Maharaja Ripudaman Singh

Maharaja Ripudaman Singh (महाराज रिपुदमनसिंह) (b.1883, r. 1911-1923 deposed,d.1942) was in the ninth generation of the Originator of the Phulkian Dynasty, Chaudhari Phul of Siddhu-Barad Jat clan.
Ancestors of Ripudaman Singh
Phul’s descendants founded 3 States: Patiala, Jind and Nabha. Nabha was a state of Siddhu Jats founded by grandson of Chaudhary Phul Singh in 1755.
Tiloka had two sons namely, 1. Gurudutta 2. Sukh Chain. Sukh Chain's descendants ruled Jind state. Gurudatta's descendants ruled Nabha state. Gurudatta's only son was Surat Singh. Surat Singh died in 1742 prior to Gurudatta in 1744.
Surat Singh had two sons 1. Hamir Singh (1755-1783 ) and 2. Kapur Singh.
Hamir Singh's son Raja Jaswant Singh (1783-1840) became the ruler. He had two sons namely 1. Raja Devendra Singh and 2. Ranjit Singh.
Raja Devendra Singh had two sons namely, 1. Raja Bharpur Singh and 2. Raja Bhagwan Singh. Raja Bharpur Singh died in 1863 prior to Raja Devendra Singh. Raja Bhagwan Singh ruled from 1864-1871. He had no son, so he adopted Raja Hira Singh (1871-1911).
Raja Hira Singh ruled from 1871-1911. He was honoured with G.C.S.I. and G.C.I.I. titles by British. His only son was: Maharaja Ripudaman Singh (1911-1923) or Gurcharan Singh, who became ruler in 1912 after Raja Hira Singh.
Maharaja Ripudaman Singh
Maharaja Ripudaman Singh was 7th Raja of Nabha 1911/1923 (deposed), born 4th March 1883 in Nabha, educated privately, Member of the Imperial Legislative Council in Calcutta 1906/1908, introduced the Anand Marriage Bill, presided over the Indian National Social Conference held at Lahore in 1909, attended the coronation of King George V at Westminster on 22nd June 1911, succeeded his father as Maharaja, and installed on the gaddi on 24th January 1912, investiture took place on 20th December 1912, granted a local salute of 15 guns in 1921, signed a letter of voluntary abdication on 7th July 1923, and the British government formally deposed him on 2nd February 1928 and he was sent to Dehra Dun on an annual pension of 300,000Rs, deprived of the title Maharaja in 1923, later moved in 1926 to Kodaikanal on a reduced pension where he died; early in 1927 he went on a pilgrimage to Sri Abichalnagar Hazur Sahib, Nanded, where he took the Khalsa pahul (initiation rites) a second time and was renamed Sardar Gurcharan Singh, he married 1stly, 1901, HH Maharani Bibi Jagdhish Kaur, born 1884, died 4th August 1927, daughter of Sardar Gur Dayal Singh Mann, married 2ndly, 10th October 1918, HH Maharani Sarojani Devi, daughter of Maj. Sardar Prem Singh Raipuria, and had issue, three sons and two daughters, as well as further issue. He died 13th December 1942 in Kodaikanal. [1]
महाराज रिपुदमनसिंह
राजा हीरासिंह की मृत्यु के पश्चात् कुंवर रिपुदमनसिंह गद्दी पर बैठे। आपकी उम्र इस वक्त 29 वर्ष की थी। महाराज रिपुदमनसिंह के योरुप से लौटने पर अर्थात् 24 जनवरी सन् 1912 को सिंहासनारूढ़ होने का समारोह हुआ। महाराज पटियाला और इनमें आपसी मनोमालिन्य के बढ़ने और रियासत के ऋण-ग्रस्त होने के कारण ऐसी स्थिति उत्पन्न हुई कि गद्दी से पृथक् हो जाना पड़ा। जिस समय आप गद्दी से अलग हुए, कुछ अखबारों ने लिखा था कि स्वाभिमान की मात्रा और न झुकने की नीति ने आज महाराज रिपुदमनसिंह जी को ऐसी परिस्थिति में डाला है। बहुत समय तक आपने यह कौशिश की कि सरकार उन्हें नाभा के प्रबन्ध करने का एक
जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज, पृष्ठान्त-509
बार अवसर दे। कुछ दिन आपने अपना नाम रिपुदमनसिंह की बजाय श्री गुरुचरणसिंह जी रख लिया। उस समय आपने दक्षिण भारत के एक किले में निवास किया।
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