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(Tara, Tanda, Tandi, Tadi)

Location  : Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat

Country  : India

Languages : Rajasthani, Haryanvi, Hindi, Gujarati

Religion  : Hinduism

Tada (टाडा)[1] [2] Tada (ताडा) Tara (ताड़ा)[3] Tanda (टांडा)[4] Tandi (टांडी) Tadi (टाडी) is gotra of Jats found in Haryana, Western Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and in Gujarat.


Jat Gotras Namesake


V. S. Agrawala[7] mentions Vishayas known to Panini which includes - Tandadeva (तंडदेव) , under Aishukari Gana (ऐषुकारि गण) (IV.2.54).

Samavidhana Brahmana speaks of a dynasty of Tandis. [8] [9] They seem to be of Iranan origin and descendants of Asura Taraka (ताड़क), whose father's name was Tara.[10]

Villages founded by Tada clan

In Ramayana

The Kishkindha Kanda Sarga 42 in Ramayana mentions that Sugreeva sends troops to west side to search for Seetha under the leadership of Sushena, the father of lady Tara. Describing the various provinces like Surashtra, Balhika and Chandrachitra (Mathura), Western Ocean, River Sindhu and magnificent mountains that are situated at the northwest of India, cities like Murachi, Jatapura, Avanti and Angalepa and also the ocean down south to it, namely the present Arabian Sea and almost up to Persian provinces, he orders monkey troops to return within one month's time. [11]

Bala Kanda Sarga 17 mentions that The gods become progenitors Vanara heroes at the dictate of Brahma to come to the aid of Rama in annihilating Ravana. There is mention of a vanara named Tara - Brihaspati, the Jupiter, gave rise to a great Vanara named Tara, who is the most important one among all vanara-s, and who excels all by his intelligence. [1-17-11] [12]

In Kishkindha Kanda Sarga 46 Sugreeva's knowledge of physical world is acquired when Vali put him to flight. Sugriva narrates to Rama about Tara:

Unhopeful of Vali's aliveness then I arrived in Kishkindha, and on getting the very magnificent kingdom of Kishkindha, and also Ruma along with Tara, I was peaceably staying there with friends. [4-46-8, 9] [13]

Distribution in Rajasthan

Villages in Jodhpur district

Bisalpur, Jodhpur, Merasiya,

Villages in Nagaur district

Basani Seja, Chanchiawas, Chimrani, Indawar, Kaliyas, Kalwa, Morra, Mundiyar, Nathawara, Nokha Chandawata, Pundlota, Ren, Tadawas, Tado Ki Dhani,

Locations in Jaipur city

Maharani Farm,

Villages in Jaipur district

Tada (टाडा) Jats live in villages: Renwal (2),

Tadi (टाडी) Jats live in villages: Renwal (1),

Tanda] Jats live in villages: Renwal (1),

Tada] Jats live in villages: Tada ki Dhani, Naradpura, Jamwaramgarh (3),

Villages in Barmer district


Villages in Pali district

Jhujanda, Lalki, Manda Pali, Megharda, Pali,

Villages in Ajmer district


Villages in Hanumangarh district

Shergarh, Ratanpura,

Villages in Jalore district

Jaton Ka Goliya,

Distribution in Haryana

Village in Charkhi Dadari district

Khorda, Kakdoli Hukmi,

Village in Bhiwani district

Dhani Kishanlal (Siwani)

Distribution in Madhya Pradesh

Villages in Harda district

Baidi, Chhipaner, Dewas Harda, Harda, Kunjargaon, Rijgaon, Sonkhedi, Sontalai,

Villages in Ratlam district

Villages in Ratlam district with population of Tada (टाडा) gotra are:

Berchha 3, Dantodiya 1, Hanumanpalia 1, Jharsandala 1, Kunwajhagar 4, Madhopura Ratlam 1, Namli 1, Raoti 1, Rojana 1, Songarh 1,

Villages in Ratlam district with population of Tadi (टाडी) gotra are: Berchha 1,

Villages in Ratlam district with population of Tandi (टांडी) gotra are:

Badauda 2, Berchha 1, Bilpank 20, Chikliya 1, Damottar 3, Dantodiya 2, Delanpur 1, Dhamottar 3, Dhaunswas 2, Dheekwa 70, Dodiana 1, Ghatwas 1, Gunawad 3, Hanumanpalia 6, Jawra 1, Jharsandala 3, Kalmoda 1, Kalori 11, Kalori khurd 17, Kanchan khedi 2, Kanser 1, Karmadi 2, Lapatia 3, Mundari 1, Namli 7, Narayangarh sailana 1, Negarda 3, Panchewa 1, Piploda 17, Ratlam 4, Shakar Khedi 1, Sikhedi 41, Sinod 2,

Villages in Dewas district

Villages of Tada (टाडा) gotra are: Ajnas, Deola, Jiyagaon, Khategaon, Piplani

Villages in Dhar district


Villages in Sehore district

Gopalpur Sehore,

Villages in Ujjain district

Bakaniya[14], Hakkanipura, Khandoda, Samanera,

Distribution in Maharashtra

Villages in Jalgaon district


Distribution in Punjab

In Hoshiarpur district the Tara population is 1,800. [15]

Notable persons

  • Sita Ram Choudhary (Tada) - VP. Basniseja, TEL. Merta City, PS. GOTAN, Present Address : C-65 Tara Nagar, Near Khirani Phatak, Jhotwara, Jaipur. Resident Phone Number : 9414190071, Mobile Number : 9829037071
  • H. Mangi Lal Tada - From village Manda Pali, Businessman, Kuppam Dist Chtoor, AP. Ph:08570-255945[16]
  • J. Megharam Tada - From village Manda Pali, Businessman, Kuppam Dist Chtoor, AP. Ph:08570-255945[17]
  • Ajay Choudhary (Tada) - SDE, BSNL, Vill.- Chanchiawas,PO- Banwarla, Teh.- Degana, Distt.- Nagaur, Present Address : Q.No.2,Type IV, RTTC, BSNL, Road No.14, VKIA, Jaipur, Residence Phone Number : 0141-2460306, Mobile Number : 9413395105, Email Address : ajay5choudhary@rediffmail.com
  • Vipin Tada: IPS 2012 batch, UP Cadre, SP Ajamgarh city, From Jodhpur, M: +91 9560655855
  • Bhika Ram Tada: Martyr of 1962 Indo China war
  • Ramdev Singh Tada - Principal, Beaor, Ajmer, Mob: 8764204243. Originally from Megarda, Pali.

Gallery of Tada people


  1. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. ट-6
  2. O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.41,s.n. 975
  3. O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.43,s.n. 1125
  4. O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.41,s.n. 975
  5. V. S. Agrawala: India as Known to Panini, 1953, p.498
  6. Corpus Inscriptionium Indicarium Vol IV Part 2 Inscriptions of the Kalachuri-Chedi Era, Vasudev Vishnu Mirashi, 1905. pp. 588-594
  7. V. S. Agrawala: India as Known to Panini, 1953, p.498
  8. ibid , vol. I. p. 340
  9. Bhim Singh Dahiya, Jats the Ancient Rulers ( A clan study), p. 291
  10. Srimad-Bhagavatam 1:7:18, Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Text and purport of HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.
  11. ततः प्रस्थाप्य सुग्रीवः तान् हरीन् दक्षिणाम् दिशम् । :अब्रवित् मेघ संकाशम् सुशेषणम् नाम वानरम् ॥४-४२-१॥ तारायाः पितरम् राजा श्वशुरम् भीम विक्रमम् । :अब्रवीत् प्रांजलिः वाक्यम् अभिगम्य प्रणम्य च ॥४-४२-२॥ वेलातल निवेष्टेषु पर्वतेषु वनेषु च ।मुरची पत्तनम् चैव रम्यम् चैव जटा पुरम् ॥४-४२-१३॥ अवंतीम् अंगलेपाम् च तथा च अलक्षितम् वनम् ।राष्ट्राणि च विशालानि पत्तनानि ततः ततः ॥४-४२-१४॥
  12. बृहस्पतिः तु अजनयत् तारम् नाम महा कपिम् ।सर्व वानर मुख्यानाम् बुद्धिमन्तम् अनुत्तमम् ॥१-१७-११॥
  13. अशक्नुवन् निष्क्रमितुम् महिषो विनशिष्यति । ततो अहम् आगाम् किष्किंधाम् निराशः तस्य जीविते ॥४-४६-८॥ राज्यम् च सुमहत् प्राप्य ताराम् च रुमया सह । मित्रैः च सहितः तत्र वसामि विगत ज्वरः ॥४-४६-९॥
  14. User:Sk56
  15. History and study of the Jats. B.S Dhillon. p.127
  16. Jat Samaj, September 2005, p. 34
  17. Jat Samaj, September 2005, p. 34

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