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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (Retd.)

Durlabhaka (634-684 AD) (दुर्लभक) was was a king of Kashmir for 50 years.[1] Durlabhaka was son of Durlabhavardhana by queen Ananga. He built a beautiful town named Pratapapura, identified with present Budgam.



In Rajatarangini

Rajatarangini [5] mentions ....Durlabhaka was son of Durlabhavardhana by queen Ananga then reigned. He assumed the name of Pratapaditya after the title of the dynasty of his maternal grandfather by whom he was adopted as his son. He had a rich minister named Oda, who built a village named Hanumata for the habitation of the Brahmanas. This powerful king built a beautiful town named Pratapapura, where merchants from many places came and settled ; and among others Nona from Rohita. This Nona built Nonamatha for the habitation of the Brahmanas of Rohita.


दुर्लभक (634-684 ई.): दुर्लभक दुर्लभवर्धन का पुत्र एवं उत्तराधिकारी था। इसके अनेक सिक्के प्राप्त हुए हैं। इन पर इसे 'श्रीप्रताप' कहा गया है। उसने प्रतापुर नगर बसाया था। उसने प्रतापादित्य की उपाधि धारण की सिंहासन ग्रहण किया। प्रतापपुर नगर की स्थापना दुर्लभक द्वारा की गयी। उसके तीन पुत्रों का क्रम इस प्रकार था - चन्द्रपीड, तारापीड एवं मुक्तापीड अथवा ब्रजादित्य-I, उदयादित्य, एवं ललितादित्य-I। इन तीनों में तारापीड को कल्हण ने क्रूर शासक बताया है।[6]

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