Rivers in Rigveda

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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (Retd.)

Here is List of Rivers mentioned in Rigveda. The references to Mandala are given in bracket.
Geography of the Rigveda and Cemetery H cultures are indicated


G - K

  • Jahnavi (जह्नावी) (I.116.19, III.58.6.). The Ganga river is also known as Jahnvi (जाह्नवी), Janhavi or Jhanvi, meaning "daughter of Jahnu".

M - S

  • Parusni (परुष्णी) (IV.22.2,V.52.9,VII.18.8, 9, VIII.75.15,X.75.5. ) - Ravi River, Central River of Pakistan)
  • Prayiyu (प्रयियु) (VIII.19.37.) - (Bara)
  • Rasa (रसा) (I.112.12, IV.43.6, V.41.15; 53.9, VIII.72.13, X.75.6; 108.1, 2; 121.4. ) - on the upper Indus (often a mythical river, Avestan Rangha, Scythian Rha)
  • Sarasvati ( I.3.10-12, I.89.3., I.13.9; 142.9; 164.49, 52; 188.8, II.1.11; 3.8; 30.8; 32.8; 41.16-18,III.4.8; 23.4; 54.13, V.5.8; 42.12; 43.11; 46.2, VI.49.7; 50.12. 52.6; 61.1-7, 10-11, 13-14, VII.2.8; 9.5; 35.11; 36.6; 39.5; 40.3; 95.1-2, 4-6; 96.1, 3-6, VIII.21.17, 18; 38.10; 54.4, IX.5.8; 67.32; 81.4, X.17.7-9; 30.12; 64.9; 65.1,13; 66.5;75.5; 110.8; 131.5; 141.5; 184.2 ) - References to the Sarasvati river in the Rigveda are identified with the present-day Ghaggar River, although the Arghandāb River (a tributary of Helmand River) as a possible locus of early Rigvedic references has been discussed.
  • Sarayu (सरयु) (IV.30.18, V.53.9, X.64.9, ) (Uttar Pradesh) - Eastern River
  • Silamavati (?)
  • Sindhu River (Indus (I.83.1, I.44.12; 122.6; 126.1; 186.5, IV.30.12; 54.6; 55.3, V.53.9,VIII.12.3; 20.24, 25; 25.14; 26.18, 72.7, IX.97.58, X.64.9; 65.13; 66.11; 75.1, 3-4, 6-9.)
  • Susartu (सुसर्तु) (X.75.6.)
  • Susoma (सुसोमा) (VIII.7.29; 64.11, X.75.5.) - (Sohan River), The minor eastern tributary of Indus River
  • Sutudri (सुतुद्री) (X.75.5.) - (Sutlej River), Central River of Pakistan)
  • Suvastu (सुवास्तु) (VIII.19.37.) - Swat River
  • Sveti (X.75.6.)
  • Svetya (?)
  • Svetyavari (स्वेत्यावरी) (VIII.26.18,)

T- Z

See also

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