
Shekhsar (शेखसर) (Sekhsar) is a village in Lunkaransar tehsil of Bikaner district in Rajasthan, India.
Shekhsar town is named after the Islamite saint, Shekh Fareed of Pakputtun, who had a durgah here. He was greatly esteemed by the Jats, before the bona dea assumed the shape of a Jatni, to whom, under the title of Karani Mata, ' a ray of the mother,' all bend the head.[1]
Godara Jats
It is situated on the north-east border of the district adjoining Churu and Hanumangarh district boundaries. The village has a population of 5820 out of them are SC 1182 and ST 4.[2]
The Sinwar Jats of this area were influenced by Hazrat Baba Fareed Shaker Gunj, whose shrine is in Ajudhan (Pakpattan, District in Punjab, Pakistan). The earlier name of this village was Sukhchainpura and it was named Shekhsar after Baba Shekh Fareed.
Origin of name
अजोधन (पाकपतन) के बाबा शेख फरीद ने राजस्थान के जाट बाहुल्य क्षेत्र में अपने रूहानी उपदेशों से जाटों को प्रभावित किया. बाबा शेख फरीद का जन्म वर्ष 1173 में मुल्तान जिला के खोतवाल गांव में हुआ था। अनेक वर्षों तक हरियाणा के हांसी (हिसार) में रहकर वह खुदा की इबादत में लगे रहे. हरयाणा में हांसी में वे लम्बे समय तक रहे. बाबा शेख फरीद अजोधन से दिल्ली आते-जाते रहे तथा दक्षिणी पंजाब तथा उत्तरी राजस्थान के इलाके में रहे. लोग इनकी योग शक्ति व भक्ति से इतने प्रभावित हुए की सींवर जनों ने अपने क्षेत्र में आबादी का नाम शेखसर रख लिया, जो कि एक रेख के रूप में आज जानी जाती है. शेख फरीद ने अपनी योग माया से गोदारा जनपद के गाँव सुखचैनपुरा का पानी पिने योग्य कर दिया. इसलिए सुखचैनपुरा का नाम शेखसर कर दिया तथा गोदारा जनपद में गोपल्याणा में शेख फरीद का मंदिर भी है. इसी तरह पंजाब के शहर फरीदकोट का नाम पहले मोकल नगर था और यह नगर मोकल ने आबाद किया था. लेकिन मोकल शेख फरीद से इतना प्रभावित हुआ कि इसका नाम मोकल नगर से फरीदकोट कर दिया.[3]
गोदारा पट्टी
चूरू जनपद के जाट इतिहास पर दौलतराम सारण डालमाण[4] ने अनुसन्धान किया है और लिखा है कि पाउलेट तथा अन्य लेखकों ने इस हाकडा नदी के बेल्ट में निम्नानुसार जाटों के जनपदीय शासन का उल्लेख किया है जो बीकानेर रियासत की स्थापना के समय था।
क्र.सं. | जनपद | क्षेत्रफल | राजधानी | मुखिया | प्रमुख ठिकाने |
1. | गोदारा पट्टी | 360 गाँव | लादड़िया (शेखसर) | पाण्डुजी गोदारा | पून्दलीसर, गुसाईंसर , शेखसर, रासीसर |
It was the capital of ancient republic of Godara Jats prior to its annexation by Rathores. The Godara chief was Pandu Godara and they had 700 villages under them. Their capital was at Shekhsar. The districts included under Godara rulers were Shekhsar, Pundrasar, Gusainsar Bada, Gharsisar, Garibdesar, Rungaysar, and Kalu. The people of Godara clan were known as great and ambitious warriors.
Thakur Deshraj[5] and James Todd[6] have mentioned the history of this republic. According to them, In samvat 1515 (1459 AD) Joda transferred the seat of government from Mundore to Jodhpur. His son Bika, under the guidance of his uncle Kandul, led three hundred of the sons of Seoji to enlarge the boundaries of Rathore dominion amidst the sands of Maroo. Bika was stimulated to the attempt by the success of his brother Bida, who had recently subjugated the territory inhabited by the Mohils for ages. Bika, with his band of three hundred, fell upon the Sankhlas of Jangladesh whom they massacred.
Bika now approximated to the settlements of the Jats, who had for ages been established in these arid abodes; and as the lands they held formed a considerable portion of the state of Bikaner.
The Jats and Johiyas of these regions, who extended overall the northern desert even to the Garah, led a pastoral life, their wealth consisting in their cattle, which they reared in great numbers, disposing of the superfluity, and of the ghee and wool, through the medium of Sarasvat Brahmins (who, in these regions, devote themselves to traffic), receiving in return grain and other conveniences or necessaries of life.
Although the success of his brother Bida over the Mohils in some degree paved the way, his bloodless conquest could never have happened but for the opresence of a vice which has dissolved all the republics of the world. The jealousy of the Johiyas and Godaras, the two most powerful of the six Jat cantons, was the immediate motive to the propitiation of the ' son of Joda ' ; besides which, the communities found the band of Bida, which had extirpated the ancient Mohils when living with them in amity, most troublesome neighbours. Further, they were desirous to place between them and the Bhattis of Jaisalmer, a more powerful barrier ; and last, not least, they dreaded the hot valour and "thirst for land" which characterised Bika's retainers, now contiguous to them at Jangladesh. For these weighty reasons, at a meeting of the "elders" of the Godaras, it was resolved to conciliate the Rathore.
The "elder" of Runiya was next in rank and estimation to Pandu Godara, in communities where equality was as absolute as the proprietary right to the lands which each individually held: that of pasture be common.
The elders of Shekhsar and Roneah were deputed to enter into terms with the Rajput chief, and to invest him with supremacy over the community, on the following conditions :-
- (1) To make common cause with them, against the Johiyas and other cantons, with whom they were then at variance.
- (2) To guard the western frontier against the irruption of Bhattis.
- (3) To hold the rights and privileges of the community inviolable.
On the fulfillment of these conditions, they relinquished to Bika and his descendants the supreme power over the Godaras; assigning to him, in perpetuity, the power to levy "dhooa", or a "hearth tax" of one rupee on each house in the canton, and a land tax of two rupees on each hundred beeghas of cultivated land within their limits.
Apprehensive, however, that Bika or his descendants might encroach upon their rights, they asked what security he could offer against such a contingency ? The Rajput chief replied that, in order to dissipate their fears on this head, as well as to perpetuate the remembrance of the supremacy thus voluntarily conferred, he would solemnly bind himself and his successors to receive the tika of inauguration from the hands of the descendants of the elders of Shekhsar and Roneah, and that the gadi (the chair) should be deemed vacant until such rite was administered.
To this day, the descendant of Pandu Godara applies the unguent of royalty to the forehead of the successors of Bika ; on which occasion, the prince places "the fine of relief", consisting of twenty-five pieces of gold, in the hand of the Godara Jat.
Moreover, the spot which he selected for his capital, was the birthright of a Nehra Jat who would only concede it for this purpose on the condition that his name should be linked in perpetuity with its surrender. Nehra was the name of the proprietor, which Bika added to his own, thus composing that of the future capital, Bikaner = Bika + Nera.
Jat Gotras
Godara are well educated including doctors, judge, engineers and teachers. Some Kajla's are also doing well in field of education.
Notable persons
- Late Choudhary Arjun Ram Kajla - Biggest Landlord of Village.
- Choudhary Ramlal Godara - Social Worker and Choudhary of Godara clan
- Daya Ram Godara - First Jat RJS From Bikaner Dist.
- Dr R.K. Kajla - Associate Professor Surgery, SPMC Bikaner.
- Late R.C. Kajla - First IES Officer.
- Dr Sitaram Godara - Orthopedic surgeone.
- Dr Pradeep Godara - Snake bite and poisioning cases specialist.
- Dr O.P. Kajla - Department Of Ayurved.
- Dr Tulasiram kajla , joint Director,Department of Ayush
- Dr Sanjay godara MBBS D-Orthopedics
- Dr Saurabh Godara MBBS, MS
- Dr Ankit Godara, MBBS
- Dr Neha Choudhary, MBBS
- Dr Ravi Godara,MBBS
- Dr Divyashree choudhary, MBBS
- ↑ James Tod: Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Volume II, Annals of Bikaner,p.160
- ↑ Delimitation Commission Report Bikaner
- ↑ लेखक: दौलत राम सारण. गाँव डालमाण , सरदारशहर, चूरू, राजस्थान. मोब: 09413744238 . जाट बन्धु आगरा, 25 फ़रवरी 2012
- ↑ 'धरती पुत्र : जाट बौधिक एवं प्रतिभा सम्मान समारोह, साहवा, स्मारिका दिनांक 30 दिसंबर 2012', पेज 8-10
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj: Jat Itihasa (Hindi), Maharaja Suraj Mal Smarak Shiksha Sansthan, Delhi, 1934, 2nd edition 1992, pp.621-623
- ↑ James Todd, Annals and Antiquities
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