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Uday (उदय) is a Jat Gotra. [1]


Uday clan is probably originated from Udaya, the King mentioned in Rajatarangini.

Mention by Panini

Udaya (उदय), rise of Charana, is a term mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi. [2]


Udaya in Rajatarangini

Rajatarangini[3] tells that Jayagupta became the favorite of Udaya (Udayaraja), brother of the queen Didda (958 - 1003 AD), and his colleague in the court of justice. Other cruel men joined Jayagupta, and began to rob the people. King Abhimanyu was attacked with consumption, although as he grow up, he became learned and wise. His pure character coming in contact with sin, was like Shirisha flower exposed in the sun. He died in the K. E. Forty eight (= 972 AD), in the mouth of Kartika, on the third bright lunar day. (VI, p.162)

Rajatarangini[4] tells us that when Sussala became king of Kashmir second time in 1121 AD he had to face defeat but continued the renewal of war. .... Although the king Sussala's army was destroyed, yet with twenty or thirty men of the royal blood and of his own country, Sussala faced the enemies. Udaya and Dhanyaka, Kshatriyas, born of Ichchhita family, of the royal blood and of his own country, helped Sussala in facing the enemies in 1121 AD. (VIII,p.92-93)

Rajatarangini[5] tells us that ... Udaya, lord of Kampana, waited before the king, and then went after the prime minister, the Pratihara. The army consisted of the Rajputs, and the Damara horsemen and was led by ministers, and accompanied by troops who looked terrible in their arms. A part of the force which was within the palace (at Lohara) surrounded a large tract of country and tried to seize the enemy. Lalla , and others remained at Phullapura adjoining Kotta, and made the enemy's soldiers tremble by spreading alarm and dissension among them, and also by skirmishes. (p.161)

Rajatarangini[6] tells us that ...The king then consulted Udaya, lord of Dvara, who had acquired much wisdom, and again planned for the subjection of his enemies.(p.174)

Rajatarangini[7] tells us that ...Rilhana discarded the friendship of Udaya and Dhanya for the benefit of his master and behaved as their enemy. (175)

Rajatarangini[8] tells us that ... Udaya, lord of Kampana, reduced Kāpila, Harṣhaṭa and Kotta under the province of Mandala. (p.179)

Rajatarangini[9] mentions about rewards to the king's favourites : The king served Sanjapala by making him lord of Kampana, and Kularaja, superintendent of the capital Dhanya and Udaya. (p.195)

Rajatarangini[10] tells....The very wise king Jayasimha had sent Udaya, lord of Dvara, to Jaggika who had placed guards far and near in order to seize [Mallarjjuna] who had once been captured. (p.203)

Rajatarangini[11] tells....The king Jayasimha again bestowed on Udaya, the province of Dvara which Udaya had long possessed. (p.210)

Rajatarangini[12] tells....The Brahmana village and the edifices built by Dhanya did not fulfill the purpose for which they were raised. How can fame be obtained, without virtue ? In the like manner, the religious edifices built by Udaya lord of Kampana, in the villages of the Brahamanas, and named after him, served no useful purpose except that they went by his name. (p,216)

[Rajatarangini]][13] tells....Udaya, lord of Dvara, with the help of the Gaṇa sect of Brahmapuri, built a beautiful religious edifice during the reign of Jayasimha (1128 - 1155 AD) in which the lotus tank looked beautiful. (p.217)

Rajatarangini[14] tells us that ....Udaya who worked hard, until he fainted, in collecting an army, heard that in the town of Shankaravarmma, Lothana had joined Alankarachakra, and he also heard that Vigraharaja, son of king Sussala, and Bhoja, son of Salhana,had come with Lothana. Then when their insurrection had gained strength, Udaya hurriedly marched in one day over the road which is traversed in many days. The Damara (Alankarachakra), unable to take possession of Kantha with his own party, was at a loss, and on being checked in his movements by Udaya's attack, he fled and took shelter in the fort of Shirahshila, situated on the banks of the Sindhu, where the Madhumati also flowed with its pearl like beauty. (p.223)


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