Antiquity of Jat Race by US Mahil/Different Names of Jat Race

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Antiquity of Jat Race 1955
Author - Ujagir Singh Mahal

Text Wikified By : Ch. Reyansh Singh

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From very remote antiquity upto the present time Jat race has been migrating and spreading to nearly the whole world. H. G. Wells in his well known book “The Outline of History” on page 630, says that in 1016 a Danish King Canute the Great reigned over England, Denmark and Norway, and his subjects sailed to Iceland, Greenland and perhaps to the American Continent.” It will be shown that these Danes were none but Scythian Jats. The ancient history of this part of the world is in absolute darkness; because there was no Herodotus possessing impartial brain to chronicle the events of that part of the world in a clear manner. Whatever meagre history of that time we have, was written by Christian priests whose minds were full of partiality and special purpose. The Jats when spreading throughout the world, were known by so many different names that I must deal with each name in detail quoting authorities for my conclusion.
1) Getae of Thrace were Jats, their very name shows that. Hewitt in his well known book “The Ruling Races of Pre-historic Times” on page 481 writes about the Jats of the Punjab as follows :-

“Their very name connects them with the Getae of Thrace and thence with the Guttons said by Pytheas to live on the southern shores of the Baltic, the Guttons placed by Ptolemy and Tacitus on the Vistula in the country of Lithuanians and the Goths of Gothland in Sweden. This Scandinavian descent is confirmed by their system of land tenure called Bhayyachara.”

This proof of custom by Hewitt is most important historical evidence for the pur--

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-pose of proving that Goths of Gothland and Jats of the Punjab belong to the same race; because the system of land tenure of Bhayyachara is exclusively a Jat system and is not found in any other race of the world.
2) Jats were called Scythians; because they were the inhabitants of the ancient country of Scythia as described in Chapter I. The Jats who invaded the Punjab and conquered India up to Benares were called Indo-Scythians. It is mentioned on page 400 Volume II of the “Historians’ History of the World” that Scythian was the name of those tribes of central Asia and northern Europe who always invaded their neighbouring civilized races. Scythia is described there as an ancient country which extended from the east of the Caspian Sea and the Valley of rivers Jihon and Sihon (Amu Darya and Sir Darya) through the south of European Russia upto the river Danube. It is mentioned there that Scythians were so powerful that Alexander the Great had to attend to them before risking the invasion of Asia; and that in the succeeding period of time Scythian hordes invaded Greece and occupied Athens. For several centuries Scythians were the contemporaries of the Greek world. They are named by Homer, and for the first time they are mentioned in Hesiod. In Thrace they were well known as milk drinkers, milking mares and residing in house wagons. There were Regal Scythians among them like Darbarawala Jats of the Punjab, and it is said that their kings were elected from among the Regal Scythians. Warfare was their profession. The man who did not kill at least one enemy, could not join the annual dinner of the head of the tribe and was deprived of the liquor cup. Thucydides says that they were so many in number and so dreadful that if they were united, they

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were irresistible, and that to his knowledge there was no race who could resist them. He, however, adds that in the matters of wisdom they were different from others. Is it not a true parallel with the Punjab Jats? Herodotus also had the same idea about their bravery. He, however, does not despise their wisdom but, on the contrary, says that all other races living round about Black sea were stupid, and only Scythians were wise. Diodorus says that Massa Getae were the descendants of Scythians who resided in a small tract of land; but gradually gaining power owing to their bravery extended their kingdom far and wide, and ultimately laid the foundation of a vast and brilliant Empire which extended upto Caucasus mountains.
3) Goth at No. 1 above I have mentioned how Hewitt proves conclusively that Jats of the Punjab belong to the same race as Goths of Gothland. The history of Goths has been written by Jordanes who based his account on the chronicle of Cassiodorus. He clearly connected Goths with the Getae of Thrace. There has been some controversy about this among historians but the fact that the Getae were identical with the Goths has found distinguished supporters. The brilliant reasoning of Hewitt mentioned at No. 1 above has however clinched the issue. On page 482 of his well known book “The Ruling Races of Prehistoric Times”, Hewitt makes another very important observation as follows:

“The Getae of the Balkans are said by Herodotus to be the bravest and' most just of the Thracians. These Thracian Getae must, as a northern race of individual proprietors, have held their lands on the tenure existing in the Jat villages and these Indian Jats or Getae have not degenerated from the military prowess of

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their forefathers, for those Jats who have became Sikhs in the Punjab are known as some of the best and most reliable Indian soldiers. Further evidence, both of the early history and the origin of the race of Jats or Getae, is given by the customs and the Geographical position of another tribe of the same stock called Massa Getae, Massa meaning great in Pahlavi. Herodotus describes them as living on the western shores of the Caspian Sea in the land watered by the Araxes and its tributary the Kur. They continued their old custom of appointing family genealogist to perpetuate the history of the family and the race in the form of Mythic Genealogy.”

The above quotation is most important to prove the inter-relation of so widely distributed communities as belonging to the same race, because everybody in the Punjab knows that Punjab Jats appoint their family genealogists in every village whom they call Mirasies and who perpetuate the genealogy of their community by learning it by rote and reciting it on the occasions of marriages.
How Jats became known as Goths in Sweden is quite simple. For the first letter J the letter G was substituted according to what is called Grimm’s Law of Variation, just as F in German language becomes P in Latin. Compare, for example, English father, mother; German Vater, Mutter; Latin Pater, Mater; Greek Pater, Meter; French Pere, Mere; Armenian Hair, Mair; Sanskrit Pittar, Matar, etc. etc. Every student of the science of Philology knows how words belonging to the same root vary from country to country. Our Sanskrit word Hans, which means goose, becomes Gans in German language, thus changing H into G. The change of the letter J into G is much easier.

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4) Jute. Green, the well known English historian, says that Jutes were the European tribe whose name is still preserved in their district of Jutland. Gardiner also says that Jutes had their home in Jutland. It is thus clear that the district of Jutland in Denmark was so called because it was the home of Jutes. Every Punjab student of history will wonder why the inhabitants of Jutland were called Jutes and not Juts which is the Punjabee name of the race. When according to Green, Jutland was so called because it was the home of Jutes, why was it not called Juteland as the home of the neighbouring Goths was called Gothland? The simple answer is that it was named Jutland because the original inhabitants of this place were Juts. In the course of centuries the above mentioned Grimm’s Law of Variation affected the name of the tribe which began to be called Jutes. That law failed to change the name of the territory which is always rigid. The fact that these Jutes who were subsequently called Danes were close neighbours of Goths of Gothland, goes a very long way to prove that like Goths they belonged to Jat race. This fact is further proved by their unparalleled bravery, because Jutes were the first conquerors of Britain. Even when later on Saxons invaded the shore of Southampton Water, they could not succeed without reinforcement by a body of Jutes who formed settlements of their own in the Isle of Wight and on the mainland. The historical material of those times is so meagre that some historians confuse Saxons with Jutes as belonging to the same race, although not only the race was different, but even the territory where they lived was quite separate. Jutes were Scythian Jats while Angles and Saxons belonged to Teutonic race.
5) Danes, Vikings or Normans. H. G. Wells in “The Outline of History” in chapter 32 Sec-

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tion 4, says that there were very small racial and social differences between Angles, Saxon, Jute, Dane or Norman. As mentioned at No. 4 above, he has confused Angles and Saxons who belong to Teutonic race with Jutes, Danes and Normans who belonged to Scythian race. The fact that they were allies in their raids upon Britain is not enough for their racial confusion. Vikings were called Northmen because they lived in the north, while Angles and Saxons lived in the south. Northmen ultimately were abbreviated into Normans. In 912 an expedition of these Normans under Rolf the Ganger established itself upon the coast of France in the region that was known henceforth as Normandy (Northmandy). There was a fresh conquest of England by the Danes and the Norman Duke of Normandy became King of England. This will be mentioned in detail in another chapter. Here I am concerned only with the fact that Danes, Vikings or Normans were all Jutes. They were all different names of the same race of Scythian Jats.
6) Yuechi. This is a word by which Chinese knew the Jats. H. G. Wells in “The Outline of History” Chapter 28 Section 4, says about Yueh-chi as follows:-

“These Yueh-chi conquered the slightly Hellenized Kingdoms of Bacteria, and mixed with Aryan people there. Later on these "Yueh-chi became, or were merged with Aryan elements into a people called the Indo-Scythians who went on down the Khyber Pass and conquered northern portions of India as far as Benares (100-150 a. D.) wiping out the last vestiges of Hellenic rule in India. This big splash over the Mongolian races west-ward was probably not the first of such splashes, but it is the first recorded splash,”

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H. G. Wells is here speaking about the ancestors of the present Punjab Jats who conquered Greeko-Bactarian Kingdom, and thus occupied Punjab and India upto Benares. I am concerned here only with the fact that those Jats were called Yuechi by Chinese. I must, however, point out that H. G. Wells is making a great mistake in saying that those Jats mixed with Aryan people and were merged with Aryan elements. Every Punjabee knows that Jats are the most exclusive race in the world. They never merge with any other race. In the Punjab it is common knowledge that if any Jat marries even a Brahman woman, he is at once excommunicated. As a rule a Jat belonging to any religion will always marry a Jat woman and will never give the hand of his daughter to anyone excepting a Jat. We have, therefore, to be cautious when reading the histories written by European authors; because even some of the most brilliant historians commit mistakes, sometimes confusing Jats with Medes, sometimes with Angles and Saxons, and sometimes with Aryans. A Jat can be easily distinguished from the Aryan race of the Punjab by his Physiognomy and other characteristics or even by the accent or tone of his speech.
7) Jetteh. This was the word used by Mugals during the warfare of Jats with Taimur in central Asia. Here the reader should note the variation of names of Jat race according to Grimm’s Law of Variation. From Yuechi in China they became Jetteh in Central Asia, Getae in Thrace, Jutes in Jutland and Goths in Gothland. In this book I propose to use the simple word Jat for all the different names so thoroughly discussed above in some detail. This detailed discussion was necessary, so that the conventional student of history may not be startled when I use the word Jats for Normans, Goths, Jutes, Danes or the ancient Medes who were so unfortunately confused with Manda Jats by a Philological mistake as mentioned in detail in Chapter I above.

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