Khokhar (खोखर)[1][2] [3]Khokar (खोकर) Khokkar (खोक्कर)[4][5] Gakhar Khonkhar (खोंखर) Khonkar (खोंकर) is a gotra of Jats found in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh in India and Pakistan. Khokhar is a Baloch Jat clan found in Afghanistan.[6] It is an important tribe of Punjab (Pakistan).[7]
- They are mentioned in Vayu Purana and Visnu Purana as 'Kokarakas'. [8] [9]Khokhar is a derivative of Kukar. The Khokhars are found in Rajputs also. Khokhars originated from Nagavanshi Karkotaka (कर्कोटक).[10]
- Kukara (कुकर) was a very ancient northwestern Mahabharata tribe. Kukura was a Chandravanshi Kingdom during Mahabharata period. It is identified with eastern Rajasthan. Kukura is also mentioned as a Nagavanshi King in Mahabharata. Varahamihira has mentioned Kukuradesha in Brihatsamhita (14,4). Probably Kukuras were related with Shakas and considered to be Anaryas. Khokhars or Gakkars who killed Muhammad Ghori while returning from India to Ghazni were descendants of Kukuras.
- खोखर राव के नाम पर खोखर जाट गोत्र प्रचलित हुआ है.[11]
Jat Gotras Namesake
- Gakhar = Khokhar= Gogaræi (, from Persian Buz (Goat)[12]
Ram Swarup Joon[13] writes In the Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 48, while describing various Kings who attended a ceremony in the Durbar (court) of Maharaja Yudhisthira, seventeen names are mentioned which are today found as Jat gotras. These are Malhia, Mylaw, Sindhar, Gandhar, Mahity, Mahe, Savi, Bath, Dharan, Virk, Dard, Shaly, Matash, Kukar (Khokar) Kak, Takshak, Sand, Bahik (Bathi) Bije (Bijenia), Andhra, Sorashtra (Rathi) Mann, Ar, Sohat, Kukat, Othiwal (Othval).
Ram Sarup Joon[14] writes that...about 70 Jat Gotras joined the Gujar force and started calling themselves Gujars. Khokkar is one of them.
Ram Swarup Joon[15] writes.... According to Bhagwatdatta, Baluchis of (of Balochistan) today are the descendants of Anu. Baluchya, Balhara, Bal, Balan are Jat gotras. Kak, Kakarzai, Klock, Kukar, Khokar, Karskar Jats belong to the Anu Branch. Thirty thousand Baluchis in Makran were recognised as Jats. Baluchis of the Lomri region are described as Jats in their chronicles. In the Rig-Veda, there are references to the Kabul River of Afghanistan, Gomal Valley, and rivers Ganga and Jamuna. There are also references to Kshatriya and the five branches of the Yayati Dynasty.
Ram Swarup Joon[16] writes that...Khokhar is a derivative of Kukar. They are found in the Punjab. There are about 52 villages of the Khokhar Jats in Mathura and Aligarh districts.
Haral, Ajra, Bhalu and Bhala are the sub gotras of the Khokhar Jats. In Pakistan Khokhars are followers of Islam.
Ram Swarup Joon[17] writes about Kukarnag, Kakrryan or Kak: Kukar was the son of Takshak. Kak, Kakrayan, Kakar, Khokhar are derivatives of Kukar. They are also called Karaskars. The Kukar rulers are also mentioned to be present at King Yudhisthira's coronation. They are called Kukars in Dwarika and Kakar in Baluchistan. Kakarzi amongst the Baluch is a big tribe. The Kukar dynasty has been erroneously called a Suryavanshi dynasty.
Ram Sarup Joon[18] writes that...The Gondal, Tiwana, Janjeha, Dahiya, Chhonkar, Khokhar Rajputs converted from Jats in comparatively recent times.
The correct form of Khokhan is Khokhar, who were rulers in Raya (Mathura) and Sindh.[19]
Bhai Roop Chand ji Was also Khokhar who was devout sikh of Guru Hargobind Ji. There is village on his name Bhai Roopa in Bhatinda district of Punjab, India. Haral, Ajra, Bhalu and Bhala are the sub gotras of the Khokhar Jats.
Khokhars origin is from Central Asia. They were perhaps Central Asian Huns who repeatedly attacked North India.
They were same for north India's empires as barbarians or Huns were for Roman Empire.
They have very ancient and important history that needs to be researched. Khokhar Jats are said to have constructed fort at Kanwat village in Sikar district of Rajasthan. It was their capital.
H.A. Rose[20] writes that The Awans in Kapurthala are said to have the Jand got.
In Pakistan Khokhars are followers of Islam. A former high commissioner of Pakistan in India was Riaz Khokhar.
कुकुर = कुक्कुर = कौकुर
विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[21] ने लेख किया है ... Kukura (कुकुर) = Kukkura (कुक्कुर)= Kaukura (कौकुर) (AS, p.199)
प्राचीन साहित्य तथा अभिलेखों में कुकुर-निवासियों और कुकुरदेश का अनेक बार उल्लेख आया है-- 'शौण्डिकाः कुक्कुराश चैव शकाश चैव विशां पते, अङ्गा वङ्गाश च पुण्ड्राश च शाणवत्या गयास्तदा' (II.48.15) (महाभारत सभापर्व 52,16) तथा 'जठराः कुक्कुराश चैव सुदशार्णाश च भारत' (VI.10.41) (महाभारत भीष्म पर्व 9,42); 'यादवा: कुकुरा भोजा: सर्वे चांधकवृष्णय:' शांतिपर्व 81,29.
रुद्रदामन् के गिरनार अभिलेख (द्वितीय सदी ईस्वी) में इस इस प्रदेश की गणना रुद्रदामन् द्वारा जीते गए प्रदेशों में की गई है.-- 'स्ववीर्यार्जितानामनुरक्त सर्वप्रकृतीनां पूर्वापराकरा वन्त्यनूपनी वृदानर्त सुराष्ट्र श्वभ्रभरुकच्छ सिंधु सौवीर कुकुरापरान्त निषादादीनां...'
इस प्रदेश को गौतमीबलश्री के नासिक अभिलेख (द्वितीय शती ई.) में उसके पुत्र सातवाहन गौतमीपुत्र के राज्य में सम्मिलित बताया गया है.
वाराहमिहिर की बृहतसंहिता 14,4 में भी कुकुरदेश का उल्लेख है. प्राप्त साक्ष्य के आधार पर कहा जा सकता है कि संभवत: कुकुर लोग शकों से संबंधित थे तथा उनकी गणना अनार्य जातियों में की जाती थी. (12 वीं सदी में सिंध और पश्चिमी पंजाब में खोखर या घक्कर नामक एक जाति का निवास था. इन्होंने मुहम्मद गौरी का, जब भारत से गजनी लौट रहा था, वध कर दिया था. संभव है खोखर और कुकुर एक ही हों. प्राचीन काल में कुकुर देश की स्थिति पारियात्र या विंध्याचल के पश्चिमी भाग तथा राजस्थान या गुजरात के पूर्वी भाग में रही होगी. रुद्रदामन् के समय कुकुर शायद सिंध और अपरांत देश के बीच में बसे हुए थे.
Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni (977-1030) and Jats
Mahmud Ghazni was a Turk. The original rulers of Turkistan were Jats. Then the Mongols ousted them and Turk tribes were gradually compelled to leave Turkistan. Mahmood's ancestors had thus come and settled in Zabulistan and Afghanistan. Alptigin of this tribe established his kingdom in Ghazni. Sabuktigin (977-997), who was born in the third generation of Alptigin, invaded India many times but was vigorously repulsed by the Jat King, Jai Pal, at Frontier Provinces. His son Sultan Mahmud was aware of his father's battles with Raja Jaipal and India's weaknesses.
It has been mentioned in Indian History that Mahmud Ghazni had given a vow to the Khalifa to invade India every year, demolish the idols they worshipped and spread Islam. Every time he came like a hurricane looted, and returned but only to create a large Army with that wealth, and invade again. Two of his invasions were purely against Jats and these proved the costliest.
In 1001 AD Mahmud of Ghazni defeated Jay Pal and occupied the state of Bhatis, Bhatinda. He captured Multan and levied tax on acts of worship. Anand Pal, son of Jay Pal, took with him the rulers of Kannauj and Jujhauti and attacked Mahmud. In this war Gakkhar Jats were also with Anand Pal. Mahmud had come this time with a huge army and camped for 40 days. At last the army of Gakkhars attacked Mahmud at place called Chhachh near Atak. The Turk army could not sustain war before Gakkhars. Mahmud was about to withdraw from the war, But unfortunately at the same time the elephant of Anand Pal got angry, which sent the signals as a defeat and the army got demoralized. This led to the victory of Mahmud. (Dr Natthan Singh, 123-124)
The Rajput kings of those days did not offer any appreciable resistance against his invasions. Once it was rumored that an attack on Somnath temple was imminent and it would be looted and devastated. All the Rajput Kings assembled there to save Somnath temple from this anticipated disaster, but had no mutual confidence among themselves. They had no heart to fight, but presented themselves only as a matter of prestige. The Head priest of this temple, however, assured them that there was no need to fight as the idol of Somnath would curse the devils to blindness, and they would perish moaning and screaming.
The rumor came true. The Muslim force laid siege of the temple and the battle ensued. At that time a dance of beautiful girls (devdasis) was going on in temple to appease the idol and all Rajput chiefs who had come to defend the temple were busy in enjoying the function. When the Muslim invaders attacked, the Rajputs took to their heels. The priests, however, fought bravely and were killed in large numbers at the altar. Sultan Mahmood demolished the idol of Somnath and started towards Ghazni with a Caravan of Camels laden with gold, silver and precious jewels.
It is mentioned in Todd's Rajasthan that while the Army of Mahmood Ghazni with the booty was passing through the Jat territory of Multan, they were ambushed by Jats in 1025 AD, and all the wealth was recovered.
Sultan Mahmood Ghazni collected the remnants of his force, and managed to slip away with it. This was the first occasion when he met defeat in India.
Muhammad Ghori (1173-1205) and Jats
In Jabulistan there is a big 'Khap' of Gaurzai (derivative of Gaur). Ghazni's old name was Gazni and was founded by the Madrak Jat Raja Gaj. After the death of Mahmood Ghazni, Gaurs again came into power.
Their capable ruler planned to extend his empire into India to revive the ancient glory of Gaurs who had earlier ruled Hissar and Ajmer Areas. The ancestors of Raja Gaj had also ruled Sialkot and Quetta. Ruins of a fort Bala-e-Hissar still exist in Afghanistan.
The King Jai Chand was at daggers drawn with Prithvi Raj. He continued a clash between Mohammed Gauri and Prithvi Raj, and promised to support Mohammed Gauri with men and material. Mohammed Gauri jumped at the proposal. Unlike Mahmood Ghazni his aim was not more plunder. He wanted to capture the throne of Delhi and to establish his empire there. Muhammad Ghori (1173-1205) invaded in 1191 and faced Prithvi Raj Chauhan at Tarain near Delhi. Jats fought along with Rajputs. Prithvi Raj's commander-in-chief was Chand Ram, Dahima Jat. Ghori was defeated and wounded and his troops were looted by Jats while retreating.
It has been mentioned in the chronicles of Jat 'Sarv Khap', which are still reserved with Chaudhry Qabul Singh Shoron Distt Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, that the Jat Sarv Khap, reinforced Prithvi Raj with 22,000 brave Jats, who contributed a great deal for Prithvi Raj to win the day.
To avenge his humiliation and defeat he attacked again and won at Tarain (1192). Ghori made Kutb Uddin Aibak his regent at Delhi.
The Jats under Jatwan beseized the Muslim commander of Hansi (Haryana), Nasrat Uddin, raised the sieze and an obstinate and fierce battle defeated the Muslims under Kutb Uddin Aibak (1193). Khokhar Jats killed Ghori (March 15, 1205) at Dhamyak near Lahore after a fierce battle and avenged the defeat of Tarain.
Villages founded by Khokhar clan
- Kanwat - village in Shrimadhopur tehsil in Sikar district in Rajasthan.It was capital of Khokhar Jats.
- Khokharia(Jodhpur)
- Khokharanwali (खोखरांवाली) village in Tehsil .... in Ganganagar district in the Indian state of Rajasthan.
Villages after Khokar
- खोकरो (जाट गोत्र - खोकर) : खोकरो नाम का गाँव झारखंड के सराइकेला खरसावाँ जिले की ईचागढ़ विकास-खंड में है।
- खोखरो (जाट गोत्र - खोखर) : खोखरो नाम का गाँव झारखंड के सराइकेला खरसावाँ जिले की राजनगर विकास-खंड में है।
Sub Divisions of Khokhar gotra
There are several sub-divisions of the Khokhar gotra , such as the Bandial, Bhachar, Dholka, Ganjial, Jalap, Majoka, Nissowana, Rawal, and then Denaar (among muslims). According to H.A. Rose[22] Jat clans derived from Khokhar are: Bohla and Khokhar. Haral, Ajra, Bhalu and Bhala are also the sub gotras of the Khokhar Jats (Hindu and Sikh).
Khokhar Khap
They are found in the Punjab state. There are about 52 villages of the Khokhar Jats in Mathura and Aligarh districts. Khokhar is the major gotra of Kansala and Shamdi Rohtak Haryana.
Khokhar Khap has 52 villages in Uttar Pradesh in Mathura, Aligarh districts. 24 villages of Moradabad district are in this khap. 150 villages of this khap are in Punjab , Bhatinda district around Mansa Mandi. Jat gotra is Khokhar. [23]
खोखर खाप
14. खोखर खाप - यह खाप सुदूर क्षेत्रों तक फैली हुई है. मथुरा और अलीगढ़ में इस खाप के 52 गांव हैं. मुरादाबाद जनपद में 24 गांव की चौबीसी इसी खाप में में गिनी जाती है. इसके अलावा पंजाब प्रांत के जनपद बठिंडा में मानसा मंडी के आसपास बसे खोखर सिख जाटों के करीब 150 गांव भी इसी खाप में शामिल माने जाते हैं.[24]
Khokhar Forts
जाटों का तैमूर से युद्ध
दलीप सिंह अहलावत[25] ने लिखा है कि मध्यएशिया में जाटों को परास्त करके तैमूर ने अपनी राजधानी समरकन्द में स्थापित की। उसने अपनी विशाल सेना से तुर्किस्तान, फारस, अफगानिस्तान आदि देशों को जीतकर भारत पर आक्रमण करने का निश्चय किया जो उस समय बड़ी अव्यवस्थित दशा में था। दिल्ली सल्तनत पर तुगलक वंश का अन्तिम बादशाह महमूद तुगलक था जो कि एक निर्बल शासक था। भारत में फैली हुई अराजकता को दबाने में वह असफल था। इस दशा से लाभ उठाते हुए तैमूर ने भारत पर आक्रमण कर दिया।
तैमूर ने सबसे पहले अपने पौत्र पीर मुहम्मद को सेना के अग्रभाग का सेनापति बनाकर भेजा। उसने सिन्ध को पार कर कच्छ को जीत लिया। उसने आगे बढ़कर मुलतान, दिपालपुर और पाकपटन को जीत लिया। इसके बाद वह सतलुज नदी तक पहुंच गया जहां वह अपने दादा के आने की प्रतीक्षा करने लगा। तैमूर ने 92000 घुड़सवारों के साथ 24 सितम्बर 1398 ई० में हिन्दुकुश मे मार्ग से आकर सिन्ध को पार किया। वह पेशावर से मुलतान पहुंचा। वहां से आगे बढ़ने पर खोखर जाटों से इसकी सख्त टक्कर हुई जिनको परास्त करके वह सतलुज नदी पर अपने पौत्र से जा मिला। मुलतान युद्ध में तथा आगे मार्ग में जाटों ने तैमूर का बड़ी वीरता से मुकाबला किया था। अब उसने भटनेर पर आक्रमण कर दिया जहां से उस पर जाटों का आक्रमण होने का डर
जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठान्त-377
था। भटनेर की स्थिति भटिण्डा से बीकानेर जाने वाले मार्ग पर थी[26]।
वाक़ए-राजपूताना, जिल्द 3 में लेखक मुंशी ज्वालासहाय ने लिखा है कि “भटनेर जो अब रियासत बीकानेर का भाग है, पुराने जमाने में जाटों के दूसरे समूह की राजधानी थी। ये जाट ऐसे प्रबल थे कि उत्थान के समय में बादशाहों का मुक़ाबला किया और जब आपत्ति आई, हाथ संभाले। भाटी जाटों की आबादी की वजह से इस इलाके का नाम भटनेर हुआ है। जो लोग मध्यएशिया से भारत पर आक्रमण करते थे, उनके मार्ग में स्थित होने से भटनेर ने इतिहास में प्रसिद्धि प्राप्त की है। तैमूर के आक्रमण का भी मुकाबिला किया।”
तैमूर ने भटनेर को जीत लिया और यहां पर अपने हाकिम चिगात खां को नियुक्त करके आगे को बढ़ा। इस हमले के थोड़े दिन बाद जाटों ने अपने राज्य को वापिस लेने हेतु अपने सरदार वीरसिंह या वैरीसाल के नेतृत्व में मारोट और फूलरा से निकलकर भटनेर पर आक्रमण कर दिया। विजय प्राप्त करके फिर से भटनेर को अपने अधिकार में ले लिया। (जाट इतिहास पृ० 596-597, लेखक ठा० देशराज)।
तैमूर के साथ जाटों ने बड़ी वीरता से युद्ध किए। इसीलिए तो उसने कहा था कि
- “जाट एक अत्यन्त मज़बूत जाति है। देखने में वे दैत्य जैसे, चींटी और टिड्डियों की तरह बहुत संख्या वाले और शत्रुओं के लिए सच्ची महामारी हैं।”
शाह तैमूर दस हजार चुनींदा सवारों के साथ जंगलों से भरे मार्गों से होकर टोहाना गांव में पहुंचा वह अपने विजय संस्मरणों में लिखता है कि
- “टोहाना पहुंचने पर मुझे पता लगा कि यहां के निवासी वज्र देहधारी जाति के हैं और ये जाट कहलाते हैं। ये केवल नाम से मुसलमान हैं, लेकिन डकैती और राहज़नी में इनके मुकाबिले की अन्य कोई जाति नहीं है। ये जाट कबीले सड़कों पर आने-जाने वाले कारवां को लूटते हैं और इन लोगों ने मुसलमान अथवा यात्रियों के हृदय में भय उत्पन्न कर दिया है।”
प्रथम अभियान में तैमूर जाटों को शान्त नहीं कर सका और उसे आगे बढ़कर अधिक सैनिक शक्ति का प्रयोग करना पड़ा। आगे वह लिखता है कि
- “वास्तव में हिन्दुस्तान विजय का मेरा उद्देश्य मूर्तिपूजक हिन्दुओं के विरुद्ध धर्मयुद्ध संचालन करने तथा मुहम्मद के आदेश अनुसार इस्लाम धर्म कबूल करवाने का रहा है। अतः यह आवश्यक था कि मैं इन जाटों की हस्ती मिटा दूं।”
तैमूर ने 2000 दैत्याकार जाटों का वध किया। उनकी पत्नी तथा बच्चों को बन्दी बनाया। पशु और धन सम्पत्ति लूटी। उनको दबाकर सन्तोष की श्वास ली। [27]
Distribution in Punjab
Villages in Hoshiarpur district
Khokhar Dawa Khri,Khokhar Dasua-1,Khokhar Dasua-2 ,Khokhar Dasua-3,Zahura,Sanuara ,Khaila,Bhaggowala,Khokhra,Bijjo
- Khokhar, Khokhar, Khokhar, Khokhar Dawa Khri named villages are in Dasua tahsil in Hoshiarpur district in Punjab.
Villages in Faridkot district
Villages in Bhatinda district
Khokhar Gaon, Nehianwala, Sirie Wala,
Village in Fazilka district
Villages in Gurdaspur district
Khokhar named villages are in Gurdaspur tahsil of Gurdaspur district in Punjab, India.
- Khokhar, Khokhar, Khokhar, Khokharwal named Villages are in Batala tahsil in Gurdaspur district in Punjab.
Villages in Ludhiana district
Villages in Mansa district
- Khokhar Kalan, Khokhar Khurd Kotli Kalan, are village in Mansa tahsil in Mansa district in Punjab.
Villages in Muktsar district
Villages in Rupnagar district
Villages in Sangrur district
Gobindgarh Moonak, Khokhar Village,
Distribution in Rajasthan
Kanwat village in Sikar district in Rajasthan was capital of Khokhar Jats.
Locations in Jaipur city
Ambabari, Chaumu House, Ganesh Colony (Khatipura), Gangani Kala (Dudu), Murlipura Scheme,
Villages in Jaipur district
Anantpura, Bassinaga (15), Chakwada Chauru (1), Chauru (1), Devkishanpura (1), Ganeshpura, Sanganer, Sundariyawas,
Villages in Alwar district
Villages in Ajmer district
Villages in Ganganagar district
Villages in Sikar district
Ghasseepura, Ghatamdaswali, Jharli Sikar, Mordunga, Raipura, Surani,
Villages in Jodhpur district
Villages in Nagaur district
Bhagwanpura, Bharatgarh Khokhar, Bidiyad, Gotan, Indokha, Karwasaron Ki Dhani, Khivtana (40), Khokharon ki Dhani, Kyamsar, Nawa, Rabdiyad, Raidhana, Shivdanpura Nawa,
Villages in Pali district
Villages in Tonk district
Deoli, Banedia Bujurg, Bishanpura, Dheebroo, Ganwar, Ghareda, Jhirana, Kalyan Pura, Khandwa, Kuhada Khurd, Madhoganj, Morla, Nagar, Raghunathpura Parli, Rahad unira, Suwadiyadi,
Villages in Udaipur district
Villages in Kota district
Villages in Jhalawar district
Villages in Dausa district
Villages in Churu district
Sujangarh (8),
Villages in Hanumangarh district
Distribution in Haryana
Villages in Rohtak district
Villages in Sonipat district
Villages in Jind district
Villages in Panipat district
Distribution in Delhi
Jia Sarai - Migrated from Kansala, Rohtak.
Distribution in Uttar Pradesh
Villages in Agra district
Villages in Bagpat district
Badarkha, Chhaprauli, Patti Dhankoshiya, Halalpur, Mukandpur, Rathoda, Talwada
Villages in Mathura district
Punjabi Nagra, Kharwa, Mursenia, Raya Mathura,
Villages in Muzaffarnagar district
Datiyana, Muzaffarnagar, Parai,
Villages in Badaun district
Distribution in Madhya Pradesh
Villages in Ratlam district
Villages in Ratlam district with population of this gotra are:
Khokar in Kalmoda 1, Kotdi 1, Mundari 1,
Villages in Dewas district
Villages in Harda district
Villages in Sehore district
Villages in Mandsaur district
Distribution in Pakistan
List of Khokhar Towns and Villages
Villages in Jhelum
Pind Dadan Khan (Jhelum), Khokhar Malwana (Jhelum), Khokhar Aggar Khan (Jhelum),
Villages in Mandi Bahaudin
Thakkar Kalan (Mandi Bahaudin), Garh Qaim (Mandi Bahaudin),
Villages in Sargodha
Khamb Nau (Sargodha), Mitha lak (Sargodha),
Villages in Gujrat
Mari Khokhran (Gujrat), Khokhar Gharbi (Gujrat), Rindheer Khokhran (Gujrat), Kotli Khokhran (Gujrat), Shampur Khokharan (Gujrat),
Villages in Sialkot
Panwan Khokhar (Sialkot), Pindi Khokharan (Sialkot), Rhang khokhran (Sialkot),
Villages in Mianwali
Basti Khokhar (Mianwali),
Villages in Gujar Khan
Bhagwala Khokharan (Gujar Khan), Jhangh Khokharan (Gujar Khan),
Villages in Larkana
Khokhar (Larkana),
Notable Persons
In India
- Dr Atal Singh Khokhar - Jat Historian.
- Sonia Khokhar - Actress.
- Ram Lal Khokhar - Who killed Mohd. Ghauri in 1206.
- Keshar Mal Khokar -
- Hardeep Singh Khokhar - From village Kansala District Rohtak, Haryana is appointed as SAP Mobility Subject Matter Expert at Accenture Services Pvt Ltd.
- Bheru Lal Khokhar - Freedom Fighter of Deoli district Tonk, Rajasthan.
- Moti Lal Khokhar - Ex Policeman of village Bishanpura in district Tonk Rajasthan.
- Sukhram Khokhar: RAS,SDO Digod, district Kota, From Nagaur, M: 9660415829
- Balbir Singh Khokhar (35) - From Khokharon Ki Dhani, Dhod, Sikar, Rajasthan, Martyr on 19.7.2016, He was posted at Shrinagar and under treatment at R R Hospital Delhi.
- Squadron Leader Swati Chaudhary (Khokhar) - Indian Air Force
- Late Ramsingh Khokhar (Bishnoi) :- Khokhar was an Indian National Congress politician and senior leader from Rajasthan, India. He was an MLA from Luni constituency for 7 times and former Cabinet Minister ,his grandson Mahendra Khokhar is currently (2019) an MLA from Luni.
- Bhanwar Lal Khokhar :- Senior RES (Rajasthan Educational Services) and Social worker from Khokhron ka baas , Nagaur
- Sunil Khokhar - Captain Sunil Khokhar (5.5.1966-7.5.1994) (Vir Chakra) was a second generation soldier. He became martyr on May 7, 1994 in ‘Operation Meghdoot’ at Siachen Glacier. He is from Kansala, Rohtak, Haryana. His father Satish Kumar Khokhar served in the Army for 28 years and retired as Honorary Captain.
- Hotam Singh (Khonkhar), Deputy Chief Engineer (IRSE) North Central Railway Prayagraj U.P.. Native village - Reti Ka Nagla (Singna / Singma) ,Tehsil - Kiraoli, District - Agra , U.P. (9451076824)

- Sunita Khokhar - बहुत बड़ा गौरव का विषय है एक गांव की बेटी - ISRO द्वारा लांच chandrayaan-3 की टीम में नागौर जिले के डीडवाना जनपद के डाकीपुरा गांव की बेटी, जाट समाज की बेटी सुनीता_खोखर भी शामिल है। समस्त ग्रामवासी की ओर ISRO टीम को सफल लॉन्चिंग के लिए बहुत-बहुत बधाई एवं शुभकामनाएं.

- Bhanwar Ram Khokhar (Sepoy) became martyr of militancy on 19.07.2000 at Kaksar in Kargil district of Jammu and Kashmir. He was from Gotan village in Merta tehsil of Nagaur district of Rajasthan.
- Unit - 4 Jat Regiment
In Pakistan
- Ghazanfar Ali Khan Khokhar - Former Minister of Food, Agriculture and Health, Ambassador to Iran 1948-1952, to Turkey 1952-1953, to India 1954-1956 and to Italy 1956-1957.
- Riaz Khokhar - Former Foreign Secretary of Pakistan, High Commissioner to India 1992–1997, Ambassador to the United States 1997–1999 and to China 1999–2002.
- M. Nawaz Khokhar - Former Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan.
- Justice Faqir Muhammad Khokhar - Judge, Supreme Court of Pakistan
- Justice (Retd.) Fakhar un Nisa Khokhar - President, Lahore High Court Bar Association.
- Barrister Tariq Mehmood Khokhar - Former Deputy Attorney General, Government of Pakistan
- Malik Zaheer Abbas Khokhar - Former Member, National Assembly of Pakistan.
- Malik Afzal Khokhar - Former Member, National Assembly of Pakistan.
- Malik Karamat Ali Khokhar - Former Member, Provisional Assembly of Pakistan.
- Malik Saif Al Malook Khokhar - Member, Provisional Assembly of Pakistan.
- Malik Ali Abbas Khokhar- Member, Provisional Assembly of Pakistan.
- Malik Nazar Farid Khokhar - Chairman Standing Committee, Provincial.
- Malik Umar Farooq Khokhar -Deputy Director Hajj for Pakistan.
- Malik Ahsen Farooq Khokhar - CEO, Khokhar Group of Industries *Multan,CEO AL Madinah hotels.
- Malik Adil Imtiaz Khokhar - CEO Adil Associates Lahore, who belongs to the Khokhar Jat Gotra.
See also
Further reading
- Khokhar - A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/K,p.539-549
- Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats, Rohtak, India (1938, 1967)
- Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter XI - Page 1006 to 1010.
- ↑ B S Dahiya:Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study), p.240, s.n.119
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. ख-1
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p.34, sn-493.
- ↑ Ram Sarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter VI,p.116
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p.34, sn-512.
- ↑ An Inquiry Into the Ethnography of Afghanistan By H. W. Bellew, p. 186.
- ↑ Punjabi Muslalman by J M Wikely
- ↑ Elliot and Dowson, op. cit., and Tribes and Castes, Vol.II
- ↑ Bhim Singh Dahiya, Jats the Ancient Rulers, 1980, p. 262
- ↑ Dr Pema Ram:Rajasthan Ke Jaton Ka Itihas, p.19
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania, Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu/Gotra, p.6
- ↑ Bhim Singh Dahiya:Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Porus and the Mauryas, p.168,s.n.28
- ↑ Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter II,p. 32-33
- ↑ Ram Sarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter VI,p.116
- ↑ Ram Swarup Joon:History of the Jats/Chapter II,p.32
- ↑ Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter V,p. 90
- ↑ Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter V,p. 91
- ↑ Ram Sarup Joon: History of the Jats/ChapterVIII,p. 136
- ↑ Mahendra Singh Arya et al.: Adhunik Jat Itihas, Agra 1998, p. 234
- ↑ A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/A,pp.27
- ↑ Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.199
- ↑ A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/J,p.376
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania, Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p. 15
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania, Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p. 15
- ↑ जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठ.377-378
- ↑ सहायक पुस्तक - मध्यकालीन भारत का संक्षिप्त इतिहास पृ० 161-163 लेखक ईश्वरीप्रसाद; हिन्दुस्तान का इतिहास उर्दू पृ० 186-189; जाटों का उत्कर्ष पृ० 115 लेखक योगेन्द्रपाल शास्त्री; जाट इतिहास पृ० 596-598, लेखक ठा० देशराज।
- ↑ ई० तथा डा० तुजुके तैमूरी भाग 3, पृ० 429 और शरफद्दीन अली यज्दी कृत जफ़रनामा, भाग 3, पृ० 492-493)।
Back to Jat Gotras Madhya Pradesh
- Jat Gotras
- Ancient Jat Gotras
- Punjab
- Uttar Pradesh
- Rajasthan
- Gotras in Ajmer
- Gotras in Alwar
- Gotras in Ganganagar
- Gotras in Sikar
- Gotras in Nagaur
- Gotras in Pali
- Gotras in Jaipur
- Gotras in Tonk
- Gotras in Kota
- Gotras in Udaipur
- Gotras in Churu
- Gotras in Bagpat
- Gotras in Bhatinda
- Gotras in Aligarh
- Gotras in Mathura
- Gotras in Moradabad
- Gotras in Muzaffarnagar
- Gotras in Agra
- Gotras in Ratlam
- Gotras in Harda
- Gotras in Sehore
- Gotras in Dewas
- Gotras in Mandsaur
- Gotras in Rohtak
- Gotras in Jind
- Gotras in Panipat
- Gotras in Sonipat
- Gotras in Gurdaspur
- Gotras in Ludhiana
- Villages in Ludhiana
- Gotras in Mansa
- Villages in Mansa
- Gotras in Muktsar
- Villages in Muktsar
- Gotras in Rupnagar
- Villages in Rupnagar
- Gotras in Sangrur
- Villages in Sangrur
- Villages in Dewas
- Gotras in Gujranwala
- Gotras in Lahore
- Gotras in Sahiwal
- Gotras in Jhelum
- Gotras in Sargodha
- Gotras in Faisalabad
- Gotras in Fazilka
- Gotras in Mianwali
- Gotras in Jhang
- Muslim Jat Gotras
- Jat Gotras in Pakistan
- Gotras in Bahawalpur
- Gotras in Chakwal
- Gotras in Vehari
- Jat Gotras in Afghanistan