
Garinda is a village in Fatehpur tehsil of Sikar district in Rajasthan.
It is situated in south direction at a distance of about 10 k.m. from Fatehpur.
Jat Gotras
Most of the jat families in the village are of Dara and Dhaka gotras.
As per Census-2011 statistics, Garinda village has the total population of 3637 (of which 1882 are males while 1755 are females).[1]
Notable persons
Abhay Dara [Jat] - Working at Abhay command and control center Bikaner, VPO - Garinda, Teh - Fatehpur , Sikar Present Address - Police Colony , Karni nagar ,Bikaner
- Nemi Chand Dhayal - GM, N M Roof Designers Ltd, Date of Birth : 25-September-1968, VPO- Garinda, teh.- Fatehpur, Sikar, Present Address : 121/124, Vijay Path,Agrawal Farm, Mansarowar, Phone : 0141-2782955, Mob: 9828156561, Email:
External link
- Information on Garinda village - website
- Geo Location of Garinda
- Villages in the Fatehpur tehsil, Sikar district
- Delimtation Commission Report.
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