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Lidhran (Hindi: लिढराण, Punjabi: ਲਿਢਰਾਣ) is a village in tahsil Jalandhar -II of district Jalandhar in Punjab. It is situated on Shershah Suri Marg (GT Road) and has a population of around 3500 people.

Jat gotras


Lepel H. Griffin writes:[1]Jai Singh of Lidhran was a Manjha Jat, who, about 1763, having joined the Nishanwala confederacy, obtained 27 villages of Lidhran, and 7 of Khar. After the great defeat of the Sikhs by Ahmad Shah, he fled to the hills and found on his return that the Raja of Pattiala had seized his Khar villages. A long dispute was the result, not ending for many years. A compromise was at last effected by which Pattiala kept three villages and Lidhran four. Jai Singh died in 1773, and was succeeded by his son Charat Singh, who was one of the chiefs who accepted British protection in 1809. On the death of the latter, the estate was divided by General Ochterlony by " chundaband " i.e., according to the number of the wives, of whom there were three. Sirdar Budh Singh is now the head of the family, enjoying as his share of the jagir, Rs. 4571 a year; but the number of sharers has increased to eleven, and from continual sub-divisions, the Lidhran estates will soon be indistinguishable. Their total value is at the present time Rs. 23,558.

Lepel H. Griffin writes:[2] The Lidhran and Sunti Sikhs were, at the time of the conquest of Sirhind, independent members of the Nishanwala confederacy, and when Sirdar Jai Singh seized Lidhran with twenty seven adjacent villages, he was still an independent Chief. * When the Phulkians, in 1718, attacked Ambala, a Nishanwala possession, the Lidhran and Sunti Sikhs both came to the assistance of the besieged and fought against the Nabha troops, proving that at this time, at any rate, they were not vassals of the Nabha Chief, After this time the Lidhran Sikhs were never engaged in active hostilities against Nabha, for an alliance was made and cemented by the marriage of the daughter of Sirdar Jai Singh to Raja Jaswant Singh. But the Sikhs of Sunti, on several subsequent occasions fought against Nabha, and, so late as 1810 and 1814, when they were at war with the Chiefs of Kannah and Karar, Nabha gave them no assistance, as she undoubtedly would have done had they been her acknowledged feudatories.

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