Varaich (वराइच)[1] Waraich (वराइच)[2] Baraich (बराइच)/(बराईच) [3] Bhraich[4] Bhraich (बहराइच)[5] Varaish (वराइश) Waraish (वराइश)[6] [7] Bharais (भराईस) Bharaich (भड़ाईच)/Bharaich (भराईच)[8] Barayach is gotra of Jats found in Punjab, India and Pakistan. They are known as Balaecha, Bharaecha, Bahrechi, Bahraech in Afghanistan.[9]
Branches of Nagavansha are - 1. Vasati/Bains 2. Taxak 3. Aulak 4. Kalkal 5. Kala/ Kalidhaman/ Kalkhande 6. Meetha 7. Bharshiv 8. Bharaich[10]
Villages founded by Varaich
- Kunjah - 12 kilometers from Gujarat, on the road to Phalia in Pakistan. According to Prof. B.S. Dhillon[11]It was founded by a person called Jethu Varaich.
They are mentioned in the Mahabharata along with the Chhinas, Odhrans, Hara Hunas, etc. as Varshneya a people [12] Satapatha Brahmana mentioned them as Varsna .
Bhim Singh Dahiya[13] writes: They are also mentioned as Varisha. Sabha Parva mentions a sea near the country of Varisha. We have taken Varaish and Varaich as one clan, though Tribes and Castes mentions them separately. Atharva Veda mentions them as a people and Chhandogya Upanished says that a place called Raikkaparna is situated in the land of Mahavrishas. Jaiminiya Upanishad Brahmana mention a king Hritsavashya, a king of the Mahavrishas. Rig Veda mentions a king Daivata, of Sarangya clan who was victorious over the Varichirichi (Vantas).
Dilip Singh Ahlawat has also mentioned it as one of the ruling Jat clans in Central Asia.[14]
Kunjah: As per Hari Ram Gupta [15] and British Gujarat (Punjab district) Gazetteer - 168 (1892-93), this town now located in Pakistan is, 12 kilometers from Gujarat, on the road to Phalia. It was founded by a person called Jethu Varaich. It is likely that the word "Jethu" probably is "Jathu" or Jat, "Varaich" is a common current Jat clan name [16].[17]
Rahmat Khan was a Varaich clan Jat who captured Gujrat Fort in Pakistan.[18]
H. W. Bellew [19] writes that The Baloch were originally the Rajput Balaecha and occupied the Kharan country adjoining their fellow tribesmen the Rajput Bharaecha (now represented in Afghanistan by the Bahrechi of Shorawak), both being clans of the great Chahuman, or Chohan, Agnikula. The latter have established some important and extensive colonies in India, and have given their name to a district (Bahraech) in Oudh; the Nuwwabship of Jhajjar (Delhi district) was another colony of this tribe, the late chief of which, a Bahraechi Pathan, was executed for his treachery in the Indian Mutiny of 1857. We shall speak of the Baloch later on, but must here notice such of their nationality as are now found within the area above assigned to the Dadikai, First, however, it will be convenient to dispose of the Bahrechi in Shorawak of Afghanistan.
H A Rose's account
H A Rose[20] gives a detailed account of this clan as under: Bharais (भराईस) — The Bharāis who are scattered throughout these Provinces are also known as Pirhain,† a name which is explained thus: —
- (i) One Bukan Jat was a devotee of Sakhi Sarwar who one day said to him tujhe piri di, 'the saint's mouth has fallen on thee', whence the name Pirhai.
- (ii) Another account says that after leaving Dhaunkal, Sakhi Sayyid Ahmad went to Multan and rested for a while at Parahin, a place south of Shahkot, which was the home of his mother's ancestors, Rihan Jats by caste. At Multan an Afghan chief had a daughter to whose hand many of the Shahkot youths aspired, but none were deemed
- † The form Pirhain is said to be in use in Saharanpur. The word pariah is also said to mean drummer and is possibly connected with Bharai - Crooke : Things Indian
[Page-85]: worthy. One day, however, the Afghan invited Sayyid Ahmad to a feast and begged him to accept his daughter in marriage. This offer the saint accepted, and the sihra below, which was composed on this occasion, is still sung with great reverence. The mirasi, however, neglected to attend the wedding punctually, and when he did appear, rejected the saint's present of a piece of blue cloth, 1-1/4 yards in length, at the instigation of the Jats and Pathans, saying it was of no use to him. Hearing this the , Sayyid gave it to Shaikh Buddha, a Jat who had been brought up with him, saying : "This is a bindi (badge), tie it round your head, and beat a drum. We need no mirasi, and when yon are in any difficulty remember me in these words : — Daimji Rabdia sawāria, bohar Kali Kakki-wādlia — Help me in time of trouble, thou owner of Kali Kakki ! You and your descendants have come under our protection, panāh, and you shall be called pāndhi." This term became corrupted into Parahin in time. Thus the account contradicts itself, as the name is said to be derived from Parahin, a place.
The term Bharai itself is usually derived from chauhi bharnā, lit. 'to keep a vigil,' in which are sung praises of the Sakhi. But another and less simple account says that owing to his marriage Sayyid Ahmad incurred the enmity of the Jats and Pathans of Shahkot and left that place for Afghanistan, accompanied by Bibi Bai, Rānā Mian, and his younger brother. Twenty-five miles from Dera Ghazi Khan they halted. No water was to be found, so the Sayyid mounted his mare Kali Kakki and at every step she took water came up. His pursuers, however, were close at hand, and when they overtook him the Sakhi was slain, and buried where he fell. The spot is known as Nigaha and still abounds in springs.
Years after Isa, a merchant of Bokhara, and a devotee of Sakhi Sarwar, was voyaging in the Indian Ocean when a storm arose. Isa invoked the saint's aid and saved the ship. On landing he journeyed to Multan where he learnt that the saint had been killed. On reaching Nigaha he found no traces of his tomb, but no fire could be kindled on the spot, and in the morning as they loaded the camels their legs broke. Sakhi Sarwar descended from the hill on his mare, holding a spear in his hand, and warned the merchant that he had desecrated his tomb and must rebuild it at a cost of 1-1/4 lakhs. He was then to bring a blind man, a leper, and an eunuch* from Bokhara and entrust its supervision to them. One day when the blind man stumbled near the tomb he saved himself by clutching at some kahi grass where-upon his sight was restored and his descendants are still known as the Kahi. The eunuch was also cured and his descendants are called Shaikh. The leper too recovered, and his descendants, the Kalang, are still found in Nigaha. To commemorate their cures all three beat a drum, and Sakhi Sarwar appeared to them, saying ; "He who is my follower will ever beat the drum and remain barahi,† 'sound,' nor will he ever lack anything." Hence the pilgrims to Nigaha became known as Bharais.
- * For eunuchs as attendants at shrines see Burton's Pilgrimage to Medina and Mecca Vol. I, p. 371.
- *Cf. Bhara in the phrase raho hara bhara, ' remain green and prosperous or fruitful ' P.Dy., p. 430.
[Page-86]: Strictly speaking the Bharais do not form a caste, but an occupational group or spiritual brotherhood which comprises men of many castes, Dogar, Habri, Rawat, Dum, Rajput, Mochi, Gujar, Tarkhan and last, but not least, Jat. They belong to the Muhammadan religion, but in marriage they follow the Hindu customs. Thus a Jat Bharai may only marry a Jat woman, and in Kangra, it is said, she too must be a Bharai. In Ambala, however, a Bharai may marry any Jatni, and in Kapurthala it is said that, being Muhammadans, marriage within the got is permitted, and that; Rajput Bharais may take wives from Jat Bharais. There appears indeed to be no absolute or even general rule, but the tendency apparently is for the Bharais recruited from any one caste to form a separate caste of Bharais, marrying only in that caste, e.g., in Ludhidna the Jat Bharai only marries a Bharai Jatni, and the gots avoided are the same as among the Jats. The Jat Bharais are numerous. They claim descent from one Garba Jat, a Hindu attendant at Sakhi Sarwar's shrine, who was in a dream bidden by the saint to embrace Islam. On conversion he was called Shaikh Garba. The Jat Bharais have several gots: — Dhillon, Deo, Rewal Garewal, Man, Randhawa, Jham, Karhi and Badecha.
Bharaich khap
Bharaich Khap has 360 villages in Gujarat in Daman (दामन) , Pahad (पहाड़) and Ithar (इठार) areas. Its alternate name is Bharashiva khap. [21]
54. भराइच खाप - इसका दूसरा नाम भारशिव खाप भी है. गुजरात प्रदेश के पहाड़ और दामन तथा इठार क्षेत्रों में चिनाव नदी के दाहिने किनारे पर फैले हुए गांवों की इस खाप में करीब 360 छोटे-छोटे गांव आते हैं.[22]
नागवंशी भारशिव (भराईच) जाटों का पंजाब में राज्य
दलीप सिंह अहलावत[23] ने लिखा है ...हर्षवर्धन (606 से 647 ई०) के शासनकाल में जब चीनी यात्री ह्यूनत्सांग भारतवर्ष आया तब ये भराईच जाट उत्तर-पश्चिम पंजाब के स्वतन्त्र शासक थे और बौद्ध-धर्म के मानने वाले थे। सम्राट् हर्ष की मृत्यु के पश्चात् जब भारतवर्ष में राजनैतिक परिवर्तन हुए, तब इस भराईच जाटवंश ने अपना एक राज्य गुजरात (पाकिस्तान) क्षेत्र पर स्थापित कर लिया। इसके लिए इन्हें 10वीं सदी से 13वीं सदी तक गखड़ों, गुर्जरों आदि से युद्ध करने पड़े। अन्त में पहाड़ के दामन और इठार के क्षेत्र में चनाब नदी के दाहिने किनारे तक भराईच जाटों ने इस उपजाऊ भूमि पर अपना अधिकार कर लिया। इस क्षेत्र पर आज इनके 350 गांव हैं। (अधिक जानकारी के लिए देखो, पंचम अध्याय, नागवंशी भारशिव (भराईच) प्रकरण)।
नागवंशी भारशिव (भराईच)
नागवंशी भारशिव (भराईच) (सन् 150 ई० से 284 ई० तक)
दलीप सिंह अहलावत[24] ने लिखा है .....नागवंश वैदिककालीन वंश है, यह जाटवंश है। रामायणकाल में भी इस नागवंश का विशाल संगठन कई छोटे-छोटे जाटवंशों के द्वारा हुआ जिसमें वैसाति या वैस, तक्षक, काला-कालीधामन, पूनिया, औलक, कलकल और भारशिव (भराईच) आदि हैं। ये सब जाटवंश हैं जो नागवंश की शाखा के नाम से प्रसिद्ध हैं (देखो प्रथम अध्याय, नागवंश एवं उपर्युक्त इसकी शाखाएं, प्रकरण)।
जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठान्त-489
अब भारशिव जाटों के शासन का वर्णन उस समय का किया जायेगा जबकि कुषाण शासन के पैर लड़खड़ा गये थे तथा गुप्त साम्राज्य का उदय नहीं हुआ था।
नागवंशी भारशिवों की शक्ति का उदय ऐसे ही अन्धकारकाल में हुआ जबकि भारत देश की कोई सत्ता अखिल भारतीय शासक रूप में सामने न थी। वायु पुराण के लेख अनुसार सात नाग राजाओं द्वारा पद्मावती (ग्वालियर में), कान्तिपुर (मिर्जापुर में) और मथुरा पर शासन किया गया। यह लेख कुषाण शासन के अन्त और गुप्तवंश के उदय के मध्य के लिखे हुए हैं। इसी समय शिव के प्रति बढ़ती हुई श्रद्धा का प्रदर्शन करने के लिए नागवंशियों ने भारशिव नाम धारण करके जनता के समक्ष अपने आपको नवीन रूप में प्रस्तुत किया। इस नाम से प्रसिद्धि पाने के कारणों पर बालाघाट की चमक प्रशस्ति का लेख पर्याप्त प्रकाश डालता है। उसमें लिखा है कि शिवलिंग का अपने कन्धे पर भार ढोने से जिन्होंने भलीभांति शिव को सन्तुष्ट कर दिया था - जिन्होंने अपने पराक्रम से प्राप्त की हुई भागीरथी गंगा के स्वच्छ जल से राज्याभिषेक कराया और जिन्होंने अश्वमेध करके अवभृथ-स्नान किया था, इस प्रकार के भारशिवों के महाराजा द्वारा नागवंश का पुनरुत्थान किया गया। इनके राजा शिवनन्दी ने पद्मावती का शासन करते हुए कनिष्क से पराजय पाई थी। कान्तिपुर में केन्द्र बनाकर पुनः पद्मावती और मथुरा विजय करने वाले वीरसेन ने कुषाण वासुदेव के उस महान् साम्राज्य पर भारी चोट की जो अमू दरिया से बंगाल की खाड़ी तक, यमुना से नर्मदा तक, कश्मीर, पंजाब, सिंध, बलोचिस्तान के समुद्री किनारे तक विस्तृत था एवं जिसके नरेश अपने को ‘देवपुत्र शहनशाही’ का दावा करते हुए भारत के शासन का दैवी अधिकार समझते थे। एक प्रबल कुषाण शक्ति के पराधीन रहते हुए भारशिव नागों ने जो आश्चर्यपूर्ण विजय प्राप्त की वह आज आवरण के बाहर आ गई है। इस नाग जाति के वीरसेन, स्कन्दनाग, भीमनाग आदि नरेशों ने कांतिपुर्, मथुरा, पद्मावती, कौशाम्बी, अहिक्षतपुर, नागपुर, चम्पावती, बुन्देलखण्ड, मध्यप्रान्त, कोटा, पश्चिम मालवा, नागौर, जोधपुर आदि समस्त प्रदेशों को विजय करके शासन किया। इन नरेशों ने एक ही नहीं, बल्कि 10 अश्वमेध यज्ञ किये थे, जिसकी स्मृति में आज भी काशी का दशाश्वमेध घाट विद्यमान है।
इस वंश के सभी नरेश सीधा-सादा जीवन बितानेवाले और शिव की परमभक्ति के लिए अत्यन्त प्रसिद्ध रहे। कई विद्वानों ने इस युग को ‘शिवयुग’ भी कहा है। यह केवल भारशिवों के कारण ही कहलाया। इन्होंने अखिल भारत में ‘परमविजयी’ अश्वमेधयाजी पद पाया। किन्तु ऐसा लेख नहीं है कि इन्होंने किसी राज्य पर आक्रमण किया या कहीं अत्याचार किया। इनके समय देवी देवताओं के पूजने के लिए मन्दिरों का निर्माण किया गया। हिन्दू-धर्म को उन्नत किया और लोगों को शिव और गाय की पूजा की ओर लगाया गया। इन लोगों ने माता गंगा की परम पवित्रता की मातृ-भावनाओं का प्रचार भी इसी समय किया। ये लोग कुषाण साम्राज्य को जीतकर भारत सम्राट् बनने के साथ ही भारतीय प्रजा के हृदय सम्राट् भी बन गये। इन्होंने बौद्ध-धर्म का प्रभाव जनता पर से हटा दिया।
पौराणिकों ने अनेक पुस्तकों में बौद्ध-धर्मी क्षत्रियों को धर्म-भ्रष्ट तथा नास्तिक व शूद्र लिख दिया। जिस-जिस जाटवंश या अन्य क्षत्रियवंश ने विष्णु-धर्म या नवीन हिन्दू-धर्म स्वीकार कर लिया उनको ही सवर्ण हिन्दू लिखा गया। ऐसे अनेक उदाहरण हैं।
जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठान्त-490
जब गुप्तवंश का उदय हुआ एवं इनकी शासनशक्ति बढ़ गई तब यह नागवंशी भारशिव (भराईच) शासन दुर्बल हो गया और फिर समाप्त हो गया।
हर्षवर्धन (606 ई० से 647 ई० तक) के शासनकाल में जब चीनी यात्री ह्यूनत्सांग भारतवर्ष आया तब ये भराईच जाट उत्तर-पश्चिमी पंजाब के स्वतन्त्र शासक थे और बौद्ध-धर्म के मानने वाले थे। सम्राट् हर्ष की मृत्यु के बाद जब भारतवर्ष में राजनैतिक परिवर्तन हुए, तब इस भराईच जाटवंश ने अपना एक जनपद गुजरात (पाकिस्तान) क्षेत्र पर स्थापित कर लिया। इसके लिए इन्हें दसवीं सदी से तरहवीं सदी तक गखड़ों, गुर्जरों आदि से युद्ध करने पड़े। अन्त में पहाड़ के दामन और पठार के क्षेत्र में चनाब नदी के दाहिने किनारे तक भराईच जाटों ने इस उपजाऊ भूमि पर अपना अधिकार कर लिया। इस क्षेत्र में आज इनके 350 गांव हैं। गुजरात, जलालपुर, कुंजा, भुगोवाल (सब पाकिस्तान में) आदि नगरों के चारों तरफ ये लोग बड़ी संख्या में आबाद हैं। ये लोग मुसलमान बन गये परन्तु जाट होने का गौरव रखते हैं।
पद्मावती पर राज्य करने वाला यह वंश टॉक-टांक कहलाता था। पुस्तक “अन्धकारयुगीन भारत” के अध्याय 29 में टांक के पूर्वज का नाम राजा गजवकत्र लिखा है। टांक गोत्र के जाटों के 24 गांव सोनीपत के निकट खेवड़ा गांव आदि हैं।
इसी पुस्तक के अध्याय 42 में लिखा है कि मालो जाटों का स्वतन्त्र राज्य पूर्वी पंजाब से गंगा तक था और यौधेय गणराज्य राजस्थान में फैला हुआ था। नागौर नगर नागों का था। नागर जाट, नागर ब्राह्मण यहीं के निवासी थे[25]
Risaldar Major Sardar Bahadur Man Singh Waraich of Radiala

The first and most famous of all the Indian officers who served in Hodson's Horse. He was a very courageous and charismatic figure in the history of the regiment. Born in the Gujranwala district, the son of Waraich Jat Jagirdar Sardar Dava Singh of Ruriala (date of birth unknown). His first military experience was as a cavalry officer in the Sikh army fighting against the British in the 1st Sikh War 1845-6. In 1852 he entered service with the British as a mounted policeman in Neville Chamberlain's Punjab Police. In June 1857 Mr Montgomery asked him to raise the first Risalah for Hodson. He served throughout the Siege of Delhi and most of the battles fought by Hodson's Horse. He was badly wounded at the battle of Nawabganj after capturing guns and displaying great bravery. He was well decorated, including the Order of Merit 1st class and the Order of British India 1st class. On the 9th March 1866 he was appointed as the first Risaldar Major of the 9th Bengal Cavalry, a post he held until his retirement in 1877. Having left military service he was made Honorary Magistrate at Amritsar and then manager of the Darbar Sahib (Golden Temple) at Amritsar. This post had been held by his elder brother, Sardar Jodh Singh for 13 years. He retained that post until his death on 16th March 1892.
The picture shows him in later life, after his retirement, wearing his old 9th Bengal Lancers kurta, with gold belts and red kummerbund. His medals are partly obscured by his long grey beard, worn in the old style rather than rolled up. He wears spectacles and his white pag is worn low down on his forehead. His sword is an Indian tulwar rather than the army issue sword worn by younger officers. There is a large portrait of Man Singh hanging in the officer's mess of the present day 4th (Hodson's) Horse.
Estate:- Radiala Dynasty:- Waraich Jats. Source- Jat Kshatriya Culture
Distribution in Uttar Pradesh
Villages in Saharanpur district
Distribution in Rajasthan
Villages in Hanumangarh district
Distribution in Punjab
Villages in Patiala district
Varaich population is 1,950 in Patiala district. [26]
Villages in Amritsar district
Varaich population is 2,070 in Amritsar district. [27]
Villages in Gurdaspur district
Waraich named two villages are in Gurdaspur tahsil of Gurdaspur district in Punjab, India.
Villages in Ludhiana district
- Baraich is village in Ludhiana West Tahsil in Ludhiana district, Punjab.
Villages in Ludhiana district
Distribution in Pakistan
Waraich - They are found in Gujrat, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Lahore, Sargodha and Faisalabad districts. Prior to partition, they were also found in Amritsar, Gurdaspur and Jalandhar districts.
According to 1911 census the Waraich were the principal Muslim Jat clan in districts:
- Sialkot District - Waraich (5,917)
- Gujranwala District - Waraich (9,510)
- Lahore District - Waraich (357)
- Amritsar District - Waraich (492)
- Gurdaspur District - Waraich (2,512)
- Gujrat District - Waraich (41,557)
- Shahpur (Sargodha District) District - Waraich (3,483)
- Lyalpur District (Faisalabad District) - Waraich (3,443)
Notable persons from this clan
- Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi
- Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain
- Rahmat Khan (Varaich) - who captured Gujrat Fort.
- Hafij Barkhardar - Bharaich Gotra (Pakistan) हाफीज बरखुरदार - भराइच गोत्री (पाकिस्तान)
- Bahadur Sardar Jwala Singh of Jharauli, Waraich - Jat, From Karnal district was in the List of Punjab Chiefs.
- Sadar Rajwant Singh of Ruriala, Waraich - Jat, From Gujranwala district was in the List of Punjab Chiefs of Pakistan.
See also
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. व-51
- ↑ B S Dahiya:Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study), p.244, s.n.243
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. ब-195
- ↑ O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p.50, s.n. 1627
- ↑ B S Dahiya:Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study), p.244, s.n.243
- ↑ B S Dahiya:Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study), p.244, s.n.243
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. व-51
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. भ-56
- ↑ An Inquiry Into the Ethnography of Afghanistan:H. W. Bellew, p.130
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter III,p.242
- ↑ History and study of the Jats/Chapter 7,p.105-106
- ↑ चीनान हूनाञ शकान ओडून पर्वतान्तरवासिनः।वार्ष्णेयान हारहूणांश च कृष्णान हैमवतांस तदा (MBT:II.47.19)
- ↑ Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Jat Clan in India,p.292
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV (Page 342)
- ↑ Gupta, H.R., editor, Panjab or Punjab on the eve of First Sikh War, Published by the Publication Bureau of the Punjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab, 1956, pp. 212, 295, 135, 266.
- ↑ Barstow, A.E. (Major), The Sikhs: A Ethnology, reprinted by B.R. Publishing Corporation, Delhi, India, 1985, pp. 132-133, first published in 1928.
- ↑ History and study of the Jats. B.S Dhillon. pp. 105-106
- ↑ Asli Lutere Koun/Part-I,p.65
- ↑ An Inquiry Into the Ethnography of Afghanistan , p.130
- ↑ A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/B , p.84-86
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, Agra, 2004, p. 19
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, Agra, 2004, p. 19
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter VI ,p.539-540
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter V,pp.489-491
- ↑ आधार पुस्तकें - जाटों का उत्कर्ष पृ० 70-72, लेखक योगेन्द्रपाल शास्त्री; भारत में जाट राज्य उर्दू, पृ० 417-418, लेखक योगेन्द्रपाल शास्त्री, जाट इतिहास पृ० 54A, लेखक रामसरूप जून।
- ↑ History and study of the Jats. B.S Dhillon. p.126
- ↑ History and study of the Jats. B.S Dhillon. p.124
Back to Jat Gotras
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- Uttar Pradesh
- Punjab
- Rajasthan
- Gotras in Patiala
- Gotras in Amritsar
- Gotras in Gurdaspur
- Gotras in Ludhiana
- Villages in Ludhiana
- Gotras in Sialkot
- Gotras in Gujranwala
- Gotras in Lahore
- Gotras in Gujrat
- Gotras in Saharanpur
- Gotras in Sargodha
- Gotras in Faisalabad
- Gotras in Khanewal
- Nagavanshi