Sihi Faridabad

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Note - Please click → Sihi for details of similarly named villages at other places.

Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Map of Faridabad District

Sihi (सीही) is a village in Faridabad district of Haryana.



It is in Faridabad District

Jat Gotras


Ram Swarup Joon[1] writes .... Chaudhary Gopal Singh of Sihi began to raid the Moghul territory. Combining with the Gujars he killed the Rajput Chaudhary, The Moghul Governor of Faridabad recognised him as the Chaudhary, but after some time he stopped payment of the revenue to the Royal Treasury, and Chaudhary Charan Das was arrested. His son, Bal Ram made solemn promises to deposit the revenue and had his father released.

But he failed to arrange for the money. Father and son killed Murtaza Khan, the Governor of the Pargana, and took shelter with Raja Suraj Mal, and married his daughter to him. Through his help they sought pardon from Delhi Durbar and finally Bal Ram was reinstated as the Ruler of Ballabgarh.

He was a brave soldier in the forces of Raja Suraj Mal. The last ruler of this dynasty was hanged by the British in 1857.

The founders of the princely state of Ballabgarh had come from village Janauli, which is more than 2000 years old. The Tewatia Jat Sardar Gopal Singh left Janauli in 1705 (in Palwal) and got settled at Sihi, a village of Tewatia Jats in Ballabgarh at a distance of about 5 km from Ballabhgarh. The Mughal ruler Aurangzeb had died. Gopal Singh started establishing power in Delhi- Mathura region. With the help of Gujars of village ‘Lagon’ he attacked Rajput Chaudhary of that area and arrived at an agreement with Mugal officer Murtza Khan of Faridabad and became Chaudhary of Faridabad pargana in 1710. He wanted to expand his army and collect huge wealth but died soon. His successor was Charan Das. Charan Das was also ambitious and when saw weakening of the Mughal rule, he stopped paying malgujari. The army of Mughals arrested Charan Das.

Charan Das's son, Balram Singh, later rose to a powerful ruler. Princely state of Ballabgarh is named so after his name. Jats along the Royal Delhi-Agra route at that time were in revolt against the oppressive Mughal rule. Tewatias of this area had already established themselves as counter force in this area. Balram Singh often called Ballu by the local people moved on a few Elephants, Horses and Camels loaded with Big drums (Nagaade) and Dhaunse (big band) followed by his local army. Went wherever Ballu with this band it was assumed that area was no longer of Mughals and Ballu had won that. It was a sort of Aswamedh Yagna that he performed. Here from started a saying "Dheeng Dheeng Ballu ka Raj". Immediately peace returned to those areas, which were conquered by Ballu.

Murtija Khan’s son Akvitmahmud killed Balram Singh on 29 November 1753. After Balram Singh, Maharaja Suraj Mal appointed Balram Singh’s sons Bisan Singh and Kisan Singh as Kiledars. They ruled Ballabhgarh till 1774, when Hira Singh became the ruler of Ballabhgarh.

Raja Nahar Singh ascended the throne in 1829 and proved to be a just ruler. Raja Nahar Singh was ruler of 101 villages of Ballabhgarh.


सीही (AS, p.969): 16 वीं शती में गोसाईं गोकुलनाथ द्वारा लिखित ग्रंथ 'चौरासी वैष्णवन की वार्ता' के अनुसार इस स्थान को महाकवि सूरदास का जन्म स्थान माना गया है और इसे दिल्ली के निकट बताया गया है. 1647 में इस ग्रंथ के संपादक कंठमणि शास्त्री में लिखा था कि सीही गांव का सीहोरा और शेरगढ़ नाम से प्राचीन ग्रंथों में उल्लेख मिलता है.

वर्तमान स्थिति दिल्ली से 10-12 मील दूर (दिल्ली-मथुरा रेलमार्ग पर जिला गुड़गांव के बल्लभगढ़ से 1 मील) स्थित है. किंवदंती है कि प्राचीन काल में इस स्थान पर जन्मेजय ने नागयज्ञ किया था. प्राचीन बस्ती अब एक बृहत टीले के रूप में है जिसे ग्रामवासी खेड़ा कहते हैं. यहां की मिट्टी में जले हुए लोहे के अनुरूप कोई वस्तु पाई जाती है जिसे ग्रामीण 'कीटी' कहते हैं. उनका विश्वास है कि यह जले हुए सर्पों के अस्थि-संचय जैसी कोई वस्तु है. वास्तविकता यह है कि टीले के नीचे पुरानी इमारतों के चिन्ह मिलते हैं और स्थान काफी प्राचीन जान पड़ता है. नगर में पहले लोहा फूंकने का कारखाना स्थित था क्योंकि लोहे की भट्टियों के अवशेष भी यहाँ मिले हैं. लोहे के अवशेषों के आधार पर ही उपर्युक्त किंवदंती गढ़ी गई प्रतीत होती है.अष्टछाप नामक ग्रंथ में भी सीही को सूरदास का जन्म स्थान बताया गया है और इसकी दिल्ली से दूरी 4 कोस कही गई है.


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