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Surasa (सुरस) was a Nagavanshi king mentioned in Mahabharata (I.52.8), (I.61.56), (V.101.4,16) born in the race of Takshaka. Another Surasā (सुरसा) was a daughter of Daksha and mother of all Nagas.

Present place

He probably founded ancient village Sursura (सुरसरा), Kishangarh, Ajmer, Rajasthan.

In Mahabharata

Surasa (सुरस) (Naga) in Mahabharata (I.52.8), (I.61.56), (V.101.4,16)

Surasa (सुरसा) (L) (I.60.59,66),

Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Book I Chapter 52 mentions the names of Nagas who fell into the fire of the snake-sacrifice. Surasa (सुरस) (Naga) is mentioned in Mahabharata (I.52.8).[1]..... Those born in the race of Takshaka include Uchchhika, Surasa, Drangas, Balaheda, Virohana; Shili, Shala, Kara, Muka, Sukumara, Pravepana,....

Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Book I Chapter 61 gives genealogy of the Danavas, Asuras, Kauravas, Pandavas, Gandharvas, Apsaras, Rakshasas. Surasa (सुरस) (Naga) is mentioned in Mahabharata (I.61.56).[2].....From the tribe of Asuras called Krodhavasa were born many heroic kings on earth which include Kratha, Vichitya, Surasa, and the handsome king Nila; and Dhama, and Bhumipala;....

Udyoga Parva/Mahabharata Book V Chapter 101 describes Bhogavati city and innumerable Nagas dwelling there. Surasa (सुरस) (Naga) is mentioned in Mahabharata (V.101.4)[3] and (V.101.16)[4].....There dwell in happiness innumerable Nagas-- sons of Surasā -- possessed of diverse forms, and decked on ornaments of diverse kinds, bearing the signs of gems, Swastika, circles and drinking vessels (V.101.4).....Names of famous Nagas include Virajas, Dharana, Subahu, Mukhara, Jaya, Badhira, Andha, Vikunda, Virasa, and Surasa. (V.101.16)

Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Book I Chapter 60 gives genealogy of all the principal creatures. Surasa (सुरसा) (L) (I.60.59)[5]and (I.60.66)[6].....And Krodha gave birth to nine daughters, all of wrathful disposition. And their names were Mrigi, Mrigamanda, Hari, Bhadramana, Matangi, Sarduli, Sweta, Surabhi, and the agreeable Surasa blessed with every virtue. (I.60.59)....And Surasa bore a son called Kanka. And Syeni, the wife of Aruna, gave birth to two sons of great energy and strength, named Sampati and the mighty Jatayu. Surasa also bore the Nagas, and Kadru, the Punnagas. And Vinata had two sons Garuda and Aruna, known far and wide.

In Ramayana

Ramayana ....Aranya Kanda/Aranya Kanda Sarga 14 mentions Rama's Contact with Jatayu. Rama on way to Panchavati came into contact with Jatayu. When Rama questions about its identity, Jatayu narrates the Genealogy , and informs Rama that he is a friend of King Dasharatha and would like to help Rama in exile.

Surasa gave birth to Nagas, viz., many headed serpents, while Kadru gave birth to ordinary serpents. (3-14-28).[7]

Kadru was the sister of Surasa. (3-14-31).[8]

Kadru gave birth to a thousand-headed serpent (Nagas) who is the bearer of this earth, and Vinata gave birth to two sons namely Garuda and Aruna. (3-14-32).[9]

Oh enemy-destroyer Rama, I took birth from that Aruna, the charioteer of Sun, and my elder brother Sampati too, hence know me as Jatayu, the son of [[Shyeni. (3-14-33).[10]


  1. उच्छिखः सुरसॊ द्रङ्गॊ बलहेडॊ विरॊहणः, शिली शल करॊ मूकः सुकुमारः प्रवेपनः (I.52.8)
  2. 56 करॊधॊ विचित्यः सुरसः श्रीमान नीलश च भूमिपः, वीर धामा च कौरव्य, भूमिपालश च नामतः (I.61.56)
  3. इह नानाविधाकारा नानाविध विभूषणाः, सुरसायाः सुता नागा निवसन्ति गतव्यथाः
  4. विरजा धारणश चैव सुबाहुर मुखरॊ जयः, बधिरान्धौ विकुण्डश च विरसः सुरसस तथा
  5. मातङ्गीम अथ शार्दूलीं शवेतां सुरभिम एव च, सर्वलक्षणसंपन्नां सुरसां च यशस्विनीम (I.60.59)
  6. सुरसाजनयन नागान राजन कद्रूश च पन्नगान, सप्त पिण्ड फलान वृक्षान अनलापि वयजायत, अनलायाः शुकी पुत्री कद्र्वास तु सुरसा सुता
  7. रोहिणि अजनयद् गावो गन्धर्वी वाजिनः सुतान् । सुरसा अजनयन् नागान् राम कद्रूःपन्नगान् (3-14-28)
  8. सर्वान् पुण्य फलान् वृक्षान् अनला अपि व्यजायत । विनता च शुकी पौत्री कद्रूः च सुरसा स्वसा (3-14-31)
  9. कद्रूर् नाग सहस्रम् तु विजज्ञे धरणीधरन् । द्वौ पुत्रौ विनतायाः तु गरुडो अरुण एव च (3-14-32)
  10. तस्मात् जातो अहम् अरुणात् संपातिः च मम अग्रजः । जटायुर् इति माम् विद्धि श्येनी पुत्रम् अरिंदम (3-14-33)

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