Raja Bhagwan Singh

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The Nabha rulers genealogy
Genealogy of Phul

Raja Bhagwan Singh (राजा भगवानसिंह) (b.1842. r.1864-d.1871) was in the seventh generation of the Originator of the Phulkian Dynasty, Chaudhari Phul of Siddhu-Barad Jat clan.

Ancestors of Bhagwan Singh

Phul’s descendants founded 3 States: Patiala, Jind and Nabha. Nabha was a state of Siddhu Jats founded by grandson of Chaudhary Phul Singh in 1755.

Tiloka had two sons namely, 1. Gurudutta 2. Sukh Chain. Sukh Chain's descendants ruled Jind state. Gurudatta's descendants ruled Nabha state. Gurudatta's only son was Surat Singh. Surat Singh died in 1742 prior to Gurudatta in 1744.

Surat Singh had two sons 1. Hamir Singh (1755-1783 ) and 2. Kapur Singh.

Hamir Singh's son Raja Jaswant Singh (1783-1840) became the ruler. He had two sons namely 1. Raja Devendra Singh and 2. Ranjit Singh.

Raja Devendra Singh had two sons namely, 1. Raja Bharpur Singh and 2. Raja Bhagwan Singh. Raja Bharpur Singh died in 1863 prior to Raja Devendra Singh. Raja Bhagwan Singh ruled from 1864-1871. He had no son, so he adopted Raja Hira Singh (1871-1911).

Raja Bhagwan Singh

Raja Bhagwan Singh 5th Raja of Nabha 1863/1871, born 30th November 1842 in Nabha, he ascended the gadi on 17th February 1864. He died of tuberculosis at Nabha on 31st May 1871.[1]

The installation of Raja Bhagwan Singh, AD 1864

The payment of the Nazrana was consequently demanded, * and the installation of the new Chief took place on the 17th of February 1864, in presence

" terview, he was in another room. Bhagwan Singh had no private interview with his brother before the latter’s death ; but he was with us. The brothers did not speak to each other. When told the Kour Sahib (Bhagwan Singh) was there, he said "well; let him comfort himself (tasalli rakha) and he Bhagwan Singh was crying or shedding tears”. After this nothing more passed, and the Raja soon became insensible.

Jiun Singh, Nafar or House servant: - " They took him (the Raja) down stairs. I went to inform the Kour Sahib (Bhagwan Singh) and he came and met his brother coming down etairs. He got worse every moment. I went to the Mai Sahiba’s ante-chamber (deorhi) and gave the news, she came to her son. After she left he became worse: he was senseless for two hours before death."

Bukshish Singh, Servant of the Raja,-“ They brought him (the Raja) down at about midnight, but I don’t recollect. The Kour Sahib met us at the bottom of the stairs. He remained in the Janpan in which he was brought down. He did not speak to the Kour Sahib, who was crying : and people put him aside lest he should disturb the Raja."

Many other depositions might be quoted containing proof, direct or implied, that the Raja held no conversation with his brother at all on the night of his death ; that the question of the succession was not even mentioned ; and that the story of the Nabha ministers, related to the Maharaja of Pattiala of the Raja of Jhind, and repeated in their letters, was a fiction from beginning to end. Sirdar Gurbaksh Singh, the Prime Minister, and Manowar Ali Khan, another Minister, calling on the Political Agent on the 17th December, repeated to him the story of the Raja formally nominating his brother on the night of his death in the presence of the Ministers ; but at the subsequent investigation at Nabba, the account of Gurbaksh Singh was quite different, as has been shown, while it is certain that Manowar Ali Khan was never present at all on the night of the Raja’s death.

* Commissioner Cis-Satlej States to Government Punjab, No. 312 dated 17th December 1863. Government Punjab to Government of India, No. 480 dated 21st December 1868. Government of India to Government Punjab, No. 54 dated 15th January 1864.

राजा भगवानसिंह

17 फरवरी सन् 1864 को राजा भगवानसिंह गद्दी पर बैठे। इस अवसर पर राजा साहब पटियाला, जींद, नवाब मालेर कोटला एवं और बहुत से रईस उपस्थित थे। सर एडवर्ड हरवर्टस के जनरल लार्ड जार्ज मेजर सी० वी० कमान अफसर फौज अम्बाला आदि बहुत से अंग्रेज भी सम्मिलित हुए थे। इस मौके पर सरकार की ओर से 15 खिलअत, एक घोड़ा और एक हाथी दिया गया। इस प्रकार गद्दी-नशीनी का उत्सव अत्यन्त धूम-धाम से सम्पन्न हुआ।

राजा भगवानसिंह के राज्याधिकारी होते ही उन्हें कई आफतों का सामना करना पड़ा। इधर रियासत के कार्यकर्त्ताओं में फूट पड़ गई, उधर कुछ समय बाद यह समाचार फैला कि राजा भरपूरसिंह को जहर देकर मार दिया गया। पहले तो यह बात छिपी रही पर फिर बड़े जोर से सर्वसाधारण में फैल गई।

भरपूरसिंह के जहर देकर मार देने की बात जांच होने पर बिलकुल निराधार साबित हुई। यह बात सभी लोग जानते थे कि राजा साहब कई महीनों से अस्वस्थ थे पर तो भी कुचक्रियों द्वारा गढ़ी हुई यह बात निर्मूल हुई।

सोन्ती और लढ़रान के मुकदमे की बाबत लिखा जा चुका है। सरकार ने यहां के सिख सरदारों के लिए फैसला भी कर दिया था जो करीब-करीब उन्हीं के पक्ष में था। पर यह झगड़ा राजा भगवानसिंह के जमाने में फिर खड़ा हुआ। कमिश्नर ने महाराज पटियाला और जींद की राय से यह फैसला दिया कि सोन्ती के सिखों को रियासत नाभा उसके बदले में 50,000) रुपया सालाना देती रहे। इस फैसले को सरकार ने भी मंजूर कर लिया था, परन्तु सिख सरदारों ने स्वीकार

जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज, पृष्ठान्त-508

न किया। उन्होंने विलायत तक इसकी अपील की। आखिरकार सतलज के कमिश्नर ने इस मुकदमे की एक अंतिम रिपोर्ट पेश की और उसको गवर्नमेण्ट हिन्द ने स्वीकार किया।

राजा भगवानसिंह का भी मई सन् 1871 में देहान्त हो गया। यद्यपि आप जब गद्दी पर बैठे तो काफी झगड़े-बखेड़े थे पर आपने बुद्धिमानी-पूर्वक सबका सही सामना किया। वह नि:संतान थे, अतः बड़रूखां खानदान फूल से सरदार हीरासिंह जी 10 अगस्त सन् 1871 ई० को रियासत के अधिकारी हुए।


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