History of the Jats/Chapter V

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History of the Jats

Ram Sarup Joon

1967 (Eng Tr by Lieutenant Colonel Dal Singh)

Printed at the Jaitly Printing Press, 147, Lajpat Rai Market,Delhi-6

Chapter V: Present Jat Gotras

Contents: Top   · 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Note: list of Jat Gotras has been given on pages 64 to 68 and then follows their description from page 69 onwards as given below.

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In this chapter, only the more important gotras have been described in detail. These have also been listed alphabetically and not on the basis of their antiquity.


1. Adrayan or Adhrayan, Andha or Adhlayan This gotra is very old. A ruler belonging to this dynasty took part in the Mahabharat. In Vishnu Puran there is reference to 176 rulers of this dynasty. Their capital was Jhirka Kalan. A rock edict of this dynasty has also been found, which tells us how Bindusara conquered the Andhra Kings.

Mr. V. A. Smith has also mentioned the ruler of this dynasty in his book. According to him they hailed from Andhra Desh and ruled in the Punjab and Kashmir. Probably their rule also extended over some parts of Sindh, Bihar and the South. From one branch of this gotra called Wadyar, are the present rulers of Mysore.

2. Ahlawat and Joon - Ahlawat and Joon gotras belong to that branch of Solanki which ruled over Kaliani and Watapi (Vatapi) in South India from 5th to 12th century AD. They had a staunch enemy i.e. Raja Rajendra Chol. He attacked them with an army of one hundred thousand strong during the reign of seventh Raja Satish Raj Solanki and seized a major part of the kingdom.

In 1052 AD a new ruler of this dynasty came forth to redeem the old loss. His name was Ahumal and was titles Sameshwar I and Raj Raja. He attacked the Chol kingdom with a large army, conquered it and married Umang Devi daughter of the Chol king. He made Bangi his new capital. This kingdom existed astride the Tunga Bhadra River. Ahumal died in 1068 AD. His dynasty is called Ahlawat.

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After several generations Bisaldev of this dynasty migrated towards north and settled down in village Nanhakhera (Seria) near Dighal in district Rohtak. He had four sons Olha, Ahlawat, Birmhan and Pehlawat An ancient pond (Birmala) named after Birmhan (Brebhan) is still famous for its sanctity in village Seria (Rohtak). Four new gotras (clans) originated after their names and are found settled in 30 villages around Dighal. Todd and Tarikhe Gujran have recorded this event in "Gazetteer of Rohtak" by Abdul Malik.

3. Anjana: This is a branch of Puru. People belonging to this gotra are found mostly in Shahpur, Mianwali and Jhelum (Punjab). Some people of this gotra are Sikhs also.

4. Ano, Aunlakh and Anula: According to "Sabha Parva" (Mahabharata) Page 27 Ano was a vassal state of Yudhishtra.

5. Antal Tanwar: It cannot be said with certainty why they wee called Antal. They might be (antim=last) Tanwar rulers, about Sonepat. They have 24 villages near about Sonepat.

6. Anu: This gotra is also well known. Anla, Onla, Anlayam, Onra, Antawat etc are the gotras of the Ann dynasty found amongst the Jats. There is reference to King Anlakh in the Mahabharat (Sabha Parva). According to the census of 1911 the number of the Jat belonging to this gotra was 87,000. They are found in Jullundur, Hoshiarpur and Bikaner State. Only Jats are found in Jaipur State,

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7. Ardas or Urdas Sindhu: This is a very old gotra of the Jats. They are mostly Sikh Jats. They are the descendants of King Jai Dratha. As they came from Sindh they were known as Sindhi. They have been mentioned in history for various praiseworthy deeds, which have been mentioned earlier. King Jai Dratha was the son of Drudabhanu in the 52nd generation of the Urdas Branch of King Yayati and was the brother-in-law of Duryodhana.

His capitals were Mathela Shorao, Mao and Shivasthan (Seistan). The Mahabharat Sabha Parva mentions Jai Daratha to be a Sindhu. About 600 years before Christ, the King of Sindhu helped the king of Cyprus, against Babylonia. But later on the king of Cyprus, on becoming very powerful drove them out of Sindh. The Sindhar gotra is a derivative of Sindhu. The people of this clan belonging to this gotra are found in Haryana.

8. Arh or Lohchab: The King Arh was in fourth generation of Ardas and is mentioned in many stories of Puranas. He was a brave Warrior. Very few Jats belonging to this gotra are found to day.

They have the villages, Bhopania and Ochandi in district Rohtak and Delhi. According to Todd's Rajasthan the origin of the Arh dynasty cannot be traced out, but a few gotras of this dynasty are found among the Jats.


9. Bachak: The Batik gotra is very old. Lord Krishna killed Bachhak-nag in Kalidah. Twelve villages around Kalidah belong to Bahikas (Vahika) Jats. The Dharal Jats and Rajputs are branches of Bachak gotra.

10. Bahik, Bahi, Bahin or Bahela: Bahik Jats is found both among the Hindu and

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Sikhs. In Pakistan there are Muslim Bahele Jats-, Bahiks are mentioned in Mahabharat also. According to "Karna Parva", chapter of the Mahabharat) King Shalya paid l/6th part of his income to the Bahiks. According to Nandlal Dey, Bahik are a sub branch of the Madraks. Arat in district Sheikhupur was their capital. Hashak, Karmabh Kalak and Karkar were their important towns. In Daurala (District Meerut, U.P.) the Bahiyan Jats have six villages.

11. Baje, Bajyar, Baje Ranya: In the Mahabharat ", Chapter - Sabha Parva" We find a mention of the Bajia gotra. They were staunch enemies of Nand dynasty. Chander Shekhar has given a reference while giving an account of the Maurya dynasty. The king of Bajarnia fought against Alexander the Great.

The capital of the Bajernias was Bijerania Kot near Ludhiana.

The Bajernias consider themselves the descendants of the son of Satak Raj Rishi Vishvamitra. (The B and V are interchangeable) Bajernia Raje, Bajyar and Raje Bije Ranya, Hindus and Sikhs are found in the Punjab.

12. Bal: People belonging to the Bal gotra claim to be descendants of Suryavanshi Raja Bali. But according to Bhagvat Dutt they belong to the Anu dynasty. According to the Mahabharat (Chapter - Adi Parva) King Bali is called the grandson on the maternal side of Raja Daksha. According to "Deva Samhita," some Jats are the descendants of the daughter of Raja Daksha. Many historians regard Bali as the descendant of Yayati. Bhagwat Dutt has proved that the Baluchis (of Baluchistan) are the descendant of Anu. In Haryana several villages are found belonging to this gotra. The Sikh Jats belonging to this gotra are found in several big villages like Sathila, Batala in Amritsar. This gotra traces its origin from Ghazni (now in Afghanistan).

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13. Balhara: The Balhara (Balahara) gotra is found among the Sikh, Muslim and Hindu Jats. In 900 A. D. a King of this gotra was a powerful ruler in the Western Punjab. He has been greatly praised by historian Sulaiman Nadwi, who came to India as a trader. According to him this ruler was one of the four big rulers of world at the time (857 A.D.). He was a friend of the Arabs and his army had a large number of elephants and camels His country was called Kokan (Kaikan) 'near river Herat. The boundaries of this Kingdom extended from China to the Sea and his neighbors were the Takshak and Gujar kings. Their capital was Mankir.

14. Bangade, Bang, Bangamar: They are also called Bangaryal or Bangra. They are the branches of the Bhatti gotra. Bangamer is mentioned only in the Mahabharat.

15. Beniwal: The Beniwal Gotra is found in large numbers in the desert regions. They call themselves the descendants of Shavi and consider Shiva as their God. Before the establishment of Bikaner State they had a small kingdom there. There were 35 villages of Beniwal Jats in Bahawalpur State before independence and about the same number in Bikaner State. The latter are the followers of Vaishnavite faith.

16. Bharhaich (Varaich) Nag: These people came to be known as (Bharhaich) because they lived and ruled in Bharoch. According to Epigraphica Indica, Volume I, page29, a rock inscription Chamak Harsati Balaghat mentions that the Bharhaich

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Jats performed 10 Ashwamedha Yagyas and, constructed 10 ghats in Banaras (now Varanasi).

According, to coins and copper plates found near village Janghat of Farukabad and various places in the Punjab, details of which are available in " India in the Cauvery" and "District Inscriptions in the Central Provinces of India".

These Jats ruled over Shergarh, they also ruled over Nagor (Nagaur) and other cites till 275 AD.

Inscriptions of their times are in Sanskrit.

According to Huein Tsang, they lived in the Northwest parts of India as independent rulers and their religion was Buddhism.

In or about the 10th century A.D. they moved down to the river Jhelum in large numbers and settled down there. Till the 13th century AD they continued to fight with the Gakhar, Janjoha and the Gujars. Even to day they occupy a very compact area comprising 360 villages in a region called Jatat. In the days of Ferozshah Tughluq a leader of these Jats named Heriya, joined Islam. A village founded by him is known as Hariyawala. After him all the Jats of this gotra joined Islam. Sagarh and Mard gotras are branches of this gotra.

17. Bhatti: The Bhatti gotra is one of the biggest and a large number of small gotras are its branches. The Rajput royal dynasty of Jaisalmer and the Phulkian Sidhu royal dynasty belong to the Bhatti gotra. They are mostly concentrated around Bhatinda (Punjab). There are two well-known legends about the Bhattis. According to one their ancestors, on being driven out of Ghazni, came to this country. For having settled down in the sandy (Bhatt) soil they come to be known as the Bhattis. According to another legend, which has been accepted by Todd and Cunningham, Mamnenez, The King of Khorasan, drove out King Shal Bahan from Ghazni. He then established his capital at Sialkot. One of his sons was Bhatti Rao and his descendants came to be called Bhattis. However the last ruler of Ghazni is named as Subhag Sen.

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One can conclude from the above legend that ancestors of the Bhatti gotra, on being driven of Ghazni, came and settled down in the Punjab and their descendants came to be called Bhattis. Maharaja Ranjit Singh (Punjab) also belonged to the same dynasty and King Shahasi Vansh was also from this same gotra. These people are found in large numbers in the Punjab and some of them are found in Pakistan. About 40 other gotras are the sub branches of the Bhattis.

18.Bhind: They are of the Tanvar Gotra, but as they came from Bhind part of Gwalior, they came to be called Bhind. They are found in a very small numbers. Chiefs of Pisawa belong to Chabuk Tanwar Gotra and chiefs of Nogaja in district Jullundur also belong to this gotra. According to "Todd's Rajasthan" residents of Bhan were called Bhind.

19. Bhullar: The Bhullar gotra is found among the followers of all the three religions. They are spread all over the Punjab. They are related to Heir gotra. Ruins of Bhulller era. Are spread over an area of 12 miles near Fort Abbas in Bahawalpur State.

20. Bhimrolia: This is the gotra of the Dholpur dynasty. According to their bard, descendants of the Vir Bhadra were called Bhadras for 184 generations. After Tej Sen they were called Sens for 62 generations. For several generations thereafter they were called Muni and later Ghandras after King Vijaya Chand. Their last ruler was Shamsi, whose descendants are the present Dholpur dynasty.

Rajayapal Yadawa made Bayana his Capital in

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1100 Vikram Samvat. Among the ancestors of Dholpur dynasty there was a king named Palansis Rao who was killed in Kanauj on the occasion of Sanyogita's Swayamwara (the self-selection of the groom by the girl). King Vijayapal who declared her his dharam sister gave his grandson Brahmadev and his mother queens Ghandra Kaumudi. When Shahabuddin Mohammad Ghori drove them out after killing the ruler. King Vijayapal had to face the invasion of Mohammad Ghori. He also had to fight against Abubakar Kandhari, Dharampal, and grandson of King.

Vijayapal founded the Rajput dynasty of Karoli. His younger son Sohan Pal founded the dynasty of Bichor. Their descendants are found both among the Jats and Rajputs. According to Colonel Todd, Chonkars, inspite of being Jats, are called Rajputs.

Madanpal had a son called Subaipal, who drove out Kriah Raja of Digh and established his rule there. The Chonkar gotra is found in Western and Eastern Punjab. There are ten villages belonging to the Chonkars in Aligarh district, two in Jullundur district and one in Ambala district.

21. Budhwar: It cannot be said definitely as to why they are called Budhwars. They claim to be Chandravanshi. The Budhwar gotra is found among the Marathas and Khatris also. Among the Jats there is a gotra called Budhotiya?

Budhwar kings are mentioned to have offered presents in the Rajsuya Yagya ceremony of the Pandavas. The descendants of the Budhwar gotra in the western Punjab are called Satroya, Badhan Chatra, Siyan, Gawaya, Goch and Mudyal.


22. Chandela: The Chandela gotra belongs to Puru dynasty, as is proved from the inscription of Gaharwala. Chandela

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Rajputs are found in large numbers, but other Rajputs call them Jats. Bahadur Singh Bedasar of Bikaner has also proved that they are Jats.

23. Chauhan: The Chauhan gotra is found among the Rajputs, Jats and Gujars. They are mentioned in the Jat history because historians have proved that the Chauhan belong to the Takshak dynasty and some Jat gotras do belong to the Chauhan dynasty. According to Colonel Todd's Rajasthan, the ancestor of the Chauhan dynasty was Anhal Raja, who was a Takshak, an old gotra of the Jats.

24. Cheema: The ancestor of the Cheema gotra was one Chanuma in 21st generation of Urdas (Ardas). They have been referred to as being neighbors of Sindhi and Gandhara Kshatriyas. This shows that they hailed from Afghanistan. In the "Puranas Darada" the Cheema (Clans) sub-tribes have been called Rakshasas (Demons) not having darshan of the Brahmin, (not following Brahminical rituals - because they were the followers of Buddhism and they always drove out the preachers of the Brahminical faith).

People belonging to this gotra are found in large numbers as Hindus and Sikhs in the Punjab and as Muslim in Pakistan.

25. Chhillar and Chhikhara: Both these gotras are related to each other and to Dalal and Deshwal gotras too. The Chhillar gotra is found in the Punjab. It appears that Chhail and Chhilar are one and the same gotra. Near Bahadurgarh in district Rohtak (Haryana) they have a few villages in a compact area. They are considered to be the descendants of Mann.

26. Chol, Chahal, Cahhar, Chahar: This is a very old gotra. They had kingdoms in

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Central and Southern India. There is evidence to prove that they ruled in Gujrat also. They are found in large numbers in Bharatpur and Gurgaon. Chahars are also called Faujdars. In Agra they have 242 villages in one compact area. Chahar Sikhs is found scattered in all the districts of the Punjab. They're 19 references to Chol Kshatriyas in the Mahabharata.

27. Chhonkar and Sansanwal: This is the gotra of the Bharatpur ruling dynasty. Their original gotra is Yadu. As they settled down in a village called Sansani, they became known as Sansanwal. They raised their voice against the atrocities of Aurangzeb, protected the Hindu Dharma and established a new capital. One Yaduvanshi ancestor belonging to this gotra, named Brij Raj ruled over the territory called Brij after his name. These people had returned home from Dwarka and their capital was Mathura, in the 64th generation of King Brij Raj.

28. Chigta or Chaitha: This gotra is found among the Jats and the Pathans. There is a territory in Turkistan, named Chugta (or Suktaiya). The inhabitants of this territory are Jats. They invaded India through Kabul and conquered Gujranwala and settled there.


29. Dabas: They have 16 villages in Delhi, in the neighborhood of Dahiya Jats and have intimate relations with the latter. They are not descendants of Dahiya Jats but came along with them from Rajasthan.

24. Dagar: Dangar, Dagar, Dingari, Dangi and Dalgi are all one and the same.

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They are found spread over Western and Eastern Punjab and U.P. According to the Dagars of Delhi area their ancestors had come from Gujrat and their forefather was one Yadu Bhan, nephew of Nabha-ji and brother of Jadija. For this reason Dagars are related to the Gondals.

Yadu Bhan's coins are found in this area. The Salt Ranges of the Punjab are also called "Jadu Ka Dang".

As they lived in this hilly region, they are called Dagar or Danger. The Dagar have 20 villages in Delhi, and about 24 villages near Hindon in Jaipur State, some villages in Rohtak and about 25 villages in Bharatpur State. They are also found in Bikaner, Multan, Muzaffarnagar and Western Punjab.

30. Dahiya: This is a major branch of Puru. The Dahiya clan took part in the Mahabharata. At that time they were living in the Southern part of China. According to Todd's Rajasthan (based upon the writings of Justin and Herodotus), thousands of years before Christ, the Dahiya Mahajati tribe lived on the eastern bank of the River Sihun (Oxus). The Heir, Bhullar and Sihag sub-tribes lived in the adjoining country. The Dahiya Jats took part in the battle between Darius and Alexander. They ruled over Rajgarh territory. Some Dahiya Jats who lived in Rajasthan mixed up with the Rajputs and was therefore called Rajputs. They have 12 villages near Rupar. Some of them became coverts to Islam but were still called Rajputs, and some living in the Rohtak district have been by mistake called Chauhans by their bards. Another writer has called them the descendants of Dadhichi. Five Vaish gotras also belong to Dahiya gotra. According to a Hindi book 'Jati Bhaskar' their origin is as under: -

1.Oswal's father was Dahiya and mother was Vaishya.

2. Chauchani-Father  : Dahiya and mother Dyunt

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3.Dad Vaishya- father :"Dahya Dungarji and mother Bhadrakali belonging to Amransh gotra.

4. Devpur Vaishya-father :Dahiya Kusumbhi and mother Ashwapati.

5. Vak Vaishya-father: Dahiya Dungarji and mother Musa.

The Dahiya Jats have 40 villages in district Rohtak. According to Bhat Mahuntnaisi, their capital was Thalesar on the bank of the river Godavari. The Karhvasra and Hooda Gotras belong to the Dahiya dynasty.

31. Dalal: It is a very small gotra as compared to the Mann and Sihag gotras of which it is a branch. There are 12 villages of Dalals including Chhara, Mandothi and Ashoda. People belonging to this gotra inhabit the Chiefs of Kuchesar in district Bulandshahr also belong to the same gotra in that area about 12 villages.

32. Deha: The Dahiya Jats living in the Western parts began to be called Dehas. In the Mughal times they adopted some Muslim customs, such as taking food in earthen ware utensils and entering the kitchen with shoes on. In Hissar and Loharu they are called Pachade, Deha Jats are also found in U.P.

33. Deshwal: This gotra is even smaller than the Dalal gotra and people belonging to this gotra are found scattered all over Haryana. They have a few villages in Bhatinda and some in Bahawalpur State and Rohtak. The genealogical tables prepared by the bards of these four gotras are incorrect because they called them the

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descendants of Dhanna Rathaur, when gotras like "Mann and Sihag existed long before Dhanna Rao.

34. Dharan or Dhariwal: One branch of the Mudgals was called Dharan. At present there are Dharan Jats as well as Brahmins. Later on. These people become known as Dhariwals. The daughter of Chandra Gupta II who was married to King Rudra Sen has given her gotra as Dharan.

Sardar Jai Singh Dhariwal was included in twelve misls of the Sikhs.

35. Dhillon, Dhilla, Aharyar:

Dhillons are called the descendants of King Karna. There was a King Karna in the Bhin-baroliya gotra too. According to Radhe Lal, who quotes 'Waqiate-panch Hazarsala, 800 years before Christ, 13 rulers of Dhillon gotra - ruled for about 450 years. Their names are Birmaha, Mahaval, Sarupval, or Suryaval, Birsan, Sanghamia or Manipal, Singhpal or Kalik, Tejpal or Jitmal, Kamsen, or Kamdhan, Shatrumardhan, Jiwan Siagh, Hari Rao or Bir Bhujann, Birsen II, Udai Bhutt or Drutyaketu . It is after the name of Dhillon that we have the word Dhilli or Delhi. The Dhillon Sikhs belongs to the Bragyan and Karoriya Misls. According to the census of 1911 people belonging to the Dhillon gotra were 5200 only in Amritsar, and 40000 in the whole of the Punjab. They are also found in UP and Haryana. Bhariyar gotra is a branch of the Dhillon gotra.

36. Draihayu, Drada, Dorewal: Draihau was the fourth son of Yayati. Their descendants are found in Jammu and Kashmir. In the Chandravanshi genealogical tables the Draihavu branch is not well known. To the North of Sialkot in the hilly regions are found people belonging to Daiyu,

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Drahaihayu, Dadraihayu, Sadhne and Drada, gotras. Most of them are now Muslims.

In the Mahabharata (Dronaparva) Drada (Darada) Kshatriyas are called the neighbors of Cheema Kshatriyas. These people took part in the Mahabharata.

Panini's Ashtadhyayi refers to Dradi Sindhu which means the River Sindhu which emerges from the country of Drada-s which indicates the area North of Kashmir. According to "Ptolemy" Dradas were the rulers of Afghanistan in the era of Mahabharat. In Drona Parva Shloka 17-58 it is mentioned that Lord Krishna and Arjun conquered the Dradas who were the rulers of Afghanistan and forced them to join their Rajasuya Yagya.

King Drupada said that Shaks, Palius and Dradas should be invited to join them in war. According to "Bhisham Parva", Dradas joined the Pandu's and fought well. The Dradas also took part in their Yagya (Sacrifice). A region adjoining Kashmir is called Dradis-Stan and a tribe in Kashmir is called Drada. In Punjab Sikh Jats belonging to this gotra are found in large numbers. Sadhan, Sajra, Sadhie and Sadhnana are branches of this gotra.


37. Gaharwal, Grewal: This gotra is from the Chandela dynasty. Some writers have associated them with the Rathores, but other historians have proved that Rathore gotra is from Gaherwal gotra, and is also called Grewal. Sikhs of this gotra are called Grewals. They have 52 villages in district Ludhiana. In Dholpur they are called Ghurwal and in the Punjab, Gharwar. The Gahrawar gotra is found amongst Rajputs also, but there is more Gahrawar Jats than Rajputs.

38. Gahlot: The Gahlot gotra is found among the Rajputs also and they call themselves the descendants of Ramchandra, but their descent is believed to be from Balvanshi

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ruler named Gupta. It is mentioned that Balvanshi Bhattarak King saved the Maurya kings by re-strengthening their power. Bhattarak ruled from 512 to 525 Vikram Samvat. According to "Corpus Inscription Antiquary" Page 169, based on a rock inscription inscribed in 569 Vikram. Bhattark Gupta Balvanshi had four sons - Dharsen, Dronasen, Dhruwasen and Dharpatsen. Each one of them succeeded to the throne one after another, and they were given titles of Maha Samant, Mahapratihar, Mahakartak and Maharaj.

Gohasen son of Dharpatsen was a follower of Vaishnavism, but he had faith in Buddhism too. His descendents are called Gahlawat. Several legends are very well known about Goha and Bappa Rawal. The dynasty is supposed to have migrated from Balabhipur.

There was one Nag Datt among the descendants of Goha who was killed by the Bhils. His young son who later on became known as Kalbhoj Bappa Rawal, joined the army of the Jat Raja Man Indra of Chittor and ultimately rose to the position of commander of his army. Proving to be very brave and loyal, he was ultimately declared heir apparent to the throne and finally became the ruler of the kingdom. The Gahlot gotra is found both among the Jats and the Rajputs. There is however no doubt that Bhattarak was a Maurya Jat dynasty. It existed before the birth of Rajputs. If Bappa Rawal were not a Jat, Jat Raja Mann Indra would not have adopted him as him son. He maintained the title of Rana.

During the Rajput era they joined them and started being called Rajputs. Goha was the grandson of Bhattarak and son of Dhropat Sen. He was married in the Gupta dynasty. Godhes are a sub-tribe and branch of Godhas.

39. Gandhara: Gandhara, son of Arh, founded Gandhar (Kandhar) and it was his capital. Gaindhu, Gaindha, Gaindhals and, Gandhara are gotras found amongst the Muslim Jats

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in large numbers in the Western Punjab. They all trace their origin from Quandhar. In Aligarh district are found some Hindus belonging to Gaindhar gotra. The ruins of one Gandhara fort were found in Jalalabad in Afghanistan. Gandhari, mother of Duryodhana, belonged to this dynasty. Kshatriyas of this clan have been mentioned in the Mahabharat. In Nowshera there is a barren area called Gandhara Mound. Among the Sikh Jats there are some that are called Gaindhrawal or Gaindhar

40. Gaur: Gaurs are Brahmins as well as Kshatriyas. They trace their origin to Suryavanshi King Mandhata. Mandhatha's mother's name was Goran, who was a Chandravanshi.

According to the "Vayu Puran" (Ansha 99. shloka 130) Mandhata was therefore called Gaur Naresh. According to Bhagwat Datt, both Gaur Brahmins and Gaur Kshatriyas started from King Mandhatha and the Harit gotra started from his great grandson. During the advent of Islam in Afghanistan the ruler of that place belonged to Ghore dynasty. His name was Subhag Sen. Even now there are a large number of people belonging to this dynasty in Zabalisthan and are called Ghorzai. Shahahuddin Mohammed Ghori belonged to this very dynasty. Ghore is a branch of the Baluches also, but they are not accepted as proper Baluchis. Bhagor in Bikaner was the capital of the Ghor kings, from where they were driven out by the people belonging to Bal Clan. After that they settled down in the mountainous county of Ajmer where they are found in large numbers even today. Bundi and Sirohi were also under their occupation. The Chauhan clan conquered the Ghors. Their inscriptions have also been found in Malwa and Bhind. The Bhandon Ghor kings ruled in Bhandra in district Hissar, and they were included in 35 royal clans. Jurel also belonged to Bhadon Ghor Clans.

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41. Gill: In the Puru dynasty Medhavi was the grandson of king Hasti and his son was Mudgil according to Vishnu Puran, descendants of Kiryan, son of Medhavi became Brahmins and the descendants of Mudgil adopted both the Varna Kshatriya and Brahmin.

Gill is a very large gotra of the Sikh Jats. Among the Pathans they are called Gilzai. In the European countries of France, Germany, etc, they were called Gauls.

Upto the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh (Punjab) Gilgit was the capital of Gills which was conquered by Ranjit Singh. According to the census of 1911 Gills number about 1976O. Out of the 10 misls of the Sikhs, Gill belonged to the Nishanawali Misl.

42. Godara: They are the descendants of Goha Dutta, a prince of the Mewar dynasty who was adopted by a Brahmin to fight against the Mohala Rajputs and his descendants come to be called Godara. They are found in large number numbers in Bikaner State. Chieftains of Sheiksar and Radanvan belong to this gotra. Bika Rathor was made a King by the people of this very gotra.

43. Gondal: Some of these people call themselves descendants in of the Chauhans, but others associate themselves with Lord Krishna. According to historical evidence Jarija and Yadu Bhan were two brothers in the dynasty of Krishna. Jarija established his rule in Kathiawar, Gujarat. The present chieftains of Jamnagar, Dharol, Rajkot, Gonal and Morvi belonged to this very dynasty but all of, them now claim to be Rajputs. The Gondal of Rawalpindi, Cambalpur, Shapur, Mainwali are called Jats. Bosal, Tole, Jaspal, Sanatana and Gogh are branches of the Gondals.

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44. Gulia: The bard (Bhat) of Gulia clan has written something unbelievable about the origin of this clan.

It seems that he wrote the incident after a long time when the facts had been forgotten. But there is another story which is authentic. Both the versions (as given by the bard and as given in the story) are given below.

According to the bard, during the rule of Prithvi Raj Chauhan), Badli, a village in Rohtak, was ruled by Raja Badra Sen. Two Saiyad Sardars, Nasir Hussain Mashade and Ata-Ulla Mashade came from Kabul to Badli under the leadership, of Bir Saiyed Hussain to destroy Haryana and they became rulers after killing Badra Sen. They employed Roras and Kalals as tillers.

In 1192 Mohammed Ghori was victorious in the battle of Traori and Prithvi Raj was killed. Seven Brahmin soldiers ran away from the field and hid themselves in a temple near a pond three miles south of Badli. They were the sons of Udai Chand Brahmin of Indergarh. Their names were Ausar, Dausar, Rahal, Ashal, Mahal and Chahal etc. They mistook wine as water and drank it. Their purity as Brahmins was thus polluted. They put their sacred threads in a gol (an oval vessel of clay). Therefore they were called Gullia Jats and they settled in Badli as tenants of the Mohammadans. But the story is not believable on the following grounds. Firstly before 1192, at the time of Prithvi Raj Mohammadan never ruled there. Secondly, when they fled from the battlefield they could have gone to Indergarh directly. Thirdly their names sound like those of dacoits and bear no resemblance to the names of their father Udey Chand. Fourthly, wine should not be so easily mistaken for water. No owner of the wine would allow them to spoil his wine by putting their sacred threads in the Gol, (the earthen vessel).

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The other story is that, Badra Sen was an officer in the army of Prithvi Raj. Badli Pargana was his estate. He belonged to a Dhulia family of Indergarh. Before the Chauhan rule, Bhadra, Ajmer, Indergarh etc. were the capitals of the Gor Jats. After the death of Prithvi Raj there was chaos in the country. The Khokhar Jats slayed Mohammad Ghori near Multan. There was a woman named Bodli. The village was named Badli in her honour. Sant Sarang Dev's samadhi (shrine) still exists in Badli and is widely worshipped.

These Gulia Jats were very spirited. When Timur was supervising the massacre of Delhi, a Gulia youth, named, Harveer Gulia assaulted him. There are 24 villages of Gulias near Badli (Rohtak district) and two other villages (Rurki and Sabti) a bit away from there. There are 12 more villages across the Jamuna.


45 Hala: According to the Bards of the Hala gotra, king Shalvahan, son of Gaj founded his capital at Sorath in Gujarat, where the descendants of king Krishna, brother of king Shalbahan ruled for several generations. In the tenth generation there was a powerful King named Hala. For 22 generations thereafter this country upto Nasik was ruled by this dynasty and was called Halar. The empire included Bengal, Karnatak, Gujrat, Sindh and Kashmir. This kingdom lasted from 187 Vikram to 227 Vikram. Muslim Jats of the Hala gotra are found in Sindh, while Hindu and Sikh Jats belonging to this gotra are found in Uttar Pradesh and the Punjab.

46. Hanga Chaudhary: Hangamas was a General of theKushan,Yuechi or Tushar kings. Hanga is very well known in history. He belonged to Tushar or Kasvan dynasty and was appointed as the Governor of Mathura. His descendants came to be called Hanga. They have about

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80 villages in district of Mathura.

47. Heir and Bhangu: Hindu, Sikh and Muslim Jats belonging to Heir Gotra are found in Hoshiarpur and Jullundur. Heir is a very old gotra. They associate themselves with the Ahri Clan. In the genealogical tables they are supposed to belong to the Yadu dynasty and Ahai was the grandson of Yadu. In ancient times Heir gotra and Ahr clam was settled in Iran and Turkistan. Jats of the Bhangu gotra are descendants of the Heir.

48. Hudda or Huddha : Hudda, Dabas and the Dahiya gotras are all brethren. No reference to Hudas is found in ancient history books. These people came to Haryana from Marwar along with the Dahiya clan. At present they have 24 villages near Rohtak.


49. Jakhar: A branch of Puru, Jakhar is big gotra.

They are mostly Muslims of the Western undivided Punjab. According to the 'Ain-I Akbari ', Ladh Singh, the Jakhar leader of Haryana, fought with the Mughals and the Pathans. They have 12 villages in district Rohtak and they are found in large numbers in Rajasthan, Bhawalpur, Bikaner and Pakistan.

50. Jatrak or Jattarana: This is also an old gotra. According to "Kautilya's Rather Shastra" they fought against Alexander the Great. According to Alberuni this hilly place called Chittor (Jattaur) was the capital of the Jattrana. They have 12 villages in Delhi area. They call themselves descendents of Tur. They have about 80 villages near Bhiwani.

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51. Joon and Maare: Raj Raja Ahumal Solanki, forefather of Ahlawat reigned upto 1068 AD.

His son Sameswar II ruled upto 1176 AD. He was dethroned by his brave brother Bikr Manak who crowned him King. He assumed the title of Kul Jang or Bikramaditya IV. He conquered a large part of South Eastern India and in the Northwest upto Kashmir. A reference to this fact is found in a book of Indian History by Misar Bandhu. In the dynastic tables of the Joon and Maare in possession of a bard of Sonepat, Kulutung reigned upto 1227 AD.

After his death, Solanki rule declined.

The kingdom got divided into petty pockets and eventually disintegrated. Two sons of Rao Gaj Singh of this dynasty, Rao Joon and Rao Maare came North with their mother and uncle Basal Dev and settled down in village Chhochhi in District Rohtak (Haryana). Their mother married Basal Dev and got four children from him.

There are fifteen villages of Joon gotra viz. Chhochhi. Kakrola, Paiharheri, Khungai. Samchana, GadiKheri, Chatthra, Nuna Mazrah (author's village), Lowa Khurd, Desalpur, Ujarda, Abhupur, Nangla Kabir, and Mani Majra.


52. Kak: The Kak Jats have 52 villages in Aligarh district, and about 100 villages in other parts of India. These people called themselves descendants of the Nagas or Yadu and worship Balram. Their ancestors ruled over Anhalwara in Ajmer. On being driven out from there they settled down in Brij. They have 40 villages in district Gonda.

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53. Karhwasra: They belong-to the Dahiya Clan. Their most prominent ruler was Karhwasra Rao. A rock inscription inscribed by his grandson was found in village Manglana in district of Maroth in Jodhpur State, in which they have been called as Dahiyas. It was inscribed in 1215 AD and has been referred to in the book 'Indians in the Cauvery' on pages 87 and 88.

54. Khaitri (Lahor): The Khattris are in abundance in the Punjab and Haryana. Although they do not call themselves so, they are Jats. They consider themselves to be the descendants of king Kailash of Kashmir who is mentioned in Rajatrangini. After the fall of the Kashmir kingdom they came and settled down in Lahore for some time.

They have a few villages, Sonepat, Kulashi, Ismaila etc,. in district Rohtak. One of their branches is called Lohna, who settled down in Sindh. During the conflict. Of the Jats with King Chach, these people took the side of Chach. They are mentioned in Chachnama. They also supported his son Dahir in his conflict with Mohamad Bin Quasim.

55. Khokhar: Khokhar is a derivative of Kukar. The Khokhars are also Rajputs. They are found in the Punjab. There are about 52 villages of the Khokhar Jats in Mathura and Aligarh districts.

Haral, Ajra, Bhalu and Bhala are the sub gotras of the Khokhar Jats. In Pakistan Khokhars are followers of Islam.

56. Khontal (Kantal): This gotra came into existence during the Vedic period. Kontal was a Royal dynasty. A majority of this gotra is found in the district of Agra. It is also one of the four main gotras of Bharatpur state.

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57. Kilkil Nag or Bhind: In Rohilkhand there is a river called Kilkil. Bhind Nag Jats rule this territory: Kilkil Nag is a big gotra.

58. King: According to "Mahabharata Sabha Parva" page' 31 to 33 the 'King' ruler attended the coronation of Yudhishtra. They were Buddhists and paid no respect to the Brahmin priests.

According to the "Bisnu ( Vishnu) purana" and the "Brahma purana" the clan of King would one day under go all kinds of sufferings.

This gotra is found among the Jats, the Rajputs and the Sikhs.

They revolted against the Guptas in or about 350 AD

59. Kuharh, Kalhari, Khailari, Khalu and Kalhur: All the above gotras appear to be one and the same. All of the are descendants of Rao Kallur and their names are a little different because they settled down in different places.

60. Kukarnag, Kakrryan or Kak: Kukar was the son of Takshak.

Kak, Kakrayan, Kakar, Khokhar are derivatives of Kukar. They are also called Karaskars.

The Kukar rulers are also mentioned to be present at King Yudhisthira's coronation. They are called Kukars in Dwarika and Kakar in Baluchistan.

Kakarzi amongst the Baluch is a big tribe. The Kukar dynasty has been erroneously called a Suryavanshi dynasty.

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61. Kushan, Kasva: This appears to be a distorted form of Kushana. They have 350 villages in a compact group in Bikaner. Previously Sidmukh was their capital which was occupied by the Bika and the Godara Jats.

Ratangarh and Churu were their territories. They had 2000 camel riders in their army.


62. Lalla, Saroka or Sirohi, Gathwala and Malik (branch of Madraka) Malak, Gathwala, Tank, Bura and Sagroha are the gotras of the same dynasty. According to the Bards of the Gathwala, the latter on being ousted from Ghazni, moved towards Multan and Satluj River. They were accompanied by their Bards, some of who became Doms and Barbers. The Malak and Gathwala (Kath) republics existed in the Punjab at the time of Alexander's invasion. They also lived in Jhang and Bahawalpur State later. They ruled over Dipalpur near Hansi. Kutubuddin Aibak defeated them and drove them out of their capital. Later on, they spread out to Rohtak and Muzaffarnagar districts. They continued to struggle against Panwar and Midhan Rajputs. They have 35 villages in Rohtak district. Chaudhary Bacha Ram is regarded the leader of a big Khap (republic) of 160 villages besides 10 villages in Jind State, in district Hissar, 2 in Meerut, 52 in Muzaffarnagar and some in Himachal Pradesh.

Buras and Sirohis are at present found in Rajasthan, Karmach, Burhakhera, Jind and Karnal, and 12 other villages like Khosra, Bhador, and Girana. In addition they have six villages in Patiala, one village Saidpur, and 8 other villages in Bulandshahr District of UP. Sagroha is a derivative of the word 'Saroha" and exists as a separate gotra.

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63. Lamba - Lamanshi

This gotra is very old and is found among the Rajputs, Jats, Marathas and Khattris. There is a reference to King Vradha Bal of the Lau dynasty in Drona Parva of the Mahabharata. This dynasty is from Maharaja Ram Chandra's son Lau.


64. Madrak, Madra: The Madrak gotra is an ancient gotra, and is the root of many of the Jat gotras. According to various historians Sialkot, Quetta and Ghazni were the capitals of the Madrakas since ancient times. King Shalya, the maternal uncle of the Kauravas was from the Madrak gotra. Colonel Todd found a rock inscription during the excavations of Shakla Nagri (Modern Sialkot), which he sent to the Asiatic society. In this inscription King Shalya has been called a Madrak Jat. In Mahabharata (Karna Parva) King Shalya has been called Jatit. Alexander's army had a fierce battle with the forces of the Madrakas at Sialkot. Madra and Madrayana are just the other names of Madrak. According to "Neel Puran", Madrak country began after crossing the river Bias, Satyabhama (Satluj) and the river Devika flowed through it. In ancient India the country between the rivers Ravi and Chenab was called Madrak. According to Alberuni and Ptolemy Sialkot and Shakilnagri are one and the same. People belonging to Bhatti gotra associate themselves with both Ghazni and Sialkot and for this reason the Bhatti gotra is accepted as a branch of Madrak.

65. Mahe, Mahi, Mehiwal, Meheria, Mahit: These are also very old gotras. In the 8th generation of the Mirhas there lived a king called Mahit. His descendants were called Mahi, Mahe. In about the first century AD, Darunpur, some where near Sujangarh, was the capital of Mahe Kings.

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According to the census of 1911 their number was. about 7000.

The Mahe dynasty has been mentioned in the Mahabharata. In the "Prithviraj Basa" and in the Alha Udal stories there are references to the Mahal Kings.

The Mahiwal Jats are found in large number in the Western Punjab, but they are spread all over Northern India.

The Mehria gotra is found in Rajasthan.

66. Malha, Malo or Malli: The Malhi and Malo republics and clans have been mentioned in the accounts of Alexander's invasion.

The Rock inscription of Malha Jats of the period of Panini (6th century BCE) refers to their four kingdoms Kashnara, Pava, Multan and Varansi.

A rock inscription of Nagaragram in Jaipur speaks of Jaimalo.

The area of Malwa comes to be known as such after their name.

A large number of Malha Jats is in Malwa today.

Muslim and Sikh Malhi Jats is found in large numbers in Jhang, Multan and Sialkot. In Sialkot they have 25 villages in a compact area.

67. Mirh-Midharh-Ajmirh-Sahotas

King Hasti who founded Hastinapur had three son's -Ajmirh, Devmirh and Purmirh. According to the Mejmaul ul Tawarikh, in the age of Duryodhana these people had settled down in the basin of the Indus River and were called Jatt.

The Mirh Jats are found in large numbers in the Western Punjab in Pakistan. In ancient times the Mirhs migrated, to Arabia, Syria and Baluchistan. References to the Mirh tribe are found through out Asia.

The Nawab of Karnal belonged to Midhan gotra.

Madhian, Mandan, Mandh and Mandhal are derivatives of the same gotra. They are found in large numbers in the districts of Jhang, Multan, Dera Ghazikhan, Muzaffargarh, Mainwali, Shahpur and Jhelum.

The Madha gotra is also found among the Rajputs, and they have 20 villages near Delhi and some in district Moradabad.

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The Sahota gotra is a branch of Ajmirh. They are Hindu Jats and have 29 Villages in district Karnal and 6 in Bijnor. There are references to Mirh and Sahota clans in the Mahabharata.


68. Nandal Tanwar: One person of the family of last Raja Anand Pal left Delhi after its conquest by the Mohammadans and settled at village Bohar (near Rohtak). His name was Nandan and his descendents were called Nandal Vanshi and later on their Gotra became Nandal.

69. Naga: This gotra is a branch of Bharshiva Nag gotra.

Dr. Kashi Prasad Jaiswal writes at Page 29 of his book entitled 'India of the Dark Ages' that the Nags had three capitals i.e. Mathura, Kashipur and Padmavati after first century AD. The King of Padmavati was known by the name of Nag. The eldest of his dynasty was King Gajvarkar.

70. Nehra - Naro, Bhatta, Nhaar: Their ancestor was Narhari-Dev and Nahhara.

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The Nehra hills of Rajasthan were their territory. They are said to be a branch of the Sindhu gotra.

Nehra in Jaipur was the first capital in olden times.

As they received gifts they were also called Bhainteivan and Bhatta.

71. Nuhal: According to ' Matsya Puran" king Ushinara of the Yadu dynasty received the title of Yat by performing l00 Yagnas.

His queen was Noha and their descendants came to be called Nuhwal.

According to another legend they are called Nuhwals because they came from the area of Lake Nuh in Khotan Kashgar.(Afghanistan).

The Nuh kings are noted to have presented gifts to king Yudhistra at his coronation ceremony.

In ancient times the Nuhwal Jats ruled over Khotan.

They have 98 villages in district Mathura.


72. Parihar, Prathihar, And Panwar: According to many writers they belong to the 'Gujar dynasty and their ancestors are said to have been associated with the Mauryan Jatti clan .

At the time of becoming Rajputs their capitals were in Bhinmal and Tirah.

According to the descriptions provided by Bal Clans, Prathihara and Maha Prathihara were titles only.

They may or may not be Gujars, but they are Chandravanshi] and are descendants, of Yayati.

After the Agnikula ceremony they decided to forget their original roots in order to rise in status.

Dhaul-s and Bhakarwa-s belong to the Panwar clans.

73. Phogat: These people call themselves descendants of the Chauhans.

Jharhu Sardar was their famous leader. In Dadri region they have 45 villages.

They have a few villages in district Rohtak also.

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74. Ponya, Punia, Punya: This branch gotra of Puru is very big and old and is found among the Sikhs, Hindus and Mohammadans.

They are found in Bikaner, Luharu and district Hissar in large numbers.

They had their capital in Bikaner. The Ponya king drove out the Dahiya rulers of Jodhpur region.

They have about 100 villages in Rajgarh region. They are still found in large numbers in Dera Ghazi Khan and Bannu and there all of who are followers of Islam.

They have 100 villages in Tehsil in Dadri and about 10 in Aligarh. A few of them inhabit Rohtak also.

75. Puru: Yayati's second son succeeded his father to the throne and his descendants ruled for thousand of years. Advancing from Haridwar, king Hasti founded Hastinapur as his capital and the Pandava rule was established over Indraprastha.

A large number of gotras originated after the name of the famous kings of this dynasty.

The earliest gotra adopted by the Puru dynasty was Atreya: An account of this dynasty has already been given in chapter II of this book.

According to the "Shiva Puran", Shiva's wife was insulted his in the Yagya by king Daksha. Shiva therefore sent his general named Vir Bhadra from the country named Shiv Jata and he cut off the head of Daksha.

A study of the genealogical tables of the Dholpur dynasty give us an account of one branch of Puru dynasty.

According to these genealogical tables, the descendents of Paunbhadra came to be known as Pauniya and settled down in Rajasthan, Haryana and Brij.

The descendants of Kalahan Bhadra came to be known as Kalhan and settled down in Southern Gujrat and Kathiawar.

The descendants of Atisur Bhadra came to be known

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as Anjana or Anjilet and settled down in Malwa, Mewar, Marwar and Dhundhar.

The descendants of Jakhbhadra came to be known as Jakhar and settled down in Jammu and Kashmir, Sindh and Punjab.

The descendants of Brahmabhadra came to be known as Bhimarolaya and settled down in Jhelum and the descendants of Dahi Bhadra came to be known as Dahiya and settled down in the Punjab and other lands.

76. Purnwal, Phalswal or Poruswal: This gotra is spread all over the Punjab. A Puru King fought against Alexander.

According to Arrian the historian of Alexander there were two Porus- es. These were not actually their names, but their gotras. In the Mahabharata they are mentioned as the "Purusik" tribe.


77. Rathi, Ruhal and Dhankharh: Rathi is a very old gotra. The Rathi gotra is found among Khatris and Marathas also. As they originated from Rashtra or Saurashtra, Rashtra Kot or Rathi they took their name from this region. According to historical evidence there was king named Saurashtra in the dynasty of Lord Krishna who ruled over this region and thus the region came to be called Saurashtra. Jats of the Rathi gotra are found in district Rohtak and near Bahadurgarh, Sochas, Rajlu and Rajpur. They have 16 villages in the Jamuna Khadar, 1 village in Rajasthan, 6 in district Meerut, 6 in district of Patiala, Amritsar, Bareilly and Rohtak.

78. Rawat, Sahrawat, Rae (Tanwar): Rai, Rao, Rawat and Sahrawat were only titles used by Tanwar sardars which later began to be used as

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gotras. The Rawat Jats have 800 villages in district Gurgaon and 8 villages in district Aligarh.

The capital of Sahrawats was Mohpalpur near Delhi where a very old house is still called a palace.

12 villages near Mehrauli belong to the Sahrawat Jats. In Haryana they are found in Kair, Dipalpur, Bhadani, Kultana and other villages, and some are found in district Meerut also.


79. Sahi, Saj and Sand: Sahi is a very old gotra and people belonging to Saj and Sand gotras consider themselves to be the descendants of Mann gotra Jat Muslims belonging to these gotras are found in Multan and Gujrat districts of the Western Punjab.

80. Sangwan - Sanga: They also belong to Jakhar dynasty. A King of the Sangwan gotra ruled in the Sarsu jungles of Mewar. According to Amin Chand, the author of 'Jat Mimansa', their early rulers were Brahmadutt Somaud, Agni Kumar, Marichi, Surya and Shalbhon. They have about 40 villages in Dadri and they are also found in Amritsar, Ferozepur and Patiala.

In the Jhelum and Gujrat regions they are called Sanga.

81. Saran, Randhawa, Kajla: The Saran gotra is a branch of Bhatti gotra and the Saran Jats are associated with the royal dynasty of Jaisalmer. Their capital was in Bikaner State, which was later occupied by the Rathors. The Sarans live in this area even today.

In the history of this gotra there have been two famous men named Kajal Singh and his son Randhir Singh. Kajal Singh is the forefather of the Kajala gotra of the Jats who mostly live in Bikaner and Haryana.

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Randhir Singh founded the village of Jhandiala in 1580 in the Punjab and his descendants are called Randhawa. His grandson Targha adopted the Sikh religion and while serving as Jathedar in Patiala misl ruled over Targha Pargana.

82. Sheoran, Shivran: According to the bard of this dynasty king Gaj of Ghazni had two sons named Mangal Rao and Masur Rao. Mangal Rao was the ruler of Lahore and Masur Rao of Sialkot. Foreign invaders drove both of them out of their kingdoms. Masur Rao fled away to the deserts of Rajasthan. He had two sons named Abhai Rao and Saran Rao. Descendants of Abhai Rao came to be called Bhurhya Bhatti and those of Saran Rao, Saran. Mangal Rao had six sons, named Mojam Rao, Gulrish, Moolraj, Sheoraj, Kewl Rao and Phul Rao. Descendants of Gulrish came to be called Gloraya or Kiliraya, those of Moolraj, Munda and those Sheoraj, Sheoran. Descendants of Kewal Rao and Phul Rao adopted pottery as their profession and were called Kumhar.

The Sheoran gotra is a big gotra having 52 villages in Luharu 25 in Dadri and 25 big villages in Hissar. People belonging to Kiliraya and Munda gotras are found in Bikaner State.

83. Shahikasva or Shawal: This is an old gotra. They call themselves the descendants of Kasva. Their kings Anta Raj Devputra acquired the royal title. His coins were found in the Punjab and Kabul. On these, coins is inscribed the name of Kasva King Tames, who ascended the throne in 935 AD. Coins of Bhimsen Shahi were also found near Kabul. He founded Bhimnagar near Kot Kangra. His uncle, Savkpal, was the first to accept Islam. In the Gazeteer of district Jhelum they are called Kabuli belonging to the town of Shahiwal. Their ruler was later on ousted from Bhera by Mahmud Ghazni.

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The Shahi Jats is found both among the Hindus and Sikhs.

84. Shavi: Shavi was the son of the king Ushinar. He was a Yogi and an ascetic. He was married to, Sati the daughter of king Daksha. After her death he married Parvati. His seat of tapasya was on the Gangotri Mountain. He had two sons, Smokartik and Ganpati (Ganesh).

The Shavi dynasty prospered well. The Descendants of his dynasty are famous as Takshak, Bachak, Bharhaich, Nags etc. Shavi founded the country of Shavisthan (Siestan) in Iran and also the Island of Jatoli. They also founded kingdoms of Turkistan and Scandinavia.

The Shavi rulers constructed the Shorkot fort in Jhang.

In Iran there is a Mausoleum of prophet Shish. Hieun T-sang and Fahien have also called Iran as Shavi country.

85. Siddhu: Siddhu is a very ancient gotra.

The ancestor of this gotra was Siddhu Barar. The gotra was named after him and came to be known as Siddhu.

Among his descendants Phul was a fortunate one, as his five sons founded five kingdoms. All of them together are called Phulkiyan states including Nabha, Patiala, Jind, Malot and Kapurthala. They call themselves Rajputs, but they do not know that the Bhatti Rajputs are just a branch of the Madrak Jat gotra.

86. Sindhu: Sindhu is an ancient gotra. Sindhu Raja Jai Dhrata, who had married Duryodhana's sister fought for the Kauravs in the Mahabharat.

Nagendra Nath Bannerjee writes in his book 'Bangla Shabd Kosh' that Jaidhrata before becoming the ruler of Sindh Desh ruled Ceylon. Jai Dharat was born in the 52nd generation of Yayati's third son Ardas. His father was

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Dardshanu. His capital in Sindhu Desh was Alwa and he had constructed forts at Mathela, Shiv Rao, Bhan and Shavistan. In 600 BC a Sindhu ruler helped Babylonia against Cyrus. Later another ruler helped Darius against Alexander. After having been ruled by Sindhus for many generations, Sindhu Desh came under the rule of Mauryas. Chach, a Brahmin courtier, assassinated the Mauryan ruler in conspiracy with his corrupt queen. The Sindhu and Midh Jats of Sindhu Desh resented it and consequently helped Khalifa Al Qasim against Chach. After Chach came to power, the Sindhu Jats left Sindhu Desh in large numbers and settled in the Punjab and established a big 'Khaap' there. In Haryana these people are called Sindhar. The majority of Sindhus are found in the districts of Lahore and Amritsar.

87. Sihag, Mann: People belonging to these gotras in Haryana claim common descent with Deshwals and Dalals. For about 30 generations they have looked upon Dhana Rao Rathor as their forefather. But Sihags and Manns of Western Punjab are not aware of their association with Deshwals and Dalals. They consider themselves to be the brethren of the Heir and Bhuller gotras.

The Sihags are mentioned in the Puranas and the Mahabharat. A Sihag king offered a gift to Yudhisthira on his coronation. Thousands of years ago Heir, Bhuller and Sihag lived in Iran and Turkistan.

Kot Khokhar in Mewar has been the capital of the Sihag rulers. Pahulkot has also been their capital. Some names of these Sihag rulers were Vir Rana, Dhir Rana etc. They are mentioned in the manuscript of genealogical tables in the possession of Gorakh Singh.

Sihags are found in a large number in Bikaner, Bahawalpur and in Haryana 25 villages are inhabited by them in one compact group in district Rohtak.

The Mann gotra is found more among the Sikhs than the Hindu Jats. According to the Census report of 1911 their number was 42 000 in number of among the in district

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Hoshiarpur and Jullundur districts. The Mann chiefs had secured a high position and respect in the court of Maharaja Ranjit Singh (Punjab).

Bhaga and Mugul Chik were two prominent Mann chiefs.

88. Sikarwal: This gotra is a Suryavanshi gotra. A large number of persons belonging to this gotra are found as Rajputs. Sikarwal Jats have 12 villages Mathura.

89. Sohal, Sohar, Sahu: These gotras are Chandravanshi.

There is reference to Sohar Kings in the Mahabharata. They are found in large number in the desert areas. In Western Punjab they are Muslim Jats.

The Sahu Jats are found in villages Basain in Gurgaon and 360 villages in district of Ganganagar of Bikaner State.

90. Solanki, Chalukya, Chaluk, Chaluc, Chlokya: They have also been called Chalukyas. The founder of the Solanki Rajput gotra is said to have born out of the Agnikund. A Chalukya king is also said to have offered presents in the Rajsuya Yagya of the Pandavas.

The Solanki also claim to be Suryavanshi Rajputs. But according to the inscription found in the Vir Narayana temple in village Gadar of district Dharwar, their ancestor was a Chandravanshi who ruled from 1029 to 1063 AD. In 'Indians in Cauvery' part 14 pages 308 and 309, the Solankis have been called Chandravanshi; According to another inscription found in Barnagar Gujrat they belong to Bhadra gotra. They founded Barnagar.

91. Sulankhlan or Sulokhan : The ancestor of this gotra was one Sulkhyianpal

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Tanwar. After settling down near Delhi in village Samchana and Gorad they crossed the Yamuna and occupied the fertile land beyond it, while 84 villages are inhabited by this gotra.


92. Takhar, Tukhar or Tushar: People belonging to this gotra are Muslim Jat in the Western Punjab and they claim to belong to Tanwar dynasty. This proves that Tanwar Tukhar and Tushar are one and the same.

93. Takshak: It is mentioned in the "Vishnu Purana' that before the Pandavas, the Takshaks ruled the earth. Takshaks belong to the Shavi dynasty. In the 29th generation of king Shavi, one of the six sons of king Sototi was Takshak. According to genealogical tables of the Yayati dynasty King Satoti is considered by the Tartars to be their ancestor. Takshak, Bachak etc. are also called the Nags. There are ample references to these people in local and foreign histories. According to Mahabharata 'Adi Parva', before the Pandavas, Khandoban (Indraprastha) was the capital of the Takshak rulers. They created obstacles in the way of construction of the capital by Pandavas. Finally, these people were defeated, rendered homeless and driven out.

They went and settled down in Taxila (Taksila). In the battle of Mahabharata they joined the Kauravas and killed king Parikshit. They founded Takshakkhad (Tashkand) and Takshaksthan (Turkistan).

At present Takshal and Tokas gotras are found among the Jats in five villages near Delhi. The Takshak Jats is found spread all over Northern India, Pakistan and Central Asia. ( Tokas is found also in Romania)

94. Tank or Tak: These people are said to have originated from Shergarh in Multan. They plundered the richly laden

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camels of the army of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni for which Mahmud invaded them two years later and almost annihilated them.

Then they made Rath village their capital. That dynasty is included among 36 royal dynasties, according to Todd's Rajasthan the names of some of the rulers were Ratapat, Bahurpal, Sahajpal and Madanpal. They have 12 villages near Sonepat.

Dr. Kashi Prashad Jaiswal has mentioned, in his book India of the Dark Age that this gotra is branch of Bharshiva Nag. Their capital was Padmavati. They were called Tank.

Their ancestor was Raja Gaj Baktar.

95. Tanwar or Tur: It cannot be exactly said whether these people are Tushars or Mauryas. Before the establishment of their rule in Delhi their capital was in Tusharsthan.

According to Todd's Rajasthan, Tanwar is a branch of the Mauryan dynasty, but according to the bard of the Tanwar family they are associated with the Pandava. It may be that the Mauryas and Tushars belong to the Puru dynasty and from time to time their family names changed. For some generations this dynasty ruled over Delhi. After losing the throne they rejoined the Jats in large numbers, but some continued to be called Rajputs.

96. Thukrila: These people call themselves descendants of Bal Dev, brother of Krishna. According to Dr. Bhagwan Dass who writes on the basis of rock inscriptions found in Nepal, Nepal was ruled by the rulers of Thukrila gotra prior to the present ruling dynasty. They ruled for three generations with their capital at Bhatgram till they were replaced by the present dynasty. It is also mentioned in the history of Nepal that King Hari Singh of Kashi took shelter in Nepal for fear of the Tughluks and later captured the throne by treachery.

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97. Thainawa, Thin, Thainwar: This gotra is Yaduvanshi. In 1500 AD Sardar Makhan Singh obtained a big jagir of 87 villages in Brij and after marrying in the Khokhar Jat family, he became very powerful.

Emperor Shahjahan declared him a rebel and continued to fight against him for a long time. As they were waging a war against the emperor they came to be known as Thaiswa. This dynasty founded the Mursan state ( near Aligarh). Thainwar and Thin are the branches of Thainwa. They are found in the Punjab.

98. Tewathiya: Moving down from Multan during the Mughal period, these people settled down In villages Tewathi in district Gurgaon. They call themselves Shavi Jats and their biggest villages is Bhattona.

Charades, father of King Bal Ram of this dynasty founded Ballabhgarh and married his daughter to King Suraj Mal of Bharatpur.

Bal Ram founded the state of Ballabhgarh.

99. Tiwana, Jonjoha: Both these two gotras consider themselves to be descendants of king Risalu of Sialkot. There is a well known saying among them that when the king was killed by the enemy his queen fled with her three princes called Taih, Jaihu and Saihu after whom the three gotra are named. Tiwana Hindus are Jats and Tiwana Muslims began to be called Rajputs. In the district of Shahpur there are two big villages called Hadali and Mitha Tiwana. Sir Umar Hayat Khan and Sir Khizr Hayat Khan belonged to Mitha Tiwana. Fateh Khan Motiyanwala who was a famous chieftain in the army of Raja Ranjit Singh of Lahore also belonged to Mitha Tiwana.

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Tiwana Jats are found in the district of Karnal. Janjoha are all followers of Islam today. They are spread all through Western Punjab. Janjoha Rajputs also inhabited in the Salt Ranges.

100. Tushar: Tushar or Tokhar is a very old gotra. They took part in the Mahabharata. The land between Ghazni and Sialkot was once called Tusharsthan. It is believed that Tushar and Madrak are the names of the same group. Tushars ruled over both Ghazni and Sialkot.

Tanwar might also be a derivative of Tushar. According to Jai Chand Vidyalankar Rashak and Tushar ruled over the territory extending from Thian mountains, Khotan and Caucasia right up to Taxila, Shakilnagri, (Sialkot), Mathura and Ayodhya, near about 175 BC.

The Chinese rulers were friendly with the Tushars.

Their commander-in chief was called Lalla. Ghazni was their capital.

Saroha and Malak were also their titles. These people are also mentioned in Matsya Puran and Vayu Puran.

The Rashak gotra was their ally.


101. Uthiraye - Uthwal: In the Mahabharat there is mention of an Uthiraye king, being present at the coronation ceremony of Yudhistra. They are found among all the religions in the whole of Punjab.


102. Virk - Minhas: In the Western Punjab Virks are supposed to belong to Mahe dynasty, and Minhas are considered to be brethren of the Virks. They are mentioned in the history of Gujars. The name of the ancestor of the Virk gotra was Virk Vardhan. According to Patan Jali Bhashya 4.6-114, Ashtadhyayi l-6-155 Mahabhasya 4-2-154 and Kashika varti 1-1-175, Raja Virk Vardhan had his forts in Kasrud (Mandsor) ,

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Central India, Shakil (Sialkot) Sosaph, Dathaaprastha, Naudipur, Koak, Kandewa, Mula, Pava Datt, Karkar, Virkgary etc.

According to historians the present Sheikhupura was the site of Virkgarh.

According to Th. Yugendrapal Virks are Vahikas who are mentioned in the Mahabharat and who took one sixth of the income of King Shalya. In the 4th century AD they had a powerful kingdom. They were contemporaries of Gupta rulers. According to Brij Indra Bhaskar, in 428 AD the Virk rulers performed a big Yagya near Bayana and constructed a Pillar, on which they mentioned as Virks. Rock inscriptions of Yashodharman have been found in Mandsor. Their reign in Malwa came to an end in 462.

King Singhavarma belonging to this dynasty ruled from 535 AD to 585 AD. He had two sons Narvarma and Chandravarma. Chandravarma's son was Yashovarman. According to a rock inscription found in Gandhar, he was an independent ruler. He had two sons, Bhimvarma and Bandhuvarma. Bondhuvarma was defeated by the Gupta rulers and Bhimvarma was appointed the Savant of a principality near Kausambhi but once more he became independent and allying himself with Anu Gupta fought the Huns. This has been referred to in the "Chandra Viyakaran".

Bhandhuvarman's son was Yashodharman and his son Shiladitya.

The Virk Jat Kapur Singh founded Kapurthala and made it his capital. Before Punjab's partition Sir Shahabuddin, member of the Punjab assembly and Secretary of Jat Sabha belonged to Tar in Sialkot. Jandiala in Amritsar belonged to the Virks.


103. Yodha, Yaudheya, (Johiya): Thaka, Janjoha and Bath gotras are branches of this gotra. According to the Mahabharata Yodhya Kings gave presents on the coronation ceremony of Yudhisthira. Arrian, the historian of Alexander the Great, also refers to Yodha ruling dynasty. Chanakya also mentions Yodhya republic in his Arthashatra. Before

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the establishment of the Rathor Kings in Bikaner Rangmahal was the capital of Johiya king Sheer Singh. These people are related to Dangle and Bagar gotras. The Yodha Jats considers Nabhaji of the Yadu dynasty as their ancestor. Many Johiya Jats are now followers of Islam and are settled on the banks of River Satluj and in the State of Bahawalpur.

Four types of coins belonging to the Johiya (Yaudeya) kings have been found. On one type there are the figures of a bull and an elephant. On the other there is some god. On the third is written Yodhya Republic and on the fourth Jai Yodhya . A rock inscription of Shaka Raja Rudragamana has been found in the Pillar edict of Samudragupta.

Saiyad Nasir Hussain and Ata-Ullah were busy in settling the chaotic conditions. Saiyad Ata-Ullah invaded Bidli-Gari and killed Badra Sen and the villagers were made to run away. Mohammadans allowed the Roras and Kalals to settle down in place of Jats because the former was more loyal to the Mohammadans. Badra Sen's family had to wander homeless. Seven of his brave soldiers came there clothed as Brahmins, they drank and conspired with the Kalals, as result of which, the Muslim ruler was killed. Later on they met the sons of the Muslim ruler, and told them that they were Brahmins and were loyal to them. They brought their families. Soon they dominated the administration. After gaining sufficient power they shed their sacred threads (colloquially speaking - put it in the Gol) and became Gulia Jats. All the inhabitants of Badli and neighboring villages, however, knew that these people belonged to Badra Sen's family. Only one of them was a Brahmin who did not drink. He also settled down at Badli as is known to the elders of their village and has probably been passed down to the generations by word of mouth. According to this, Sant Sarang Dev and seven brothers of Dhulia Jat gotra came from Kharnal village in the Indergarh Pargana in Nagore (Nagaur).

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