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This article is For Uttara Kosala. See for Dakshina Kosala
Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (Retd.)

Ancient Indian Kingdoms in 600 BC

Kosala (कोसल) proper or Uttara Kosala was an ancient Indian region, corresponding roughly in area with the region of Awadh in present day Uttar Pradesh. Rama's sons Lava and Kusha inherited parts of this kingdom. Lava ruled from the city called Sravasti and Kusha from the city called Kushavati. A colony of Kosala kings existed in Madhya Pradesh. It was called Dakshina Kosala. Rama's mother Kausalya was from this kingdom. They fought Mahabharata War in Kaurava's side.


Mention by Panini

Kosala (कोसल) is mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi. [1]


V. S. Agrawala[2] writes that Ashtadhyayi of Panini mentions janapada Kosala (कोसल) (IV.1.171) - Its town Sravasti is mentioned by Panini and also two terms Sarayu and Ikshavaku (VI.4.174). Ikshavaku is same as Kosala.

According to the Buddhist text Anguttara Nikaya and the Jaina text, the Bhagavati Sutra. Originally mentioned in the Ramayana as a Janapada state dating from approximately 1000 BCE, Kosala was one of the sixteen Mahajanapadas in 7th century BCE and its cultural and political strength earned it the status of great power. However, it was later weakened by a series of wars with the neighbouring kingdom of Magadha and, in the 4th century BCE, was finally absorbed by it. The Kosala region had three major cities, Ayodhya, Saket and Shravasti and a number of minor towns as Setavya, Ukattha, Dandakappa, Nalakapana and Pankadha. According to the Puranas, Ayodhya was the capital of Kosala during the reign of Ikshvaku and his descendants. Shravasti was the capital of Kosala between 6th century BCE and 6th century CE.

Kalachuri King Jajalladeva (I)'s friendship was sought by the lord of Chedi. He was also honoured with presents of wealth by the kings of Kanyakubja (कान्यकुब्ज) and Jejabhukti (जेजाभुक्ति). He defeated Sômësvara (सोमेश्वर) and imprisoned him together with his ministers and wives, but afterwards released them as desired by his mother. The kings of Kosala (कोसल), Andhra (आंध्र), Khimidi (खिमिडी), Vairagara (वैरागर), Lanjika (लान्जिका), Bhanara (भाणार), Talahari (तलहारी), Dandakapura (दण्डकपुर), Nandavalï (नन्दावली) and Kukkuta (कुक्कुट) paid annual tributes or presents to him. (p.410)[3]

In Vakataka History

Balaghat Plates of Prithivishena II[4] were intended to be issued by the Vakataka Maharaja Prithivishena II....Pravarasena II's son was Narendrasena, who is said to have taken away the family’s fortune by means of confidence. His commands were honoured by the lords of Kosala (कोसला), Mekala (मेकला) and Malava (मालवा). His son, from the queen Ajjhitabhattarika (अज्झितभट्टारिका), the daughter of the king of Kuntala (कुंतल), was Maharaja Prithivishena II, who was a devout worshipper of the Bhagavat (Vishnu). The present plates were intended to be issued by him from his camp at Vembara (वेम्बार).

The place Vembara (वेम्बार) from which the charter was intended to be issued has been identified with Bembal (बेम्बाल), about 28 miles to the east of Chanda and 2 miles to the west of the Wainganga[5]

कोसल महाजनपद

विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[6] ने लेख किया है ...कोसल (AS, p.240) उत्तरी भारत का प्रसिद्ध जनपद जिसकी राजधानी विश्वविश्रुत नगरी अयोध्या थी। यह जनपद सरयू (गंगा नदी की सहायक नदी) के तटवर्ती प्रदेश में बसा हुआ था। सरयू के किनारे बसी हुई बस्ती का सर्वप्रथम उल्लेख ऋग्वेद में है--’उतत्या सद्य आर्या सरयोरिन्द्रपारत: अर्णाचित्ररथा वधी:’, ऋग्वेद 4,30,18. हो सकता है यही बस्ती आगे चलकर अयोध्या के रूप में विकसित हो गयी। इस उद्धरण में चित्ररथ को इस बस्ती का प्रमुख बताया गया है। शायद

[p.241]: इसी व्यक्ति का उल्लेख वाल्मीकि रामायण में भी है। ‘सूतश्चित्रथश्चार्य: सचिव: सुचिरोषित: तोषयैनं महार्हैश्च रत्नैर्वस्त्रैर्धनैस्तथा’, अयोध्याकाण्ड 32,17

रामायण-काल में कोसल राज्य की दक्षिणी सीमा पर वेदश्रुति नदी बहती थी। श्री रामचंद्रजी ने अयोध्या से वन के लिए जाते समय गोमती नदी को पार करने के पहले ही कोसल की सीमा को पार कर लिया था-- ’एतावाचो मनुष्याणां ग्रामसंवासवस्तिनाम्, श्रृण्वन्नतिययौवीर: कोसलान्कोसलेश्वर:’, अयोध्याकाण्ड 49,8। वेदश्रुति तथा गोमती पार करने का उल्लेख अयोध्याकाण्ड 49,9 और 49,10 में है और तत्पश्चात् स्यंदिका या सई नदी को पार करने के पश्चात--’स महीं मनुना राजा दत्तामिक्ष्वाकवे पुरा, स्फीतां राष्ट्रवतां रामो वैदेहीमन्वदर्शयत्’, अयोध्याकाण्ड 49,12 श्री राम ने पीछे छूटे हुए अनेक जनपदों वाले तथा मनु द्वारा इक्ष्वाकु को दिए गए समृद्धिशाली (कोसल) राज्य की भूमि सीता को दिखाई। जान पड़ता है कि रामायण-काल में ही यह देश दो जनपदों में विभक्त था- उत्तर कोसल और दक्षिण कोसल

राजा दशरथ की रानी कौशल्या संभवत: दक्षिण कोसल (रायपुर-बिलासपुर के ज़िले, छत्तीसगढ़) की राजकन्या थी। कालिदास ने रघुवंश 13,62 में अयोध्या को उत्तर कोसल की राजधानी कहा है’सामान्य धात्रीमिव मानसं मे संभावयत्युत्तरकोसलानाम्’, दे. उत्तर कोसल। रामायण-काल में अयोध्या बहुत ही समृद्धिशाली नगरी थी।

महाभारत 30,1 में भीमसेन की दिग्विजय-यात्रा में कोसल-नरेश बृहद्बल की पराजय का उल्लेख है--तत: कुमारविषये श्रेणिमन्तमथाजयत् कोसलाधिपतिं चैव बृहद्बलमरिंदम:। अंगुत्तरनिकाय के अनुसार बुद्धकाल से पहले कोसल की गणना उत्तर भारत के सोलह जनपदों में थी। इस समय विदेह और कोसल की सीमा पर सदानीरा (गंडकी) नदी बहती थी। बुद्ध के समय कोसल का राजा प्रसेनजित् था, जिसने अपनी पुत्री कोसला का विवाह मगध-नरेश बिंबिसार के साथ किया था। काशी का राज्य जो इस समय कोसल के अंतर्गत था, राजकुमारी को दहेज में उसकी प्रसाधन सामग्री के व्यय के लिए दिया गया था। इस समय कोसल की राजधानी श्रावस्ती में थी। अयोध्या का निकटवर्ती उपनगर साकेत बौद्धकाल का प्रसिद्ध नगर था।

जातकों में कोसल के एक अन्य नगर सेतव्या का भी उल्लेख है। छठी और पाँचवी शती ई. पू. में कोसल मगध के समान ही शक्तिशाली राज्य था किन्तु धीरे-धीरे मगध का महत्त्व बढ़ता गया और मौर्य-साम्राज्य की स्थापना के साथ कोसल मगध-साम्राज्य ही का एक भाग बन गया। इसके पश्चात् इतिहास में कोसल की जनपद के रूप में अधिक महत्ता नहीं दिखाई देती यद्यपि इसका नाम

[p.242]: गुप्तकाल तक साहित्य में प्रचलित था। विष्णु पुराण 4,24,64 के ‘कोसलांध्रपुंड्रताम्रलिप्तसमुद्रतटपुरीं च देवरक्षितो रक्षिता’, इस उद्धरण में सम्भवत: गुप्तकाल के पूर्ववर्ती काल में कोसल का अन्य जनपदों के साथ ही देवरक्षित नामक राजा द्वारा शासित होने का वर्णन है। यह दक्षिण कोसल भी हो सकता है। गुप्तसम्राट समुद्रगुप्त की प्रयाग प्रशस्ति में ‘कोसलक महेंद्र’ या कोसल (दक्षिण कोसल) के महेन्द्र का उल्लेख है जिस पर समुद्रगुप्त ने विजय प्राप्त की थी। कुछ विदेशी विद्वानों (सिलवेन लेवी, जीन प्रेज्रीलुस्की) के मत में कोसल आस्ट्रिक भाषा का शब्द है। आस्ट्रिक लोग भारत में द्रविड़ों से भी पूर्व आकर बसे थे । दे. अयोध्या, साकेत, श्रावस्ती, सरयू.

उत्तर प्रदेश के फैजाबाद ज़िला, गोंडा और बहराइच के क्षेत्र शामिल थे। वाल्मीकि रामायण 1.4.5 में इसका उल्लेख है: कोसलो नाम मुदित: स्फीतो जनपदो महान। निविष्ट: सरयूतीरे प्रभूत धनधान्यवान् ॥[7]


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[8] ने लेख किया है ....प्राक्कोसल (AS, p.590): महाभारत में सहदेव की दिग्विजय यात्रा के प्रसंग में प्राक्कोसल पर उनकी विजय का उल्लेख है, ' 'कांतारकांश्चसमरे तथा प्राक्कोसलान् नृपान् नाटकेयांश्च समरे तथा हैरम्बकान् युधि'. सभापर्वा 31,13. प्राक्कोसल या पूर्व कोसल का अधिक प्रचलित नाम दक्षिण कौसल (वर्तमान महाकोसल) है. इसमें छत्तीसगढ़ के रायपुर और बिलासपुर जिले तथा परिवर्ती प्रदेश सम्मिलित थे. कांतारक या विंध्या का वन्य प्रदेश इसके पड़ोस में स्थित था.

महाभारत मे भी इस क्षेत्र का उल्लेख सहदेव द्वारा जीते गए राज्यों में प्राक्कोसल के रूप में मिलता है। बस्तर के अरण्य क्षेत्र को कान्तार के नाम से जाना जाता था। कर्ण द्वारा की गई दिग्विजय में भी कोसल जनपद का नाम मिलता है।[9]


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[10] ने लेख किया है ...कांतारक (AS, p.158) महाभारत सभा पर्व 31,13 में सहदेव की दिग्विजय यात्रा के प्रसंग में इस प्रदेश का उल्लेख है-- 'कांतारकांश्चसमरे तथा प्राक्कोसलान् नृपान् नाटकेयांश्च समरे तथा हैरम्बकान् युधि'. कांतारक अवश्य ही गुप्त सम्राट समुद्रगुप्त की प्रयाग प्रशस्ति में वर्णित महाकांतार है जहां के अधिपति व्याघ्रराज को समुद्रगुप्त ने परास्त किया था. महाकांतार मध्य प्रदेश/छत्तीसगढ़ के पूर्वोत्तर भाग में स्थित जंगली भूखंड का प्राचीन नाम था (कांतार = घना जंगल). इसमें भूतपूर्व जसो रियासत सम्मिलित थी.


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[11] ने लेख किया है ...1. कुशावती (AS, p.213): वाल्मीकि रामायण, उत्तरकाण्ड 108,4 से विदित होता है कि स्वर्गारोहण के पूर्व रामचंद्र जी ने अपने ज्येष्ठ पुत्र को कुशावती नगरी का राजा बनाया था-- 'कुशस्य नगरी रम्या विंध्यपर्वत रोधसि, कुशावतीति नाम्ना साकृता रामेण धीमता'. उत्तरकांड 107, 17 से यह भी सूचित होता है कि, 'कोसलेषु कुशं वीरमुत्तरेषु तथा लवम्' अर्थात रामचंद्र जी ने दक्षिण कौशल में कुश और उत्तर कौशल में लव का राज्याभिषेक किया था. कुशावती विंध्यपर्वत के अंचल में बसी हुई थी और दक्षिण कोसल या वर्तमान रायपुर (बिलासपुर क्षेत्र छत्तीसगढ़) में स्थित होगी. जैसा की उपयुक्त उत्तर कांड 108,4 सेवा से सूचित होता है

स्वयं रामचंद्र जी ने यह नगरी कुश के लिए बनाई थी. कालिदास ने भी रघुवंश 15,97 में कुश का, कुशावती का राजा बनाए जाने का उल्लेख किया है--'स निवेश कुशावत्यां रिपुनागांकुशं कुशम्'. रघुवंश सर्ग 16 से ज्ञात होता है कि कुश ने कुशावती में कुछ समय पर्यंत राज करने के पश्चात अयोध्या की इष्ट देवी के स्वप्न में आदेश देने के फलस्वरूप उजाड़ अयोध्या को पुनः बसाकर वहां अपनी राजधानी बनाई थी. कुशावती से ससैन्य अयोध्या आते समय कुश को विंध्याचल पार करना पड़ा था-- 'व्यलंङघयद्विन्ध्यमुपायनानि पश्यन्पुलिंदैरूपपादितानि' रघुवंश 16,32. विंध्य के पश्चात कुश की सेना ने गंगा को भी हाथियों के सेतु द्वारा पार किया था, 'तीर्थे तदीये गजसेतुबंधात्प्रतीपगामुत्तर-तोअस्य गंगाम, अयत्नबालव्यजनीबभूवुर्हंसानभोलंघनलोलपक्षा:...' रघुवंश 16,33 अर्थात जिस समय कुश, पश्चिम वाहिनी गंगा को गज सेतु द्वारा पार कर रहे थे, आकाश में उड़ते हुए चंचल पक्षों वाले हंसों की श्रेणियां उन (कुश) के [p.214]: ऊपर डोलती हुई चंवर के समान जान पड़ती थीं. यह स्थान जहां कुश ने गंगा को पार किया था चुनार (जिला मिर्जापुर उत्तर प्रदेश) के निकट हो सकता है क्योंकि इस स्थान पर वास्तव में गंगा एकाएक उत्तर पश्चिम की ओर मुड़ कर बहती है और काशी में पहुंचकर फिर से सीधी बहने लगती है.

In Mahabharata

Koshala (कोशल) in Mahabharata (I.177.20), (1.188),(II.13.26), (II.27.1), (3-255-10), (VI.83.9), (VI.10.38), (VI.47.15),(VI.83.9), (VI.112.32), (VIII.4.21), (VIII.17.3),(VIII.30.60),(VIII.30.79),

Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 27 mentions the countries subjugated by Bhimasena. Koshala (कोशल) is mentioned in Mahabharata (II.27.1) [12]....Bhimasena then vanquished king Srenimat of the country of Kumara, and then Vrihadbala, the king of Kosala.

Vana Parva, Mahabharata/Book III Chapter 255 describes Karna's victory march and countries subjugated. Kosala (कोसला) is mentioned in Mahabharata (3-255-10). [13]....Having (thus) conquered the eastern quarter Karna then presented himself before Vatsabhumi (वत्सभूमि) (3-255-9a). And having taken Batsa-bhumi (3-255-10a), he reduced Kevala (केवल) (3-255-10a), and Mrittikavati (मृत्तिकावती) (3-255-10a), and Mohana (मोहन) (3-255-10b) and Pattana (पत्तन) (3-255-10b), and Tripuri (त्रिपुरी) (3-255-10b), and Kosala (कोसला) (3-255-10b),--and compelled all these to pay tribute.

Visit by Xuanzang in 639 AD

Alexander Cunningham[14] writes that From Kalinga the Chinese pilgrim Xuanzang proceeded about 1800 or 1900 li, or from 300 to 317 miles,[15] to the

[p.520]: north-west to the kingdom of Kiao-sa-lo, or Kosala. The bearing and distance take us to the ancient province of Vidarbha, or Berar, of which the present capital is Nagpur. This agrees exactly with the position of Kosala as described in the Ratnavali, and in the Vishnu Purana.[16] In the former, the king of Kosala is surrounded in the Vindhyan mountains, and in the latter it is stated that Kusa the son of Rama, ruled over Kosala, at his capital of Kusasthali, or Kusavati, built upon the Vindhyan precipices.

All these concurring data enable us to identify the ancient Kosala with the modern province of Berar, or Gondwana. The position of the capital is more difficult to fix, as Hwen Thsang does not mention its name ; but as it was 40 li, or nearly 7 miles, in circuit, it is most probably represented by one of the larger cities of the present day. These are Chanda, Nagpur, Amaravati, and Elichpur.

Chanda is a walled town, 6 miles in circuit, with a citadel. It is situated just below the junction of the Pain Ganga and Warda rivers, at a distance of 290 miles to the north-west of Rajamahendri, on the Godavari, and of 280 miles from Dharanikota, on the Kistna. Its position, therefore, corresponds almost exactly with the bearing and distance of Hwen Thsang.

Nagpur is a large straggling town, about 7 miles in circuit ; but as it is 85 miles to the north of Chanda, its distance from Rajamahendri is about 70 miles in excess of the number stated by the Chinese pilgrim.

Amaravati is about the same distance from

[p.521]: Rajamahendri, and Elichpur is 30 miles still further to the north. Chanda is therefore the only place of consequence that has a strong claim to be identified with the capital of Kosala in the seventh century. The recorded distance of 1800 or 1900 li from Rajamahendri is further supported by the subsequent distance of 1900 li, or 900 plus 1000 li, to Dhanakakata, which was almost certainly the same place as Dharanikota, or Amaravati, on the Kistna river. Now, the road distance of Chanda from Dharanikota is 280 miles, or 1680 li, by the direct route; but as Hwen Thsang first proceeded for 900li to the south-west, and then for 1000 li to the south, the direct distance between the two places would not have been more than 1700 li.

At 300 li, or 50 miles, to the south-west of the kingdom, there was a high mountain named Po.lo.mo.lo.ki.li, which is said to mean the " black peak." M. Julien identifies this name with " Baramula-giri of the present day;"[17] but I cannot find this place in any map or book to which I have access. The mountain is described as very lofty, and without either spurs or valleys, so that it resembled a mere mass of stone. In this mountain King So-to-po-ho, or Satavahan, hewed a pavilion of five storeys, which was accessible by a hollow road many dozens of li, that is many miles, in length. The place was not visited by Hwen Thsang, as the narrator of his journey uses the expression " on arrive," instead of " il arriva." But as the rock is said to have been excavated as a dwelling for the holy Buddhist sage Nagarjuna, the pilgrim would almost certainly have visited it, if it had been only 50 miles

[p.522]: distant from the capital ; and if the south-west bearing is correct, he must have passed quite close to the place on his subsequent journey to Andhra, which is said to be either in the same direction, or towards the south. I conclude, therefore, that the curious, " au sud-ouest du royauvie"[18] which the pilgrim uses to indicate the position of this excavated rock, may possibly refer to the boundary of the kingdom, and consequently that the place must be looked for at 300 li, or 50 miles, beyond its south-west frontier. This position would agree very well with that of the great rock fortress of Deogir, near Elura, and the name of Polomolokili, or Varamula-giri, might be accepted as the original of Varula, or Elura. Parts of the description, such as the long galleries hewn out of the rock, and the cascade of water falling from the top of the rock, agree better with the great Buddhist establishment at Elura than with Deogir. But as the place was not actually visited by Hwen Thsang, his description must have been made up from the varying accounts of different travellers, in which the contiguous sites of Elura and Devagiri were probably treated as one place.

The same rock-hewn habitations are also described by Fa-Hian[19], in the beginning of the fifth century. He calls the excavation the monastery of Pho-lo-yu, or the "Pigeon," and places it in the kingdom of Tathsin, that is in Dakshiana, or the south of India, the present Dakhan. His information was obtained at Banaras ; and as wonders do not lose by distance, his account is even more wonderful than that of Hwen Thsang. The monastery, hewn out of the solid rock, is said to be five storeys in height, each storey in the

[p.523]: shape of a different animal, the fifth, or uppermost, storey being in the form of a Pigeon, from which the monastery received its name. The Chinese syllables Pho-lo-yu must therefore be intended for the Sanskrit Pārāvata, a "pigeon." A spring of water rising in the uppermost storey, descended through all the rooms of the monastery, and then passed out by the gate. In this account we have the five storeys, the spring of water falling from the top, and the name of the place, all agreeing very closely with the description of Hwen Thsang. The chief point of difference is in the meaning assigned to the name, as Hwen Thsang states that Polomolo-kili signifies the "black peak," while according to Fa-Hian, Pholoyu means a " pigeon." But there is still another account, of an intermediate date, which gives a third meaning to the name.

In A.D. 503, the king of Southern India sent an ambassador to China, from whom it was ascertained that in his country there was a fortified city named Pa-lai, or "situated on a height." At 300 li, or 50 miles, to the eastward, there was another fortified town, named in the Chinese translation Fu-cheu-ching, or " ville soumise a ce qui est deteste,"[20] which was the birth-place of a famous saint, whose name was Chu-san-hu, or " Coral-beads " (grains de corail). Now, Pala-mala is the name of a " coral necklace," or " string of coral-beads ;[21] and as it represents every syllable of Hwen Thsang's Polomolo, I presume that it must be the same name. I am unable to explain Hwen Thsang's translation of the name as the "black

[p.524]: peak " in any of the northern dialects ; and I can only suggest that he may perhaps refer to one of the southern or Dravidian dialects. In Kanarese, male is a "hill;" and as para, or "quicksilver," and paras, or the " touchstone," are both of black hue, it is probable that they are connected with πελός. Para, therefore, might signify "black," and paramale would then be the black hill. One of the most venomous snakes in southern India, which is of a very dark blue or almost black colour, is called Para-Gudu. It seems probable, therefore, that Hwen Thsang's translation may be derived from one of the southern dialects. This confusion in the Chinese translations is no doubt due to the very defective power of the Chinese syllables for the transcription of Sanskrit words. Thus, Po.lo.fa.to might be read as Paravata, a "pigeon," according to Fa-Hian; or as paravata, " subject," according to the Si-yu-ki ; while it is probable that the true reading should be parvata, a " mountain," as the monastery is specially stated to have been excavated in a rocky hill.

The capital itself was named Pa-lai,[22] which is said to mean " qui s'appuie sur une Eminence." Now the citadel of Chanda is called " Bala kila,", or the " High Fort," which, though a Persian appellation given by the Muhammadans, was very probably suggested by the original appellation of Palai. [23]

In all our Chinese authorities the rock-hewn monastery is connected with a holy sage ; but the name in each account is different. According to Fa-Hian,

[p.525]: it was the monastery of the earlier Buddha named Kasyapa. In the Si-yu-ki, however, it is said to be the birthplace of the Muni Paramal, while Hwen Thsang states that the monastery was excavated by King Satavahan, for the use of the famous Nagarjuna. From the wonderful descriptions of Fa-Hian and Hwen Thsang I have been led to think that their accounts may possibly refer to the grand excavations of Deva-giri and Elura. But if the distance given by Hwen Thsang as well as by the Si-yu-ki is correct, the rock-hewn monastery must be looked for about 50 miles to the west or south-west of Chanda. Now in this very position, that is about 45 miles to the west of Chanda, there is a place in the map called Pandu-kuri, or the "Pandus' houses," which indicates an undoubted ancient site, and may possibly refer to some rock excavations, as the rock-hewn caves at Dhamnar and Kholvi are also assigned to the Pandus, being severally named " Bhim's cave, Arjun's cave," etc. In the total absence of all information, I can only draw attention to the very curious and suggestive name of this place. There is also a series of Buddhist caves at Patur, 50 miles to the south-west of Elichpur and Amaravati, and 80 miles to the east of Ajanta. As these have never been described, it is possible that the site may hereafter be found to correspond with the descriptions of the rock-hewn monastery by Fa-Hian and Hwen Thsang.

The mention of King Satavahana, or Sadavahana, in connection with Nagarjuna is specially interesting, as it shows that the Buddhist caves of Paramala must be as old as the first century of the Christian era. Sadavahana was a family name, and as such is mentioned in one of the cave inscriptions at Nasik.[24] But

[p.526]: Satavahana is also a well-known name of the famous Salivahan,[25] who founded the Saka era in A.D. 79, so that we have a double proof that the Buddhist caves of Paramala must have been excavated as early as the first century. The probable identity of Satavahan and Satakarni will be discussed in another place. We know from the western cave inscriptions that Kosala certainly formed part of the vast southern kingdom of Gotamiputra Satakarni ; and if he flourished in the first century as would appear to be the case,[26] his identity with Satavahan, or Salivahan, would be undoubted. It is sufficient here to note the great probability of this interesting point in the history of Southern India.

The kingdom of Kosala is estimated by Hwen Thsang at 6000 li, or 1000 miles, in circuit. Its frontiers are not named ; but we know from the pilgrim's itinerary that it must have been bounded by Ujain on the north, by Maharashtra on the west, by Orissa on the east, and by Andhra and Kalinga on the south. The limits of the kingdom may be roughly described as extending from near Burhanpur on the Tapti, and Nander on the Godavari, to Ratanpur in Chatisgarh, and to Nowagadha near the source of the Mahanadi. Within these limits the circuit of the

[p.527]: large tract assigned to Kosala is rather more than 1000 miles.

Divisions of Kosala Kingdoms

Raghava Rama's Kosala (Kosala Proper) was already split into two, owing to his two sons attaining kingship after his reign. During the era of Kurukshetra War it was split into five kingdoms.

Eastern Kosala: This was, probably the kingdom ruled by Kusha, with Kushavati as its capital. (see MBh 2.14, Mbh 2.21). They were described as fleeing to the southern country of Kuntis due to Magadha king Jarasandha. The route taken by Bhima, Arjuna and Krishna from Kuru Kingdom to Magadha Kingdom was through this Eastern Kosala.

Northern Kosala: This was, probably the kingdom ruled by Lava with Sravasti as its capital. (see MBh 2.29). This kingdom was defeated by the Pandava general Bhima, in his military campaign to the east.

Kosala Kingdom of Vrihadvala to the south of Ayodhya: Vriahadvala was a Kosala king mentioned as a general under Duryodhana, in the Kurukshetra War. (MBh. 5.277, 5.198). This kingdom was defeated by the Pandava general Bhima, in his military campaign to the east. (MBh 2.29). It seems that this Kosala had its power extended to the neighbouring kingdom of Kasi to the south of it, because Vrihadvala sometimes commanded the troops from Kasi also in Kurukshetra War. This probably was the reason to consider Kasi-Kosala as a single kingdom. For a period of time in the past, Kasi would have been a vassal state of Kosala kingdom. The grandmothers of Kauravas and Pandavas were called sometimes as princesses of Kasi and some times as princesses of Kosala, attesting to this fact.

Kosala with Ayodhya as its capital or Central Kosala: This was the original Kosala ruled by king Raghava Rama. This was ruled by Dirghayaghna, during this era. This kingdom was defeated by the Pandava general Bhima, in his military campaign to the east. (MBh 2.29).

Kingdoms that sprang from the Southern Kosala: The native kingdom of Raghava Rama's mother Kausalya, considered as Dakshina Kosala Kingdom split at least into two during the era of Kurukshetra War. This became evident if we follow the passage in Mahabharata, describing the military campaign of the Pandava general Sahadeva, who led his troops to the southern direction. (MBh. 2.30)

Western Kosala in Central India: This kingdom was close to the Vidarbha Kingdom ruled by Bhishmaka, probably to the east of it. Sahadeva defeated this kingdom first and moved to the Eastern Kosala. (MBh. 2.30)

Eastern Kosala in Central India: After defeating the other Kosala kingdom Sahadeva defeated numerous kings in the Eastern Kosala, indicating that there were many kingdoms, and not one, however collectively known as Eastern Kosalas. (MBh. 2.30)

Kosala under Mauryan rule

It is assumed that during the Mauryan reign, Kosala was administratively under the viceroy at Kaushambi. The Sohgaura copper plate inscription, probably issued during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya deals with a famine in Shravasti and the relief measures to be adopted by the officials. The Yuga Purana section of the Gargi Samhita mentions about the Yavana (Indo-Greek) invasion and subsequent occupation of Saket during the reign of the last Maurya ruler Brihadratha.

जाट इतिहास

कौसल (अवध) - महाभारतकाल में इसके दो भाग हो चुके थे - उत्तर कौसल और दक्षिण कौसल। इन पर रघुवंशी (जाटवंश लोगों का राज्य था। (जाट इतिहास पृ० 24, लेखक ठा० देशराज) उस समय इन लोगों का राजा वृहद्बल था।[27]

कौशल - इस कौशल साम्राज्य में अवध का प्रान्त शामिल था। इसकी राजधानी साकेत (अयोध्या) थी जिसका प्रथम राजा सूर्यवंशज इक्षवाकु हुआ था। इक्षवाकुवंशी राजे इस नगरी पर परम्परागत राज्य करते आये हैं। यह हमने पिछले पृष्ठों पर लिख दिया है कि कुशवंशज जाटों का राज्य इस अयोध्या राजधानी पर प्राचीन समय से रहता आया है। जाट राजा बृहद्वल से लेकर उसकी 27वीं पीढ़ी में प्रसेनजित तक इस कौशलराज्य की राजधानी अयोध्या पर शासन किया। फिर कुछ समय बाद राजा प्रसेनजित ने इस अयोध्या नगरी को छोड़कर श्रावस्ती नगरी को अपनी राजधानी बना लिया। यह श्रावस्ती नगरी अयोध्यापुरी से 58 मील उत्तर की ओर राप्ती नदी के किनारे आबाद थी। यह नगरी बुद्धकाल के समय भारत के छः बड़े महानगरों में गिनी जाती थी। शाक्य राज्य जहां गौतमबुद्ध का जन्म हुआ था, इसी कौशल साम्राज्य के अधीन था। राजा प्रसेनजित महात्मा बुद्ध का बड़ा मित्र था।

राजा प्रसेनजित की मगध के सम्राट् से सदा लड़ाई रहती थी। इससे मित्रता हेतु उसने अपनी लड़की का विवाह मगध के सम्राट् अजातशत्रु से कर दिया। प्रसेनजित के मरने के बाद उसके चार वंशज राजा हुए जिनमें अन्तिम सुमित्र था। इनकी दुर्बलता के कारण इनके कौशलराज्य को मगध साम्राज्य में मिला लिया गया।[28]

उत्तर कोसल

विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[29] ने लेख किया है ...उत्तर कोसल (AS, p.91) उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य के अवध का प्राचीन नाम था। मूलत: कोसल (कोशल) का विस्तार सरयू नदी से विंध्याचल तक रहा होगा किंतु कालांतर में यह उत्तर और दक्षिण कोसल नामक दो भागों में विभक्त हो गया था। रामायणकाल में भी ये दो भाग रहे होंगे। कौसल्या दक्षिण कोसल की राजकुमारी थी और उत्तर कोसल के राजा दशरथ को ब्याही थी। दक्षिण कोसल विंध्याचल के निकट वह भूभाग था जिसमें वर्तमान मध्य प्रदेश के रायपुर और बिलासपुर ज़िले तथा उनका परवर्ती प्रदेश सम्मिलित है। उत्तर कोसल स्थूलरूप से गंगा और सरयू का मध्यवर्ती प्रदेश था।

महाभारत सभा पर्व 30,3 में उत्तरकोसल पर भीम की विजय का वर्णन है- 'ततोगोपालकक्षं च सोत्तरानपि कोसलान्मल्लानामधिपं चैव पार्थिक चाययत् प्रभु:'।

कालिदास ने उत्तर कोसल की राजधानी अयोध्या में बताई है- 'सामान्यधात्रीमिव मानसं में संभावयत्युत्तरकोसलानाम्।' (रघुवंश 13, 62)

उत्तरकोसल का रघुवंश 18,27 में भी उल्लेख है, 'कौसल्यइत्युत्तर कोसलानां पत्यु: पतंगान्वयभूषणस्य, तस्यौरस: सोमसुत: सुतोऽभून्नेत्रोत्सव: सोम इव द्वितीय:।' (देखें कोसल, दक्षिण कोसल)

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See also


  1. V. S. Agrawala: India as Known to Panini, 1953, p.37, 60, 425
  2. V. S. Agrawala: India as Known to Panini, 1953, p.60
  3. Corpus Inscriptionium Indicarium Vol IV Part 2 Inscriptions of the Kalachuri-Chedi Era, Vasudev Vishnu Mirashi, 1955, p.409-417
  4. Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Vol.5 (Inscriptions of The Vakatakas), Edited by Vasudev Vishnu Mirashi, 1963, Archaeological Survey of India, p.79-81
  5. See Ep. Ind., Vol. XXII, p. 210, n. 6.
  6. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.240-242
  7. भारतकोश-कौशल महाजनपद
  8. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.590
  9. http://gyyanvilla.blogspot.com/2017/12/history-of-ancient-chhattisgarh.html
  10. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.158
  11. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.213-214
  12. ततः कुमार विषये श्रेणिमन्तम अदाजयत, कॊसलाधिपतिं चैव बृहथ्बलम अरिंथमः II.27.1
  13. वत्सभूमिं विनिर्जित्य केवलां मृत्तिकावतीम् (3-255-10a) मोहनं पत्तनं चैव त्रिपुरीं कोसलां तथा (3-255-10b)
  14. The Ancient Geography of India/Southern India, p.519-526
  15. Julien's ' Hiouen Thsang,' vol. i. p. 185, gives 1800 li, and vol. iii. p. 94, 1900 U. See Map No. I.
  16. H. H. Wilson, 'Vishnu Purana,' Hall's edition, ii. 172, note.
  17. ' Hiouen Thsang,' iii. 101, note 4 : " aujourd'hui Baramulaghiri ; " and note 5, " en Chinois, He-fong, le pic noir.
  18. Julieu's ' Hiouen Thsang,' iii. 101.
  19. Beal's 'Fah-Hian,' c. xxxv.
  20. Pauthier, "Bxamen Methodique desfaitsqui concement Tien-tehu, ou l'Inde ;" ' Journal Asiatique,' 1839, p. 292.
  21. Pauthier, ' Journal Asiatique,' Oct. 1839, p. 292.
  22. Pauthier in ' Journal Asiatique,' 1839, p. 293.
  23. We have an example of such translation in Buland-shahr, which the Hindus still call Uncha-gaon.
  24. <Bombay Journal, vii, Nasick inscriptions No. 6, by Mr. West.
  25. Sata, or Sali, was the name of a Yaksha, or demigod, who, being changed to a lion, was ridden by the infant prince, who thus acquired the title of Satavahan, or Salivahan.
  26. The greater number of the inscriptions in the caves of Kanhari, Nasik, and Karle belong to one period ; and as several of them record the gifts of Gotamiputra Satakarni, Pudumayi, and Yadnya-Sri, the whole must be referred to the period of the Andhra sovereignty. But one of them is dated in the year 80 of the Sakaditya-kal, or Sake era, that is in A.D. 108 ; and, therefore, the Andhras must have been reigning at that time.
  27. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter III,p.290
  28. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter V (Page 463)
  29. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.91-92