(Bhambhoo, Bhambu, Bhambhu, Bhabhu, Bambhu, Bhanmu, Bhanbhu, Bambu, Bhambu, Bhanbu, Bhabhu, Bhanbhu)
Location : Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
Country : India, Afghanistan
Bhamu (भामू) Bhambhoo (भाम्भू) Bhambu (भाम्बु) Bhambhu (भाम्बू) Bhabhu (भाभू) Bambhu (बाम्भु) Bhanmu (भांमू)[1] Bhanmu (भानमू) Bhanbhu (भानभू) Bambu (बाम्बू) Bhambu (भम्बू)[2] [3] Bhanbu (भंबू)[4] Bhabhu(भाभू) [5] Bhanmu (भानमू)[6] Bhanbhu (भांभू) [7] is gotra of Jats found in Rajasthan,[8] Bhimbar (भिंबर)[9] Haryana, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. Bhimbar/Bhambu clan is found in Afghanistan.[10] Bhamu, Dookiya and Dotasra consider descended from common ancestor and were integral part of Tomar Confederacy.
- They are said to be descendants of Nagavanshi King Bhanga (भंग) .[11]
- They may be descendants of Bhambu Raja of tenth century A.D., whose capital was Bhambura in Sindh. [12]
A city named Bhambura in Sindh, is mentioned by Cunningham as capital of a king, named Bhambu Raja in tenth century AD.[13][14]
Bhambura was an ancient ruined city in Lower Sindh, Pakistan. It was capital of Bhambu Raja in about the tenth century. It was deserted in about A.D. 1250 on account of the failure of the Ghara river, which was the most westerly branch of the Indus.[15] Alexander Cunningham has identified Bhambura with the town of Barke, which Alexander built on his return up the river.[16]
Bhambhu (भांभू) (Jat clan) → Bhambhukadeva. (68) Damoh Stone Inscription of Vijayasimha mentions that Vijayasimha was a virtuous man devoted to Bhambhukadeva. Vijayasimha is said to have fought at Chittor, conquered the Delhi armies, scattered the Deccan forces close to Mahāgadh, and driven out the Gurjaras. This record is in Rajasthani and Sanskrit. It recites that one Vijayapala was born in the Visvamitra gotra. He conquered a great hero named Kāī. His son was Bhuvanapala, whose son Harsharaja is stated to have defeated the kings of Kalanjara, Dahali (Dāhal), Gurjara and the Deccan, Harsharaja's son was Vijayasimha. (Vijayapala → Bhuvanapala → Harsharaja → Vijayasimha). The absence of any regal title indicates that the persons named in the record were perhaps commanders of armies who overran a number of countries, including Dahala, the Kalachuris' kingdom, which included Damoh. They left no trace of their raid except this inscription, the language of which points to their home in Rajasthan. [17]. Here Bhambhukadeva probably was ancestor of Vijayasimha of the Damoh inscription and was the ruler of Bhambhu Gotra.
Alexander Cunningham[18] mentions state of Muhammadan chief Bhimbar, at foot of hills in Hill states of Punjab. Bhimbar and Khariali were divisions of the Chibh, or Chibhan, branch of the Somvansi Rajas of Kangra and Jalandhar. In early times the name of Bhimbar was little used, the common appellation being Chibhan, which is found in Sharifuddin's history of Timur, under the form of Jibhal. The conversion of the family to Muhammadanism is probably of late date, as Ferishta mentions Howns Raja of Bhimbar in A.H. 891, or A.D. 1486.[19] But so many of these hill chiefs retained their Hindu names after they became Muhammadans, that the Hindu name alone cannot be taken as a decisive proof of his being unconverted.
In Pakistan

A big landlord of united Punjab Choudhary Ratti Ram Singh Bhambu of Gulab Ali estates (Bhawalnagar, Bhawalpur, Punjab) with other family members, Choudhary Ratti Ram Singh Bhambu was member of General assembly Bhawalpur State.
Estate:- Gulab Ali
Dynasty:- Bhambu Jats.
Courtesy Jat Kshatriya Culture
भांभू गोत्र का इतिहास
लोक देवता तेजाजी (1074-1103 ई.) के भाई गुणराज (गुणजी) की पत्नी रीतां भाम्भू गोत्र की थी।
संत श्री कान्हाराम[20] ने लिखा है कि....खरनाल के धौलिया गोत्र के भाट भैरूराम की पोथी में तेजाजी के भाईयों के नाम और भाभियाँ निम्नानुसार थे –
- 1. रूपजीत (रूपजी) ... पत्नी रतनाई (रतनी) खीचड़
- 2. रणजीत (रणजी)...पत्नी शेरां टांडी
- 3. गुणराज (गुणजी) ....पत्नी रीतां भाम्भू
- 4. महेशजी ...पत्नी राजां बसवाणी
- 5. नगराज (नगजी)....पत्नी माया बटियासर
रूपजी की पीढ़ियाँ - .... 1. दोवड़सी 2. जस्साराम 3. शेराराम 4. अरसजी 5. सुवाराम 6 मेवाराम 7. हरपालजी
भांभू गोत्र के बड़वा के अनुसार भांबू, डूकिया और डोटासरा तीनों गोत्र का मूल गोत्र तोमर है। दिल्ली के तोमर (तँवर) जाट राजाओं के वंश में आठवी शताब्दी में बीरसेन हुए थे। इनके तीन बेटे हुए: 1. भांबू (भीवदेव), 2. दोहट, 3. देवा
1. भांबू (भीवदेव) भींवसिंह जी के भाम्बू जाट हुए
2. दोहट देव के वंशज डोटा गाँव के जागीरदार हुए तो उनके वंशज डोटासरा जाट हुए
3. देवाजी के ढुकिया जाट हुए
भींव सिंह के दो पुत्र कुंजलदेव और सिहोजी हुए थे। भांबू तोमर के वंशज होने के कारण यह लोग भांबू और फिर समय के साथ अपभ्रंश होकर भामू कहलाते हैं।
भांबू गोत्र के लोग दिल्ली के निकट हस्तिनापुर से निकल कर पहले भरतपुर में आबाद हुये, उसके पश्चात फ़तेहपुर जिला सीकर में आबाद हुये। वर्तमान में दिल्ली के चारो तरह एनसीआर(ncr) क्षेत्र में तोमर(तंवर) जाटों के 500 से ज्यादा ग्राम है।
रामपुरा उर्फ रामसरा के भांभू
भांभू गोत्र के बड़वा के अनुसार भांबू, डूकिया और डोटासरा तीनों गोत्र का नख तोमर है। भांबू गोत्र के लोग दिल्ली से निकल कर पहले भरतपुर में आबाद हुये, उसके पश्चात फ़तेहपुर जिला सीकर में आबाद हुये। वहाँ से चलकर वे राजलवाडा गाँव (तहसील:सरदारशहर, जिला:चुरू) में बसे।
भांभू गोत्र में चौधरी मघाराम भांभू सर्वप्रथम राजलवाडा गाँव (तहसील:सरदारशहर, जिला:चुरू) से रामपुरिया आकर बसे।
भामू गणराज्य
गणेश बेरवाल[21] ने लिखा है कि राजगढ़ के बारे में सरकारी गज़ट में अंकित है कि यह महान थार रेगिस्तान का गेट है, जहां से होकर दिल्ली से सिंध तक के काफिले गुजरते हैं। 1620 ई. के पहले यहाँ प्रजातांत्रिक गणों की व्यवस्था थी जिसमें भामू, डुडी, झाझरिया, मलिक, पूनीयां, राड व सर्वाग गणतांत्रिक शासक थे । जैतपुर पूनिया गाँव था जहां से झासल, भादरा (हनुमानगढ़) तक का बड़ा गण था। जिसका मुख्यलय सिधमुख था। गण में एक ही व्यक्ति सिपाही भी था और किसान भी। लड़ाई होने पर पूरा गण मिलकर लड़ता था। राठोड़ों की नियमित सेना ने इनको गुलाम बनाया।
In Rajatarangini
Rajatarangini[22] tells us that when Sussala became king of Kashmir second time in 1121 AD he had to face defeat but continued the renewal of war. .... Although the king Sussala's army was destroyed, yet with twenty or thirty men of the royal blood and of his own country, Sussala faced the enemies. Nila and others, sons of Viḍāla, born of the family of Bhāvuka, of the royal blood and of his own country, helped Sussala in facing the enemies in 1121 AD. (p.92)
Rajatarangini[23] tells us ...At the time of Murder of the king Sussala in 1127 AD, Sahajapala, the ornament of the line of Bhavuka, of superior prowess among the spiritless servants of the king, ran with sword and shield ; and when the rebels saw him, they went out by a side way. But this powerful man was wounded by their servants, and he fell on the ground. The shame of the Rajpoots was washed by his blood. [ VIII (i),p.113-114<]
Villages founded by Bhamu clan
- Bhambura - According to Bhim Singh Dahiya A city named Bhambura in Lower Sindh is mentioned by Alexander Cunningham as capital of a king, named Bhambu Raja in tenth century AD.[24][25]
- Bhamasi (भामासी), Village in Churu tahsil of Churu district in Rajasthan was founded by Bhamu Jats. Bhamasi was founded by Chetanji Bhamu in year 1785 AD.
- Bhabhuon Ka Tala (भाभुओं का तला) - village in Gudha Malani Tahsil of Barmer district in Rajasthan.
- Bhabhuon Ki Beri (भाभुओं की बेरी) - village in Gudha Malani Tahsil of Barmer district in Rajasthan.
- Banmuon ki Dhani (बांमुओं की ढाणी) - village in Phagi tahsil in Jaipur district in Rajasthan.
- Bhabhuon Ki Dhani (भांभुओं की ढाणी) - Village in Baytoo tahsil of Barmer district in Rajasthan.
- Bhabhuon Ki Dhani (भांभुओं की ढाणी) - Village in Baytoo tahsil of Barmer district in Rajasthan.
- Bhabhuon Ki Dhani (भाभुओं की ढाणी)- Village in Osian tahsil of Jodhpur district in Rajasthan.
- Bhabhuon Ki Dhani - Village in Osian tahsil of Jodhpur district in Rajasthan.
- Bhomun Ka Tala (भोमू का तळा)- village in district Barmer in Rajasthan.
- Chand Gothi (चाँद गोठी) - Village in Rajgarh tahsil of Churu district in Rajasthan was founded by Bhamu Jats.
- Dhadheru Bhamuwan (ढढेरू भामूवान) - village in Sujangarh tahsil in Churu district in Rajasthan.
- Dhani Bhambhuan (ढाणी भाम्भूवां) - village in Nohar tahsil of Hanumangarh district in Rajasthan.
- Nagla Bhambujat is a village in tahsil Sasni of district Hathras in Uttar Pradesh.
Damoh Stone Inscription of Vijayasimha
This record is in Rajasthani and Sanskrit, the one being a free translation of the other. It recites that one Vijayapala was born in the Visvamitra gotra. He conquered a great hero named Kāī. His son was Bhuvanapala, whose son Harsharaja is stated to have defeated the kings of Kalanjara, Dahali (Dāhal), Gurjara and the Deccan, Harsharaja's son was Vijayasimha, a virtuous man devoted to Bhambhukadeva. He is said to have fought at Chittor, conquered the Delhi armies, scattered the Deccan forces close to Mahāgadh, and driven out the Gurjaras.
The absence of any regal title indicates that the persons named in the record were perhaps commanders of armies who overran a number of countries, including Dahala, the Kalachuris' kingdom, which included Damoh. They left no trace of their raid except this inscription, the language of which points to their home in Rajputana.
It is possible that they may have been related to the Guhila Princes of Mevad. In that dynasty there was one Vijayasimha who married Syamaladevi, daughter of Udayaditya of Malava, by whom he had a daughter Alhanadevi who married Gayakarna of Dahala. Unfortunately the stone is broken, so that if there was any date it is lost.
Source - Hira Lal:Descriptive lists of inscriptions in the Central provinces and Berar, p.49
Distribution in Rajasthan
Villages in Ajmer district
Paner (5),
Locations in Jaipur city
22 Godam, Ambabari, Bagruwalon ka Rasta, Malviy nagar, Moti Nagar, Murlipura Scheme, Sanganer, Shastri Nagar,
Villages in Jaipur district
Bambhu (बाम्भू) Jats live in villages: Dusala ki Dhani (1), Mukundpura Dadawata (1), Naya Mauja (1),
Bamu (बामू) Jats live in villages: Chauru (3), Dhamana (1),
Bamun (बामूं) Jats live in villages: Banmuon ki Dhani (6),
Banbhu (बांभू) Jats live in villages: Birampura Pipala (1), Chauru (1), Gopalpura Jhadala (3), Keria Bamu (2) Mandawari,
Bhamu (भामु) Jats live in villages:
Chandma Khurd (4), Surastipura (2), Tibariyan, Gangati Kalan, Madanpura, Paloo Khurd, Prithvipura, Tibariya
Bhamun (भामुं) Jats live in villages:
Surastipura (4), Maheshwas, Turkyawas Renwal (2),
Bhambhu Jats live in villages: Bhukarka, Ramgarh, Charanwasi, Kashiram Ka Bas
Bhambhu Jats live in villages:
Dhani Devaji Wali (Shahpura,
Villages in Jalor district
Villages in Sikar district
Anokhoo, Bagas (6), Bajad Ki Dhani, Balwantpura, Bhainrupura (150), Bhairupura Jageer, Bharija, Bhilunda, Ghassu Ka Bas, Gokulpura, Jagmalpura, Jajas, Jeenwas (5), Jethwan Ka Bas (4), Kasli Katrathal, Losal, Manda Madni, Mordunga, Nagwa, Nasod, Ringas, Sikar, Sutod, Thethalia,
Villages in Churu district
Bhamasi, Binasar, Binadesar (40), Bidasar, Buchawas , Chhapar Churu (7), Depalsar, Dhadheru Bhamuwan, Dheerwas Bara, Dunkar, Godas, Hamusar (60), Jyak, Kadia, Khariya Bara, Naiyasar (6), Parsneu, Ramdeora, Pithisar, Punras, Rajalwara, Sardarshahar, Sujangarh (17),
Villages in Jodhpur district
Bambore Darjiyan, Bawarli, Bhabhuon Ki Dhani, Chamu, Daikara, Jatipura Jodhpur, Jodhpur, Khara Bera, Lohawat, Nandwan, Narayanpura, Ostaran,
Villages in Nagaur district
Bansra Nagaur, Barwala Makrana, Berathal Kalan, Bikharniya Kalan, Bikharniya Khurd, Bodind Khurd, Chindaliya, Dhehari, Goredi Chancha, Goredi Karna, Idwa, Jakhli, Jeslan, Hudas, Kalri, Kasnau, Khari Karamsotan, Lamba Jatan, Lunda, Mithariya, Noond, Peedwa (10), Palot (10), Peelanwasi, Potliya Manjra (2), Rajlota, Ramgarh Nagaur, Rodoo, Sarasani, Siradhana, Soneli, Sukhwasi, Tarnau. Untwaliya,
Villages in Barmer district
Aadel, Adarsh Jogasar, Amarji Ki Dhani, Barmer, Bataru, Bayatu Bhimji, Baytoo, Bhabhuon Ka Tala, Bhabhuon Ki Beri, Bhabhuon Ki Dhani, Bhambhuon Ka Bas, Bhimarlai (भीमरलाई), Dakhan (2), Dharasar, Jooni Undari, Kanasar, Kawas, Lookhu, Madpura Barwala, Maliyon Ki Dhani (30) Mokhab Khurd, Newai, Nimboniyon Ki Dhani, Nokhra, Pareu, Rateu, Rawatsar Barmer, Sahar, Tajoni, Udasar,
Villages in Bikaner district
Beekasar, Kedli (20), Khajuwala, Mummasar, Nakodesar, Nokhagaon (20), Sadhoona, Soor Pura, Takhatpura, Ridmalsar Purohitan
Villages in Hanumangarh district
3 Rwd, Bhukarka, Charanwasi, Chindalia, Dabli Rathan, Dhani Bhambhuan, Dholipal, Dudali, Hanumangarh, Jojasar, Kalana, Kharakhera, Khothanwali, Khinania, Ludhana, Maliya Nohar, Manaktheri, Munsari, Naulakhi, Phephana, Rajpura Bas, Ramgarh, Ramgarh Ujjalwas, Rampura Matoria, Rampura Urf Ramsara, Rorawali, Sangaria, Shri Ramgarh,
Villages in Jhunjhunu district
Alipur, Bhorki (20), Gopalpura, Maligaon, Narnod, Tiba Basai,
Villages in Sri Ganganagar district
Villages in Tonk district
Ali Nagar (1), Aranya Kankad (3), Bajya ka Mauja (Parana) (1), Bijalpura (3), Hamirpur (2), Kumharia (1), Taharpura (1),
Villages in Alwar district
Ghat , Narnol Kalan, Ronpur,
Villages in Dausa district
Anandpura, Harnathpura Bandikui,
Villages in Pali district
Distribution in Haryana
Villages in Hisar district
Badala Hisar Dobhi, Kaimri, Ladwi, Kharia Dhobi
Villages in Fatehabad district
Bighar, Khajuri Jati, Ramsara,
Villages in Gurgaon district
Villages in Sirsa district
Dhukara, Dhingtania, Jamal, Kashiram Ka Bas, Madho Singhana, Mithanpura, Sadewalla,
Villages in Karnal district
Bhambar Heri village is in Asandh Tehsil situated of Karnal District of Haryana.
Distribution in Madhya Pradesh
Villages in Mandsaur district
Villages in Ratlam district
Villages in Ratlam district with population of this gotra are:
Bardiya Goyal 3, Berchha 2, Bhatkheda 3, Bilpank 5, Chikliya 2, Dantodiya 2, Dhaunswas 1, Dheekwa 3, Ghatwas 3, Kalmoda 5, Kalori 1, Kalori Khurd 1, Lapatia 2, Mundari 1, Nalkui 1, Narayangarh Sailana 1, Negarda 2, Sikhedi 1, Surana 4,
Villages in Dewas district
Amoda, Chaplasa, Dabri Dewas Dabribuzurg, Siralya (7) Pipalkota, Bagankheda,
Villages in Dhar district
Borali, Derkha Urf Bharatgarh, Jabada, Nandlai, Ratanpura Dhar,
Villages in Indore district
Villages in Harda district
Abagaon Khurd (2), Harda,
Villages in Hoshangabad district
Villages in Khargone district
Villages in Sehore district
Villages in Ujjain district
Distribution in Maharashtra
Villages in Jalna district
Distribution in Uttar Pradesh
Villages in Hathras district
Nagla Bhambujat (t.Sasni),
Villages in Muzaffarnagar district
Husainabad Bhambara is a village in Burhana tahsil in Muzaffarnagar district in Uttar Pradesh.
Distrbution in Punjab
Villages in Patiala district
Village in Fazilka district
Distribution in Pakistan
Bhanbo =130 population at Villages Datarno Tar, Patarno Tar, Nagarparkar.
Notable persons
- Choudhary Ratti Ram Singh Bhambu Estate holder in Bhawalpur Pakistan
- Bhambu Raja - According to Bhim Singh Dahiya a city named Bhambura in Lower Sindh is mentioned by Alexander Cunningham as capital of a king, named Bhambu Raja in tenth century AD.[26][27]
- Late Ch. Mani Ram Bagri Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha)
- Ishwar Singh Bhamu (ईश्वरसिंह भामू ): A leading Freedom Fighter who took part in Shekhawati farmers movement in Rajasthan. VPO.- Bhairunpura, teh.-Lachhmangarh , distt.- Sikar
- Dunga Ram Bhamu (चौधरी डूंगारामजी भामू) from Bhainrupura, सीकर, was a Freedom fighter and hero of Shekhawati farmers movement. [28]
- Shaheed Umaram Bhamu (1978-2015) was born on 14 January 1978 in village Kalri of Nagaur district in Rajasthan. He was in Rajasthan Police posted at Panchu thana of Nokha tahsil in Bikaner district, Rajasthan. He lost his life on 7 September 2015 fighting with the poachers for the protection of wild life.
- Sanwarmal Bhamu - From village- Tibariya, Jaipur, Rajasthan. Became a martyr of Militancy in Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir on 12 April 2017. He was Havaldar in 20 Jat Regiment.
- Narayan Singh Bhamu (नारायण सिंह भामू), from Bhamarwasi, Chirawa, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, was a Freedom fighter and hero of Shekhawati farmers movement.[29]
- Hanuman Singh Bhamu (कुंवर हनुमानसिंह भामू) from Bamuon Ki Dhani, Sikar, Rajasthan, was a Freedom Fighter who took part in Shekhawati farmers movement in Rajasthan. [30]
- Bhagirath Mal Bhamu - Chief Engineer JVVNL, Great grandson of Ishwar Singh Bhamu, Date of Birth : 12-February-1960, VPO.- Bhairunpura, teh.-Lachhmangarh , distt.- Sikar, Present Address : Flat No 406,Shiv Enclave ,Shiv Marg ,Bani Park, Jaipur, Phone Number : 0141-2204111, Mob: 9414004020, Email Address :
- Shreeram Bhamu - Major (Indian Army), great grandson of Dungaram ji Bhamu, VPO - Bhairumpura, Dist. - Sikar, Rajasthan.
- Sohan Lal Bhamu- A worker's leader in Rajasthan,State President of CITU (R.S.R.T.C.),Sikar,Ph:01572-259590
- Laxmi Narayan Bhambhu: A social worker and politician
- Km. Yogita Bhamu - Meritorious girl. Rajasthan Madhyamik Shiksha Board - 2010, Merit list, Rank 5. She is from Alipur Jhunjhunu village.
- Sumit Bhambu - IIT (2010)
- Kana Ram Bhamu - Ex-Indian Army(1961-1978)
- Jagdeep Bhambhu: social worker and Teacher Ramgarh
- Mahaveer Singh (Bhambu) - RPS, ADDL.S.P., Village .& Po.: Bhamasi, tahsil Rajgarh Churu, Distt. Churu, Present Address : 28, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Nagar, Jaipur Mob.No.-9828134509, Resident Phone Number : 0141-2786239, Mobile Number : 9829067066
- Arvind Bhamu - S/O Sajjan Kumar Bhamu - Did an act of bravery in a truck accident near Dhadhar on 13 June 2012 and was awarded Jat Veer title. [31]mob-9351969933,9672273233
- S. R. Bhamu - A O AG (Audit), Date of Birth : 10-April-1962, Present Address : KHA-4, SRI RAM COLONY, RAM NAGAR EXTN., SODALA, JIPUR, RAJ. Mobile: 9660974925
- Tiku Ram Choudhary (Bhambhu) - DIV. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Railways , Date of Birth : 19-June-1959, Village - Surpura, Teh.- Nokha, Distt.- Barmer, Rajasthan, Present Address : Infront of Mahila ITI, Bikaner Mob. No.9414417048, Phone: 0151-2241636, Mobile Number : 9414417048
- K. D. Choudhary (Bhambu) - Sr. Geologist GSI, Date of Birth : 1-June-1961, VPO.- Naulakhi ,Teh.- Rawatsar DIST.- Hanumangarh, Present Address : 20/75-76 ,MLA QTS.,MANSAROVAR , JAIPUR, RAJASTHAN, Mob: 9414637005
- Vijay Singh Bhambhu - Dy. Commandant Civil Defence & Home Guard, Date of Birth : 11-February-1968, Permanent Address : Chack - 21 M.L. Teh.& distt. Sri Ganganagar(Rajasthan) PIN- 335001, Present Address : 52, Shivraj Niketan,Vaishali Nagar, JAIPUR PIN-302021, Resident Phone Number : 0141-5179894, Mobile Number : 9414324777, Email Address :
- Arjun Lal Choudhary (Bhamoo) - Agri. Research Officer (Agro), Date of Birth : 1-July-1966, Village - Prithvipura, P.O.- Khandel, Teh.- Phulera, Dist.- jaipur (Raj.), Present Address : 22, Brijmandal colony, Near Sai Public School, Kalwar Road, Jhotwara, jaipur (Raj.), Phone : 0141-2345622, Mob: 9414363024, Email Address :
- Dr. Vijay Pal Choudhary (Bhamoo) - M.S.( Otho.), Village - Prithvipura, P.O. Khandel, Teh. Phulera, Dist. Jaipur (Raj.), Present Address : 22 Brijmandal Colony, Kalwar Road, Jhotwara, Jaipur. Phone : 0141-2345622, Mob: 9414473768
- Ganga Ram Bhambhu - 2 IC BSF, from village Madpura Barwala (Barmer), DOB:12-8-1945
- Mukesh Bhamu - from village Balwantpura, Sikar, Rajasthan. IAS-2012, Rank 410
- Himmata Ram Bhambhu - conservationist and environmentalist from Sukhwasi Nagaur. He is an awardee of Rajiv Gandhi Paryavaran Purashkar-2014.
- Jaiprakash Bhamu: IRS Indian Civil Services 2016 batch, great-grandson of Shri Dungaram ji Bhamu, From Sikar Rajasthan, M: 919510743796
- Mukesh Bhambhu: IPS 2013 batch, Odissa Cadre, M: 9461138300
- Dhanna Ram Bhambu (born 1891) (चौधरी धन्नाराम भाम्बू), from Goredi Karna (गोरेड़ी), Nagaur, was a social worker in Nagaur, Rajasthan.[32]
- Uma Ram Bhamu - क्रान्तिकारी स्वतंत्रता सेनानी. रोडू के उमाराम जी भामू ने सूबेदार पन्नाराम मण्डा के साथ जोधपुर, नागौर, डेगाना, डीडवाना आदि अंचलों में गाँव-गाँव व ढाणी-ढाणी जाकर किसानों को अन्यायकारी व्यवस्था का विरोध करने के लिए जाग्रत किया।[33]
- सरदारा राम भाम्बू, संकवास - मारवाड़ जाट कृषक सुधार सभा की प्रबंधकारिणी और कार्यकारिणी में रहकर आप ने जाट जाति की सेवा करके अपने को कृतार्थ किया है। [34]
- Basti Ram Bhamu - From Narnod, Jhunjhunu, बस्ती राम नारनोद (भामू), 15 जून 1946 को झुंझुनू में किसान कार्यकर्ताओं की एक बैठक चौधरी घासी राम ने बुलाई. शेखावाटी के प्रमुख कार्यकर्ताओं ने इसमें भाग लिया. अध्यक्षता विद्याधर कुलहरी ने की. इसमें यह उभर कर आया कि भविष्य में समाजवादी विचारधारा को अपनाया जाये. जिन व्यक्तियों ने किसान सभा का अनुमोदन किया उनमें आप भी सम्मिलित थे. (राजेन्द्र कसवा, p. 201-03).
- Awantika Chaudhary (Bhambu) - D/O Rajaram Bhambu, M.Tech. from IIT Delhi, From Rampura Urf Ramsara, Tibbi, Hanumangarh, Rajasthan.
- Vikas Bhambhu (Major) became martyr on 21.10.2022 in a helicopter crash at Migging village in the border state Arunachal Pradesh's Upper Siang district on Friday 21.10.2022. Along with Maj Vikas Bhambhu, Maj Mustafa Bohara, Cfn Aswin KV, Hav Biresh Sinha & Nk Rohitashva Kumar Khairwa laid down their lives in the line of duty in helicopter crash at Migging, Arunachal Pradesh. Vikas Bhambhu was from village Rampura Urf Ramsara or 3 Rwd in Tibi tahsil of District Hanumangarh in Rajasthan.
- Dr. Ravindra Singh Bhambhoo S/O Moolchand Bhambhoo, Married to Shailja Choudhary (Khyalia), M.S Orthopaedic surgeon, Former resident doctor at SP medical college and PBM hospital bikaner. अस्थि रोग विसेसेज्ञ सूजानगढ़ चुरु राजस्थान
- Choudhary Ratti Ram Singh Bhambu of Gulab Ali estates (Bhawalnagar, Bhawalpur, Pakistan)
- देवाराम भाॅमू - बहुमुखी प्रतिभा के धनी, काव्यश्री,साहित्य रत्न देवाराम भाॅमू समाज के गौरव MOb . 09571524500,
- पद्मश्री प्रकृति प्रेमी हिमताराम जी भाम्बू, हमारे भाम्बू परिवार व देश के गर्व]
- सुरेन्द्र सिंह भाम्बू S/o श्री जीवन सिंह भाम्बू , गांव/पोस्ट- मालीगांव, तह.-चिड़ावा,जिला -झुन्झुनूं ,राज्य-राजस्थान, जिला सचिवा भारतीय किसान श्रमिक जनशक्ति युनियन जिला -झुन्झुनूं हिंदी ब्लॉग लेखक मो.-9829277798

- Anop Bhambu (born: 15 Feb 1992) is social worker, an Indian environmentalist, wildlife conservationist and Artist. Bhambu was born in Bambor village of Jodhpur district in Rajasthan, India.
- Dr Jitendra Bhamboo Alipur: Pediatrician डॉ जितेंद्र भाम्बू अलीपुर ,शिशू रोग विशेषज्ञ, झुंझुनूं फ़ोन नंबर: 094688 24950
- यशपाल भांभू, रस्टिक राजस्थान मसाले, नागौर (9166463656), जोधपुर : 74, राजीव नगर , सीरवी हॉस्टल के पास , कुड़ी रोड़, बासनी, जोधपुर।
- Mr Pradeep Kumar Bhambhu: Munsari 7737588288

- Rajendra Prasad Bhambu (Subedar) (01.07.1974-11.08.2022) was from Mali Gaon village in Chirawa tahsil of Jhunjhunu district in Rajasthan. He became Martyr of Militancy at Rajauri on 13.08.2022 in Jammu and Kashmir.

- Mahesh Kumar Bhamu (02.07.1976 - 23.01.2004) became martyr of militancy on 23.01.2004 in Jammu and Kashmir. He was from Bhairoopura village in Dhod tahsil of district Sikar in Rajasthan.
- Unit - 11 Jat Regiment

- Suresh Bhamu (Major General): श्रीगंगानगर। जिले के कुलड़ियांवाली ढाणी चक 21 एमएल निवासी मेजर जनरल श्रीमान सुरेश भांभू को युद्ध सेना मेडल से सम्मानित किया गया है। यह सम्मान उनको 76वें गणतंत्र दिवस पर पूर्वोत्तर के दुर्गम व अशांत क्षेत्र में उच्च कोटि की विशिष्ट सेवा के परिचालन एवं निर्वहन हेतु दिया गया है। उनके पिता राम दयाल भांभू एक किसान परिवार से हैं ।
Gallery of Bhamu people
Jagdeep Bhambhu
Jagdeep Bhambhoo
Shahid Sanwar Mal Bhamu, Tibaria, Phulera, Jaipur
Choudhary Ratti Ram Singh Bhambu of Gulab Ali estates (Bhawalnagar, Bhawalpur, Pakistan)
Pradeep bhambhu munsari POCK
- ↑ O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p.54, s.n. 18907
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. भ-19
- ↑ B S Dahiya:Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Jat Clan in India, p.236, s.n.23
- ↑ O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p.54, s.n. 18703
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. भ-40
- ↑ O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p.54, s.n. 1899
- ↑ O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p.54, s.n. 1899
- ↑ Jat History Thakur Deshraj/Chapter IX,p.695
- ↑ H. W. Bellew: An Inquiry Into the Ethnography of Afghanistan,p.185
- ↑ An Inquiry Into the Ethnography of Afghanistan, H. W. Bellew, p.133, 185
- ↑ Mahendra Singh Arya et al: Adhunik Jat Itihas, p. 273
- ↑ B S Dahiya:Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Jat Clan in India,p. 245
- ↑ Bhim Singh Dahiya: Jats the Ancient Rulers, p. 245
- ↑ Ancient Geography of India, p. 248
- ↑ Alexander Cunningham: The Ancient Geography of India/Western India,pp. 294
- ↑ Alexander Cunningham: The Ancient Geography of India/Western India,pp. 295
- ↑ Hira Lal:Descriptive lists of inscriptions in the Central provinces and Berar, p.49
- ↑ The Ancient Geography of India,p.133,134
- ↑ Briggs, 'Ferishta,' iv. 483.
- ↑ श्री वीर तेजाजी का इतिहास एवं जीवन चरित्र (शोधग्रंथ): लेखक - संत श्री कान्हाराम, मो: 9460360907, प्रकाशक: श्री वीर तेजाजी शोध संस्थान सुरसुरा, अजमेर, 2015, p. 215-216
- ↑ Ganesh Berwal: 'Jan Jagaran Ke Jan Nayak Kamred Mohar Singh', 2016, ISBN 978.81.926510.7.1, p.2
- ↑ Kings of Kashmira Vol 2 (Rajatarangini of Kalhana)/Book VIII,pp.92-93
- ↑ Kings of Kashmira Vol 2 (Rajatarangini of Kalhana)/Book VIII (i) ,p.113-114
- ↑ Bhim Singh Dahiya: Jats the Ancient Rulers, p. 245
- ↑ Alexander Cunningham:The Ancient Geography of India/Western India,pp. 294
- ↑ Bhim Singh Dahiya: Jats the Ancient Rulers, p. 245
- ↑ Alexander Cunningham:The Ancient Geography of India/Western India,pp. 294
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.491
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.421-423
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.480
- ↑ उद्देश्य:जाट कीर्ति संस्थान चूरू द्वारा आयोजित सर्व समाज बौधिक एवं प्रतिभा सम्मान समारोह चूरू, 9 जनवरी 2013,पृ. 79
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.190
- ↑ 'जुल्म की कहानी किसान की जबानी' (2006), लेखक - भीमसिंह आर्य, प्रकाशक - मरुधर प्रकाशन, आर्य टाईप सेंटर- सुजानगढ़ (चूरू), पृ.212
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj: Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.209
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