Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Book I Chapter 52

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Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Mahabharata Book I Section 57

mentions the names of Nagas who fell into the fire of the snake-sacrifice


(Astika Parva continued)

"Saunaka said, 'O son of a Suta, I desire to hear the names of all those Nagas that fell into the fire of this snake-sacrifice!'

"Sauti replied, 'Many thousands and tens of thousands and billions of snakes fell into the fire. O most excellent Brahmana, so great is the number that I am unable to count them all. So far, however, as I remember, hear the names I mention of the principal snakes cast into the fire. Hear first the names of the principal ones of Vasuki's race alone, of colour blue, red and white of terrible form and huge body and deadly poison. Helpless and miserable and afflicted with their mother's curse, they fell into the sacrificial fire like libations of butter.

Nagas born of Vasuki

"Kotika, Manasa, Purna, Saha, Pola, Halisaka, Pichchhila, Konapa, Chakra, Kona, Vega, Prakalana, Hiranyavahu, Sharana, Kakshaka, Kaladantaka--

these Nagas born of Vasuki, fell into the fire.

And, O Brahmana, numerous other Nagas well-born, and of terrible form and great strength, were burnt in the blazing fire.

Nagas of the race of Takshaka

I shall now mention those born in the race of Takshaka. Hear thou their names.

Puchchandaka, Mandalaka, Pindasekta, Ramenaka; Uchchhika, Surasa, Drangas (Bhanga ?), Balaheda, Virohana; Shili, Shala, Kara, Muka, Sukumara, Pravepana, Mudgara and Shasharoma, Sumana and Mahahanu, Vegavahana

These snakes born of Takshaka fell into the fire.

Nagas of race of Airavata

And Paravata, Pariyatra, Pandara, Harina, Krisha, Vihanga, Sharabha, Moda, Pramoda, Sanhatangada

--these born in the race of Airavata fell into the fire.

Nagas of the race Kauravya

Now hear, O best of Brahmanas, the names of the snakes I mention born in the race of Kauravya:

Eraka (Aindila), Kundala, Munda, Veniskandha, Kumaraka, Bahuka, Shringavega, Dhurtaka, Pratara and Astaka.

There born in the race of Kauravya fell into the fire.

Nagas of race of Dhritarashtra

Now hear the names I mention, in order, of those snakes endued with the speed of the wind and with virulent poison, born in the race of Dhritarashtra:

Shankukarna, Pingalaka, Kuthara, Mukhamechaka; Purnangada, Purnamukha, Prahasa, Shakuni, Dari, Amahatha, Komathaka, Shavasana, Manava, Vata, Bhairava, Mundavedanga, Pishanga, Udraparaka, Rishabha, Vegavan, Pindaraka; Mahahanu, Raktanga, Sarvasaranga, Samriddha, Pata and Vasaka (?); Varahaka, Varanaka, Sumitra, Chitravegika, Parashara, Tarunaka, Maniskandha and Aruni.

"O Brahmana, thus I have recited the names of the principal Nagas known widely for their achievements--

I have not been able to name all, the number being countless. The sons of these Nagas, the sons of those sons, that were burnt having fallen into the fire, I am unable to mention.

They are so many! Some of three heads, some of seven, others of ten, of poison like unto the fire at the end of the yuga and terrible in form,--they were burnt by thousands!

"Many others, of huge bodies, of great speed, tall as mountain summits, of the length of a yama, of a yojana, and of two yojanas, capable of assuming at will any form and of mastering at will any degree of strength, of poison like unto blazing fire, afflicted by the curse of a mother, were burnt in that great 'sacrifice.'"

Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Mahabharata Book I Chapter 52

Book 1 Chapter 52

 1 [ष]
     ये सर्पाः सर्पसत्रे ऽसमिन पतिता हव्यवाहने
     तेषां नामानि सर्वेषां शरॊतुम इच्छामि सूतज
 2 [स]
     सहस्राणि बहून्य अस्मिन परयुतान्य अर्बुदानि च
     न शक्यं परिसंख्यातुं बहुत्वाद वेदवित्तम
 3 यथा समृतितु नामानि पन्नगानां निबॊध मे
     उच्यमानानि मुख्यानां हुतानां जातवेदसि
 4 वासुकेः कुलजांस तावत परधान्येन निबॊध मे
     नीलरक्तान सितान घॊरान महाकायान विषॊल्बणान
 5 कॊटिकॊ मानसः पूर्णः सहः पौलॊ हलीसकः
     पिच्छिलः कॊणपश चक्रः कॊण वेगः प्रकालनः
 6 हिरण्यवाहः शरणः कक्षकः कालदन्तकः
     एते वासुकिजा नागाः परविष्टा हव्यवाहनम
 7 तक्षकस्य कुले जातान परवक्ष्यामि निबॊध तान
     पुच्छण्डकॊ मण्डलकः पिण्ड सेत्ता रमेणकः
 8 उच्छिखः सुरसॊ दरङ्गॊ बलहेडॊ विरॊहणः
     शिली शल करॊ मूकः सुकुमारः प्रवेपनः
 9 मुद्गरः शशरॊमासुमना, महाहनू वेगवाहनः
     एते तक्षकजा नागाः परविष्टा हव्यवाहनम
 10 पारावतः पारियात्रः पाण्डरॊ हरिणः कृशः
    विहंगः शरभॊ मॊदः प्रमॊदः संहताङ्गदः
11 ऐरावत कुलाद एते परैविष्टा हव्यवाहनम
    कौरव्य कुलजान नागाञ शृणु मे दविजसत्तम
12 ऐण्डिलः कुण्डलॊ मुण्डॊ वेणि सकन्धः कुमारकः
    बाहुकः शृङ्गवेगशधूर्तकः पातपातरौ
13 धृतराष्ट्र कुले जाताञ शृणु नागान यथातथम
    कीर्त्यमानान मया बरह्मन वातवेगान विषॊल्बणान
14 शङ्कुकर्णः पिङ्गलकः कुठार मुखमेचकौ
    पूर्णाङ्गदः पूर्णमुखः परहसः शकुनिर दरिः
15 आमाहठः कॊमठकः शवसनॊ मानवॊ वटः
    भैरवॊ मुण्डवेदाङ्गः पिशङ्गश चॊद्र पारगः
16 ऋषभॊ वेगवान नाम पिण्डारक महाहनू
    रक्ताङ्गः सर्वसारङ्गः समृद्धः पाट राक्षसौ
17 वराहकॊ वारणकः सुमित्रश चित्रवेदकः
    पराशरस तरुणकॊ मणिस्कन्धस तथारुणिः
18 इति नागा मया बरह्मन कीर्तिताः कीर्तिवर्धनाः
    परधान्येन बहुत्वात तु न सर्वे परिकीर्तिताः
19 एतेषां पुत्रपौत्रास तु परसवस्य च संततिः
    न शक्याः परिसंख्यातुं ये दीप्तं पावकं गताः
20 सप्त शीर्षा दविशीर्षाश च पञ्चशीर्षास तथापरे
    कालानलविषा घॊरा हुताः शतसहस्रशः
21 महाकाया महावीर्याः शैलशृङ्गसमुच्छ्रयाः
    यॊजनायाम विस्तारा दवियॊजनसमायताः
22 कामरूपाः कामगमा दीप्तानलविषॊल्बणाः
    दग्धास तत्र महासत्रे बरह्मदण्डनिपीडिताः

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