
Sangariya or Sangaria (संगरिया) is a city in Hanumangarh district in Rajasthan, India. It is known for Gramotthan Vidyapeeth Sangaria.
It is situated near the northern border of Rajasthan adjoining Haryana and Punjab states. It is located at Latitude:29-48'N and Longitude:74-30'E. As of 2001 census the population of Sangariya is 34,537.
Jat Gotras Namesake
- Sangar = Sangaris = Sagaris ( Sangaria (संगरिया) is a city in Hanumangarh district in Rajasthan, India.
Villages in Sangariya tahsil
1 Bgp, 1 Dlp, 1 Llw, 1 Mjd, 1 Mmk, 1 Ntw, 1 Rrw, 1 Rtp(Rural), 1 Sng, 2 Bgp, 2 Dlp, 2 Llw, 2 Mjd, 2 Mmk, 2 Ntw-A, 2 Ntw-B, 2 Rtp, 2 Sng, 3 Bgp, 3 Dlp, 3 Llw (Lilawali) 3 Mjd, 3 Mmk, 3 Ngr, 3 Ntw, 3 Rtp-Ii (Rural), 3 Sng, 4 Bgp, 4 Dlp, 4 Llw, 4 Mjd, 4 Mmk, 4 Ntw, 4 Rtp (Ratanpura Rural), 5 Amp, 5 Bgp, 5 Dlp, 5 Mjd, 5 Mmk, 5 Ngr (Nagarana), 5 Ntw, 6 Amp, 6 Bgp-A, 6 Bgp-B, 6 Dlp, 6 Mmk, 6 Ngr, 6 Ntw, 7 Amp, 7 Bgp, 7 Mmk, 7 Ntw, 8 Bgp, 8 Mmk (Kikarwali), 8 Ntw, 9 Amp, 9 Bgp-A, 9 Bgp-B, 9 Mmk, 9 Ntw, 9 Sbn, 10 Amp, 10 Bgp, 11 Bgp, 11 Sbn, 12 Bgp, 12 Sbn, 13 Amp, 13 Bgp, 13 Mks, 13 Sbn, 14 Bgp (Bhagatpura), 14 Mks (Shergarh), 14 Sbn, 15 Bgp, 15 Mks, 16 Bgp, 16 Ftp, 16 Mks, 17 Bgp (Bolanwali), 17 Mks, 18 MKS, 19 Ftp, 19 Mks (Manaksar), 20 Ftp (Fatehpur), 20 Mks, 9 Mjd, 1 Amp-B, 1 Hrp, 1 Idg, 1 Ksd, 1 Nkr (Lambi Dhab), 1 Ptp(Santpura), 1 Stp, 10 Ksd, 10 Mjd, 10 Ntw (Pratapnagar), 10 Ptp, 11 Amp, 11 Ksd, 11 Mjd, 11 Ptp(Kishanpura Utrada), 12 Amp, 12 Ksd, 12 Mjd, 12 Ptp, 13 Mjd, 13 Ptp, 14 Amp, 14 Mjd, 14 Ptp, 15 Amp(Jatwala Sikhan), 15 Ptp, 16 Amp(Amar Purajalu), 16 Mjd, 17 Amp, 17 Mjd(Indrapura), 18 Amp, 18 Mjd, 19 Amp (Shahpini), 19 Mjd, 2 Amp, 2 Dng, 2 Hrp, 2 Idg, 2 Ksd, 2 Nkr, 2 Ptp(Nukera), 2 Stp (Haripura), 20 Amp, 20 Mjd, 21 Mjd (Buglawali), 22 Amp(Singhpura), 23 Amp, 24 Amp, 25 Amp, 25/1 Amp, 26 Amp, 27 Amp, 29 Amp, 3 Amp, 3 Hrp, 3 Idg, 3 Ksd, 3 Nkr, 3 Ptp, 3 Stp, 4 Amp, 4 Idg, 4 Ksd (Dholnagar), 4 Nkr-A, 4 Nkr-B, 4 Ptp, 4 Stp (Bhankharawali), 5 Dng(Deengarh), 5 Hrp, 5 Idg, 5 Ksd, 5 NKR (Chak Hirasingh Wala), 5 Ptp, 6 Idg, 6 Ksd(Malarampura), 6 Nkr, 6 Ptp, 7 Idg(Rasuwala), 7 Ksd, 7 Mjd (Morjand), 7 Nkr, 7 Ptp, 8 Amp, 8 Idg, 8 Ksd, 8 Mjd, 8 Nkr, 8 Ptp, 9 Idg, 9 Ksd, 9 Nkr, 9 Ptp, Kasampur Kheri Sangaria (M),
Before the year 1900, there was a battalion of then princely state of Bikaner to protect the north eastern boundary at the place of present Sangariya town, which was known as ‘sangar’, which gave name to this town. In 1901-02 the Bikaner state railway line was extended from Hanumangarh to Bhatinda. At that time there was no population at this place so this railway station was called ‘Chautala Road’ in the name of village Chautala situated in Punjab (now Haryana) situated at a distance of 6 km from here. From that time onward there started inhabitation of people which has now developed in to the Sangariya town. State Government sanctioned an agricultural mandi here during early twentieth century. The area was barren and there was no availability of drinking water. The water was transported by railways from Hanumangarh town and then supplied to each house.
Jat Monuments
Shahid Smarak Sangaria

संगरिया व भादरा में दिनांक 7 जनवरी 1970 को किसान आंदोलन में गोली से हुए शहीदों की स्मृति में यह स्मारक संगरिया निवासियों द्वारा निर्मित कराया गया था। इस का शिलान्यास केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री चौधरी चरण सिंह द्वारा दिनांक 17 दिसंबर 1977 को किया गया था। शहीदों के नाम इस प्रकार हैं-
- देवेंद्र सिंह सुपुत्र गुरचरण सिंह, खाट जालू
- केसराराम सुपुत्र धीराराम, नाय बाना
- रुड़ सिंह सुपुत्र दूदासिंह, रतनपुरा
- चंदूराम सुपुत्र खूबाराम धानक, संगरिया
- रामपहर सिपाही चौटाला
- सुभाषचंद्र सुपुत्र सत्यनारायण, भादरा
- बिहारी सुपुत्र आदराम, गांव कानो
- कांशीराम बागरा वी., भादरा
Gramotthan Vidyapeeth Sangaria
On 9 August 1917 a retired subedar Chaudhary Bahadur Singh Bhobia of village Bidangkhera started ‘Jat Anglo Indian School’ with the purpose of spreading education in rural areas. Swami Keshwanand was made director of Jat School Sangaria in 1932 that was just to close for want of funds. He went from village to village and to the Seths of desert region who were in Calcutta and far off places and collected funds. He became instrumental in starting hundreds of schools in the desert region. The Jat School Sangaria was renamed as Gramothan Vidyapith, Sangaria in 1948. Swami Keshwanand was connected with Gramothan Vidyapith, Sangaria (Rajasthan) (1932-1952). He developed here a beautiful museum with collection of rare documents, ancient items, paintings etc. brought from various places. Large-scale plantations were done in this arid area with the help of people and students of the Institute. Gramothan Vidyapith, Sangaria had become center of inspiration for educationists from India and abroad.
जाट स्कूल संगरिया की नींव
ठाकुर देशराज [1] ने लिखा है कि 26 जनवरी 1918 की बात है जब चौधरी हरिश्चंद्र जी मिरजावले में वकालत करते थे उस समय उनसे चौधरी बहादुर सिंह भोबिया मिले। उन्होने संगरिया स्कूल के चंदे का काम अपने जिम्मे लिया हुआ था। चौधरी हरिश्चंद्र जी ने बहादुर सिंह जी के संबंध में ये पंक्तियाँ अपनी कलम से लिखी हैं – “चौधरी बहादुर सिंह धुन के पक्के और कठोर परिश्रमी थे। आकर्षण शक्ति उनकी विलक्षण थी। वह देश की वर्तमान दशा को जन चुके थे। बहुत सी ठोकरें खाने के बाद उन्हें यह शुधि आई थी कि उन्नति का मुख्य साधन शिक्षा है। बिना शिक्षा के कोई जाति अथवा देश उन्नत नहीं हुये। वह देहात के लोगों की नाड़ी टटोलते फिरते थे। मैं एक कोने में पड़ा अपने आप में मस्त था। उस जादूगर ने अपना मंत्र मुझ पर भी चला दिया। उन्होने अपना तन मन धन देश को शिक्षित बनाने के लिए दृढ़ व्रत में होम दिया। मेरे कान में भी फूँक मारदी कि बिना शिक्षा के देश के उद्धार की कल्पना स्वप्न मात्र है। तपस्या में विचित्र शक्ति है। उस तपस्वी ने मेरी सुप्त भावनाओं को जगा दिया। और मेरी रगों में बिजली का संचार कर दिया। मैं उनके साथ हो लिया। मदेर, रोही, डांववाली, आदि स्थानों से उन्हें कुछ चंदा करवाया। 5-6 साल से इधर वकालत करने से लोगों से जान पहचान अच्छी हो गई थी।"

[p.60]: जिस समय जाट स्कूल संगरिया की नींव डाली उन दिनों बीकानेर राज्य के गांवों में तो सूरतगढ़, हनुमानगढ़, मिरजावली जैसे तहसील और निजामती कस्बों में भी स्कूल नहीं थे। देहातियों की शिक्षा को साकार करने के लिए संगरिया में बहादुर सिंह ने कुछ आदमियों को इकट्ठा किया। और तय हुआ कि इस इलाके में जाट ही अधिक हैं इसलिए स्कूल का नाम जाट स्कूल रखा जावे। ठाकुर गोपाल सिंह, बाबा मानसा नाथ के सहयोग से उन्होने इस स्कूल की स्थापना कर दी। उन्हें कुछ अच्छे साथियों की आवश्यकता थी और उन्हें जो अच्छे साथी मिले उनमें चौधरी हरिश्चंद्र जी मुख्य थे। उन्होने न केवल इस संस्था को समय ही दिया अपितु धन से काफी मदद की। उन्होने एक हजार कमरे के लिए दिये क्योंकि इतने में कमरा बन जाता था। 200 रुपये सदस्यता शुल्क और 556 रुपये विभिन्न उत्सवों पर दिये। साथ ही 40 साल का लंबा समय दान देकर उन्होने संगरिया के जाट स्कूल की सेवा की जो अब ग्रामोत्थान विद्यापीठ बन चुकी है ।
[p.61]: उनकी निज की आमदनी पर इस सेवा कार्य का बड़ा असर पड़ा। उनकी वकालत ठप्प होने लगी और परिवार को समय नहीं दे सके। एक दृढ़व्रती की तरह वे संगरिया स्कूल के उत्थान में लगे रहे। हरिश्चंद्र को चौधरी बहादुर सिंह की तरह कौम की तरक्की का नशा चढ़ गया था। उस नशे से निश्चय ही न केवल जाटों का अपितु सभी लोगों का कल्याण हुआ।
Analysis of Jat gotras in Sangariya

We do not have any gotra wise figures of Jat population in Rajasthan. We have Jat Samaj Smarika Sangariya 2006 which gives list of Jat members of the samaj in Sangariya. The list includes details of all members of 408 families who are members of Jat Samaj Sangariya. The details include about name and gotra of head of the family with other members and relation with the head of the family. Gotra of each married woman in the family is also given. Other details are age, education, profession and the telephone numbers. The place of origin of the head is also there. The information from Jat Samaj Smarika Sangariya 2006 was reduced to an excel table with gotra, place of origin and the district. We got 1041 entries of gotras of married members. The parental gotra of female members was recorded for the purpose of analysis. In the following table each gotra has got two numbers in the bracket. The first figure indicates number of male members of that gotra out of total 1041 and second figure indicates number of female members of that gotra who came and married to family in Sangariya. The entry with * indicates that there is no family of this gotra in Sangariya but only female members married with members in Sangariya.
List of Jat gotras
Thus in Sangariya we get a list of 161 gotras shown in alphabetical order:
Atri* (0+1) Bajiya (1+1) Bajolia (1+0) Balyan* (0+2) Bamla* (0+1) Bana (1+1) Bangadwa (2+3) Bariyala* (0+1) Barjati* (0+1) Batar (1+0) Beniwal (31+25) Berad (1+2) Berwal (1+0) Bhadia (1+3) Bhadu (6+19) Bhakar (13+13) Bhamu (2+14) Bhari* (0+1) Bhidasra* (0+3) Bhinchar (1+0) Bhobia (4+3) Bhukar* (0+1) Bhunwal* (0+1) Bijarnia* (0+1) Bijlan (1+0) Birda* (0+3) Bissu (1+6) Budania (3+2) Bugalia* (0+1) Butar (1+0) Byamal* (0+1) Chahar (4+9) Chawla* (0+1) Chhirang (2+0) Choyal (3+2) Dangi* (0+1) Deg (1+2) Delu* (0+3) Deshwal (1+0) Dhaka (7+4) Dhakarwal* (0+1) Dharania* (0+1) Dhetarwal* (0+2) Dhinwa* (0+1) Dogiwal (1+0) Dookya* (0+1) Doot (2+0) Dotasara* (0+2) Dovan* (0+1) Dudi (3+10) Dugesar* (0+1) Fageria* (0+1) Fidauda* (0+1) Garhwal (4+5) Ghotia* (0+1) Gill* (0+1) Godara (36+65) Goyat* (0+1) Gulia* (0+2) Hudda (2+0) Jakhar (17+23) Jandu* (0+5) Jangoo (3+2) Janu* (0+1) Jhajhra* (0+1) Jhanjhar* (0+1) Jhajharia (4+6) Jhinjha (2+4) Jhorad (12+14) Jhuria* (0+1) Joon (1+0) Jyani (2+15) Kadian (1+0) Kadwa* (0+1) Kajla (2+0) Kalwania* (0+1) Kansujia (1+0) Kantia (1+0) Karwasra (15+17) Kasania (2+5) Kaswan (8+14) Katewa (1+2) Khadda* (0+3) Khairwa* (0+3) Khaiwal* (0+1) Kharinta* (0+1) Khedar (1+0) Khichar* (0+2) Khileri* (0+2) Khod* (0+1) Khoth (2+1) Kudi* (0+1) Kukana (4+4) Kuladia (4+1) Kuleri* (0+1) Latiyal* (0+1) Legha (1+1) Lochhav* (0+1) Machra* (0+1) Mahla (1+6) Makar (1+3) Mali* (0+1) Malik (3+1) Manda* (0+1) Manju (1+2) Mayla (1+0) Moond (7+8) Mor* (0+1) Motsara (1+2) Nagal* (0+1) Nain (2+12) Nehra (1+1) Niwad* (0+1) Nojal (1+2) Nyol* (0+5) Ojla* (0+1) Olakh* (0+2) Pandar (6+1) Panghal* (0+1) Payal (1+0) Pilania* (0+1) Potalia (20+3) Punia (15+17) Rahd (4+5) Ranwa (2+4) Rao (29+2) Rathi* (0+1) Repswal (1+0) Rewad (2+4) Roj (1+5) Royal* (0+1) Ruhil (1+1) Rulania* (0+1) Sahrawat* (0+1) Sahu (7+11) Saich (4+0) Saikumar* (0+1) Sain* (0+3) Sangwan* (0+2) Saran (45+53) Sarpat* (0+1) Sauntake* (0+1) Sewda* (0+1) Sheoran (4+7) Siddhu (3+0) Sihag (12+22) Silu* (0+5) Sinsinwar (1+0) Sinwal (7+3) Sirohi* (0+1) Soi* (0+1) Solanki (1+0) Tada* (0+1) Takhar* (0+1) Talan (1+0) Tandi* (0+2) Tarad (5+7) Tetarwal* (0+2) Thori (2+1) Tomar (1+3)
Some of the biggest Jat gotras
Following are the biggest Gotras in increasing order.
- Kaswan (8+14) 22
- Potalia (20+3) 23
- Bhadu (6+19) 25
- Bhakar (13+13) 26
- Jhorad (12+14) 26
- Rao (29+2) 31
- Punia (15+17) 32
- Karwasra (15+17) 32
- Kaswan (8+14) 32
- Sihag (12+22) 34
- Jakhar (17+23) 40
- Beniwal (31+25) 56
- Saran (45+53) 98
- Godara (36+65) 101
- Out of 161 gotras in the above list 76 are with * which indicates that being the paternal gotra of married women are not used as surnames. So only remaining 85 are in-fact the gotras inhabited in Sangariya.
- The two gotras Potalia and Rao are rare in rest of areas and seem to be localized in this area of Sangariya. The number of women from out side marrying males of Sangariya is very less in these two gotras.
- In rest of the gotras number of women marrying to males in Sangariya is more, which indicates that in the area around Sangariya these gotras are in abundance.
- The biggest gotras are the same as mentioned by James Tod in annals ruling the country of Jangladesh, as this area was part of Jangladesh prior to fifteenth century.
- Over many centuries this Jat population seems stable with regular inputs from neighbouring states increasing its clan diversity as is clear from 161 Jat clans present in this area.
Deengarh is a small village located nearer to Sangaria (10 KM). This is the village of Karwasra's who poineered the Transport business in area in around 1952 AD.
Notable persons
- चौ. बुधराम डेलू पुत्र चौ. रामजस, संगरिया[2]
- चौ. बलवीर सिंह सिहाग संगरिया Donor Rs. 11000/- to Gramotthan Vidyapeeth Sangaria[3]
- चौ. भोमाराम पोटलिया पुत्र चौ. सुखराम, पोटलिया भवन वार्ड़ नं. 10 संगरिया Donor Rs. 11111/- to Gramotthan Vidyapeeth Sangaria[4]
- मास्टर भविष्य पुत्र श्री कुंवर पाल पोटलिया वार्ड नं.25 संगरिया [5]
- श्री प्रदीप कुमार झींझा (ट्रस्टी), संगरिया, 9529511574, Trustee for 2013-2017 Gramotthan Vidyapeeth Sangaria.
- श्री जयपाल सिंह चौधरी (ट्रस्टी), रिटायर्ड चीफ इंजिनियर, चौटाला रोड संगरिया, 09461078006, 09461078006, Trustee for 2013-2017 Session Gramotthan Vidyapeeth Sangaria.
- Jat Samaj Smarika Sangariya 2006
External links
- Hanumangarh District on flickr
- हनुमानगढ़ जिले की ग्राम सूची
- Sangaria on
- Gramothan Vidyapith Sangaria
- Swami Keshwanand Gramothan Vidyapeeth Sangaria on Gooogle
- Karwasra on wikipedia
- ↑ Bikaneriy Jagriti Ke Agradoot – Chaudhari Harish Chandra Nain, 1964, by Thakur Deshraj,p. 59-61
- ↑ sn 319
- ↑ sn 319
- ↑ sn 319
- ↑ sn 424
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