
From Jatland Wiki
Welcome to Jatland Wiki's People Section

The links below include an introduction to the Jats, the gotras, the leaders of the community, Life, culture and traditions of Jats. Click the links below to see details

A brief introduction of the Jats (जाट परिचय) Jat History (जाट इतिहास)Jat Gotras (जाट गोत्र)Important DatesReservation in Jobs for OBC

Famous Jat People (प्रसिद्ध जाट): • The AcademiciansThe ActorsThe AdvocatesThe ArtistsThe AdministratorsThe Ancient JatsThe AuthorsThe Brave PeopleThe DoctorsThe DonorsThe EngineersThe Excellent KidsThe Freedom FightersThe Industrialists and BusinessmenThe InnovatorsThe LeadersThe PlayersThe Record HoldersThe ReformersThe RulersThe Social WorkersThe TechnocratsThe Wrestlers

Life, culture and traditions of Jats (जाटों का जीवन, संस्कृति और परम्पराएं): • Physical featuresJat languagesJat costumesJat food habitsJat professionsJat ReligionsJat marriagesJat social customsJat folk dancesJat Organizations

Division of Jats (जाटों का वर्गीकरण): • Categories of Jats, • Jat Clan System, • Khap, • Gotra, • Vansha (• Chandravansh, • Suryavansh, • Agnivansh, • Nagavansh).

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