 800 साल पुराने किले के लिये जाना जाता है। यह किला बहमनी शासकों ने बनाया था। शहर मराठों और निजाम के बीच हुए उदगीर की लड़ाई के लिए भी जाना जाता है। 1759 मे हुए इस युद्ध में पेशवा सदाशिवराव भाऊ के अगुवाई मे मराठों ने निजाम को यहीं शिकस्त दी थी और दोनो के बीच यही संधि भी हुई थी। 1956 तक यह शहर हैदराबाद राज्य मे था पर उसके बाद जब भाषानुसार राज्यों के पुनर्निर्माण मे यह शहर महाराष्ट्र मे सम्मिलित हो गया।अब यह शहर लातूर जिले का एक तालुका है।