Commemoration of Centenary of Social Awakening in Bikaner Division on 31.8.2017


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Jat Kirti Sansthan Churu has decided to commemorate Centenary of social awakening in Bikaner division on the auspicious occasion of Teja Dasmi (August 31,2017) at Kisan Chhatrawas Ratangarh situated at Ratangarh in District - Churu, Rajasthan.

As we know, the process of social awakening was pioneered by Swami Gopal Das (a Jat from Kaswan clan) by opening schools for girls and Dalits in and around Churu in 1912. The visionaries of our community deserve credit for realizing the significance of education in social awakening and betterment of society. Education is actually mother of all awakening. It is education that opens eyes of people to their pathetic plight and its root cause. Realizing the significance of education in empowerment of people and walking on the heels of Swami Gopal Das, Choudhary Bahadur Singh Bhobia played a pivotal part in providing impetus to social awakening by opening the school named Jat Anglo Sanskrit Middle School, Sangaria on August 9, 1917. This school of yester years has the proud privilege to be the first school in Rajasthan that was opened with the name of Jat Community.

Later on, under the refined stewardship and able guidance of Swami Keshwanand this school was metamorphosed into a progressive institution of higher studies in different disciplines. Despite all sorts of adverse circumstances a chain of hostels and hostel-cum schools for students hailing from rural areas were established in different towns ; and as many as 287 schools in rural areas were opened for propagation of education in the desert region of Rajasthan.

Education had its desired effect in rousing the heroes of our community to raise a determined voice against the suppression and exploitation at the hands of the deadly combination of the rulers of the earstwhile princely states, fuedals and foreign rule. The heroes of our community fought valiantly against all sorts of injustice and exploitative practices . They had to suffer trails and tribulations to pave the way for establishing the social set-up based on the principles of liberty, equality, fraternity and justice.

The features of the commemorative function:--

  • 1. Revisiting and re-evaluating the history of the community replete with struggles .
  • 2. Releasing a booklet comprising of articles on the role of the visionaries of the community who pioneered social awakening.
  • 3. Discussion on the the diverse sorts of issues pertaining to social awakening .
  • 4. The rich history of the Jats . What we were and what we have become .
  • 5. Displaying and selling of Literature on Jat community .
  • 6. Discussion on eradication of social evils .
  • 7. Remembering and paying rich tributes to those who paved the way for the social reformation or made contribution to ensure social upliftment.
The visitors of the are cordially invited to attend the commemorative function. Kindly make it convenient to attend the function to boost the morale of the organizers.......................H R Isran, President Jat Kirti Sansthan Churu
  • 2. Releasing a booklet comprising of articles on the role of the visionaries of the community who pioneered social awakening.
  • 3. Discussion on the the diverse sorts of issues pertaining to social awakening .
  • 4. The rich history of the Jats . What we were and what we have become .
  • 5. Displaying and selling of Literature on Jat community
just like Jat magazine SURAJMAL, via such publications I got to know about Sir Chhotu Ram and later personally about the entire family. One of my grandfather's fren's daughter (paternal aunt) shared this magazine with us. Elite class of Jats is very simple living people and contributing a lot to the masses not only to Jats but to all other communities as well and still they are the same people. No influence of show-shaw.