Bohar Rohtak

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Location of Bohar on Map of Rohtak District

Bohar (बोहर) is a village of Nandal Jats in in Rohtak tahsil and Rohtak District of Haryana.


Located in east of Rohtak.

Jat Gotras

Adaption ceremony on 10.01.1915 at Kadipur

Tek Chand Kadipur (Jatrana) Jaildar and his younger brother Bhim Singh Kadipur (Jatrana) on 10.01.1915 at Kadipur Delhi

This photograph was taken infront of the Havelis of Tek Chand Kadipur (Jatrana) Jaildar and his younger brother Bhim Singh Kadipur (Jatrana) on 10.01.1915 at the adaption ceremony of Maha Singh by Ch. Tek Chand at village Kadipur Delhi. The leader of ceremony was Pt Brahmanand. This ceremony was attended by about 200 people mainly the elite prominent Jats including - Rai Bahadur Ch Lal Chand of Bhalot, Ch. Baldev Singh, first Headmaster of Jat School Rohtak, Ch. Sheria Singh, Ch Molar Singh, Ch Rajmal (all from Bohar Rohtak, Khusal Bakhetewale etc. Ch Tek Chand gave Rs 5100/- to Gurukul Kangri and Rs. 100/- to Jat School Rohtak.

Source - Jat Kshatriya Culture


Ch. Kundan Singh Nandal founded the village in 1125 A.D. (Vikrami Samvat 1181 Falgun Badi Panchmi) upon his grandfather name Ch. Bohrsi Nandal. Bohar village is origin of all the Nandal Jats.

Presently Bohar Village has two gram panchayats i.e. Bohar-Bhopan & Bohar-Melwan. The population of village is more than 20000.

Mostly land of the village has been acquired by government due to urbanization & industrialization of Rohtak city. All the HUDA Sectors, MD University, PGI, Model Town, Tilak Nagar, Bharat Colony, Ramgopal Colony, Basant Vihar, Tau Nagar, Sun City are located in the demarcation boundary of the village.


दलीपसिंह अहलावत[1] लिखते हैं - ....यह देहली नाम की स्थापना की घटना सिकन्दर और सम्राट् पोरस के समय से पहले की चौथी शताब्दी ईस्वी पूर्व की है। इस नगर का सबसे पहले नाम ढिल्लीका था जिसका लेख सोमेश्वर चौहान शिलालेख पर है जो कि वि० संवत् 1226 (सन् 1169) का है। (Epigraphica Indica, Vol. XX, S. No. 344 of Inscriptions of Northern India)। बाद में अन्तिम ‘का’ को हटा दिया गया जिससे इस नगर का नाम ढिल्ली बन गया। विक्रमी संवत् 1337 (सन् 1280) का एक शिलालेख गांव बोहर जिला रोहतक में मिला है जिस पर लिखा हुआ है कि हरयाणा देश व देहली पर पहले तोमरों (तंवर जाट) ने राज्य किया, फिर चौहानों ने, उसके बाद गोरी सुल्तान ने। [2]

नांदल खाप संस्थापक चौधरी रणसिंह की मूर्ति स्थापना - 17.03.2024

अखिल भारतीय नांदल खांप ने बोहर गांव स्थित नांदल भवन में खाप संस्थापक चौधरी रण सिंह एडवोकेट की मूर्ति की स्थापना की गई. इसका अनावरण रविवार (17.03.2024) को पूर्व कुलपति मेरठ विश्वविद्यालय डॉक्टर रामपाल नांदल ने किया. अनावरण समारोह की अध्यक्षता खाप के प्रधान ओमप्रकाश नांदल ने की और समारोह के मुख्य अतिथि पूर्व कुलपति डॉ रामपाल नांदल रहे. मंच संचालन खाप प्रवक्ता देवराज नांदल ने किया. इसमें देशभर से हजारों खाप प्रतिनिधियों ने भाग लिया. इस मौके पर मुख्य रूप से हरीश नांदल, पूर्व प्रधान महेंद्र सिंह नांदल , कोषाध्यक्ष सुरेश भोपान, अशोक प्रिंसिपल, जाट संस्था के पूरे प्रधान राज सिंह नांदल आदि मौजूद रहे.

विस्तार के लिए देखो नांदल खाप संस्थापक स्वर्गीय चौ. रणसिंह एडवोकेट की प्रतिमा का अनावरण समारोह सम्पन्न

Notable persons

  • Satish Nandal (Politician) - Social Worker and Businessman
  • Ch. Kundan Singh Nandal -
  • Ch. Mela Singh - Melwan Pana named after him.
  • Ch. Bhopa - Bhopan Pana named after him.
  • Ch. Dharma - Dharmash named after him and he and his descendents settled in many villages in U.P.
  • Ch. Bhure Singh - Bhuran Thola named after him.
  • Ch. Teja Singh - He founded Tejawala Johad in 1581-83.
  • Ch. Basti Ram (1790-1864) - He was the first Haryanvi Jat who introduced English education by educating his son Ch. Jamna Das from Delhi College between 1844-45 to 1856. He became first Lumberdar of Village Bohar in 1860.
  • Ch. Jamna Das (1832-1902) - Was the first Haryanvi who thoroughly mastered English. He was appointed first English teacher and first Head Master of Zila School Rohtak.He was first Indian who became Inspector of schools in pre- partition Punjab.He was helpful in opening many government primary schools in villages around Rohtak.He introduced modern education in Haryana.
  • Ch.Devi Singh (1871-1955) - Was the founder member of Jat School Rohtak . He was a freedom fighter and great Arya Samajist social reformer of his times.
  • Dr. Dungar Singh (1896-1970) - Was the first doctor in Bohar.He was Ayur Ved Vigyan Acharya.
  • Smt Sarita w/o Ramesh Nandal - Elected as Parshad of Ward No. 7 Rohtak.[3]


External Links


  1. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter V (Page 457)
  2. S. No. 598, op. cit, Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol. 1, XLII, Pt. VI; P. 108
  3. Jat Jyoti:September 2013,p. 7

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