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Bigga Ji Jakhar (1301 - 1336), the folk deity from Jangladesh, Rajasthan
Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (Retd.)

Jakhar (जाखड़)[1] Jakhad (जाखड)[2] Jakhar (जाखर)[3] is a gotra of Jats found in Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Delhi. They live in Pakistan. Dilip Singh Ahlawat has mentioned it as one of the ruling Jat clans in Central Asia. [4] They are called Jaki in Afghanistan.[5] Zakarya/Zakar/Zakori/Zakuri/Zigar/Jakar for Jakhar Jats used in Afghanistan.[6] Zakir is Jakhar of Indian desert. [7] They were supporters of Saroya Confederacy. [8]

Sangu, Jakhu and Kada were in relation and they are said to have given names to Sangwan, Jakhar and Kadyan Jat gotras.[9]


Jat Gotras Namesake

Jat Gotras Namesake

Jakhar Khap

Jakhar Khap is spread over Rajasthan and Haryana. It is dominated by Jakhar clan. It has 38 villages in Rohtak. Bal Ram Jakhar is prominent politician from this Khap, who was Chairman of Lok-Sabha.[17]

जाखड़ खाप

22. जाखड़ खाप - यह खाप हरियाणा और राजस्थान प्रदेशों में फैली हुई है. इस खाप में जाखड़ जाटों का बाहुल्य है. रोहतक में इस खाप के 38 गांव हैं. डॉ बलराम जाखड़ इस खाप के प्रसिद्ध राजनीतिज्ञ हैं जो लोकसभा के अध्यक्ष भी रहे हैं. [18]

Villages founded by Jakhar clan


Ram Swarup Joon[19] writes about...Jakhar: A branch of Puru, Jakhar is big gotra.

They are mostly Muslims of the Western undivided Punjab. According to the 'Ain-I Akbari ', Ladh Singh, the Jakhar leader of Haryana, fought with the Mughals and the Pathans. They have 12 villages in district Rohtak and they are found in large numbers in Rajasthan, Bhawalpur, Bikaner and Pakistan.

Dilip Singh Ahlawat has mentioned it as one of the ruling Jat clans in Central Asia. [20]

Hukum Singh Panwar (Pauria)[21] writes that Jakhar is derived from Yaksha. This tribe Jakhar claim Jakha or Jakhu, known as Yaksha or Yakshu in Sanskrit, to be their most ancient eponymous progenitor. [22][23] Hukum Singh Panwar[24] further writes that Yakshas were one of the tribes who fought the last battle of Dasrajna War (the battle of ten kings) under the leadership of Dasa Raja named Bheda against Bharatas tribes on the banks of Yamuna. The other tribes were Ajas, Sigrus, Alinas, Pakthas, Bhalana, Sivas, and Visanin. [25] M.L. Bhargava writes that after the defeat on the Yamuna River they migrated to the Oxus (Geek name) valley and gave the name to valley as Jaksha or Jaaksha. He opines that Budakhsis and their city Badakshan are known after the combined name of Bheda, the leader of the Yakshas and that of the latter, Bheda is also a Jat clan. [26][27]

Hukum Singh Panwar[28] writes: The Soviet Scientists found to their surprise that Yakutian nationality, living in remote Siberia, have in their blood the "HLA - B 70" antigen, which is possessed only by the Hindus of north India (The Indian Express, Chandigarh, dt. Oct. 24,1988). We surmise that, as the name suggests, the Yakuts must be Yakhus = Jakhus or in Sanskrit Yakshus and in Prakrit Jakhus (Jakhar Jats), who lived in the Drishad and Sarasvati Doab in the Rigvedic period and who were expelled to northern countries after their defeat in the last battle of the Dasharajna wars by the Bharatas and who, according to M.L. Bhargava, (who made an elaborate ethno-geographical study of the Sapta-Saindhava country of the Rigvedic period), gave their name as Yakhu (Oxus in Greek) and Yakshar (Jaxartes in Greek) to two rivers between the Aral sea and lake Balkhas (infra, ch. IX on migrations of Jats).

The above theory seems correct as Jakhars gave name to the river Syr Darya (See - Central Asia). Syr Darya (Kazakh:Сырдария; Tajik:Сирдарё; Uzbek:Sirdaryo; Persian:سيردريا}}, also transliterated Syrdarya or Sirdaryo) is a river in Central Asia, sometimes known as the Jaxartes or Yaxartes from its Ancient Greek name ὁ Ιαξάρτης. The Greek name is derived from Old Persian, Yakhsha Arta ("Great Pearly"), a reference to the color of the river's water. In medieval Islamic writings, the river is uniformly know as Sayhoun (سيحون) - after one of the four rivers of Paradise. (Amu Darya was likewise known as Jayhoun, the name of another one of the four).[29]

According to Bhim Singh Dahiya, Jakhars are the Jāguda of Mahabharata period mentioned as saffron growing people [30] That places them in the north of Kashmir or beyond, further in the north i.e. Central Asian region of Balkh, famous for its saffron since ages. They are the Jakhad clan people. [31]

The Mahabharata Tribe - Jaguda is mentioned in Vana Parva, Mahabharata/Book III Chapter 48 verse 21 along with Takhar, Sindh, Moond Jat clans. [32]

Mr. W. Crook in his book "Castes of North-west states and Avadh" has mentioned that the king of Dwarika had a huge bow and arrow and he proposed that whoever breaks this would be given a status above the king. The Jakhar King tried but failed. The failure made him leave his state and settled in Bikaner that was known as Jangladesh. This finds a mention by Pandit Amichand Sharma in his book "Jat Varna Mimansa". [33]

The evidences of kingdom of Jakhars can be found at Madhauli (Mandoli) , which was in Jaipur state probably near Marwar boarder. Muslims ruled Fatehpur, Shekhawati at that time. There was a war between Muslims and Jakhars near Madhauli. One Jakhar chieftain Lada Singh ruled at place known as Ladan in Rohtak district. Thus many chieftains of Jakhars have ruled in Punjab and Rajasthan. [34]

Dasharatha Sharma in "Early Chauhan Dynasties" [Page-178] writes about Jalor Chauhan ruler - Chachigadeva. According to Nainsi, Chachigadeva had three sons, Samantasimha, Chahadadeva and Chandra (Khyat: I, p. 183). His Prime Minister in V. 1323 was Jakshadeva. The mahamatya Jarava mentioned in the Ratanpur Inscription of V. 1333 might be a misreading for Jakha, the Prakritised form of Jaksha. [35] We can conclude from this that Jakshadeva or Jakha, The Prime Minister or amatya of Chachigadeva, is a person of Jakha/Jakhar Jat clan. This fact is also supported from contemporary local tradition in the form of Bigga Ji Jakhar.

We find mention of Jakhars in Umarkot in the Sindh province of Pakistan. According to H A Rose [36]tradition says that the Surar, Subhago, Silro and Chāchaṛ tribes were once slaves of Raja Bungā Rai, Raja of Amrkot, and that Jam Jhakhar redeemed them, and there is a saying :

Surāṛ, Subhāgo, Sīlṛo, chauthi Chāchaṛiā,
Anda hā Jām Jhakhaṛe hā bāhnān Bunga Ra.
Meaning-"Surar, Subhago (or Subhaga), Silro (or Silra), (these three) and a fourth tribe, the Chachar were the slaves of Bunga Rai ; it was Jam Jhakhar who brought them," (effecting their emancipation from Bunga Rai).

H.A. Rose[37] writes that Channar are said to be connected with the Jhakkars and other tribes in the couplet:—

Jhakkar, Channar, Kanjun, Nun teatera,
Hin Rāne Shaitān de panje bujh bharā.

All these five clans assume the title of Rana. In Bahawalpur they are also called Channun-di and are found chiefly in the kārdāris of Bahawalpur and Ahmadpur East, as cultivators, and in the Rohi, as landowners and cattle-breeders. Their septs are : Admani, Ram, Wisal, Bhojar, and Bharpal, said by some of the tribe to be descended from Pir Channar, but the more general belief is that the Pir never married and that the Channars are descended from his seven brothers, sons of Rai Sandhila. The Channars are, however, believed to be an offshoot of the Mahrs.

According to H.A. Rose [38]Jakhar (जाखड़) is a tribe of Deswali Jats, claiming (Chauhan or Udhi) descent. Jaku, their eponym, migrated from Bikaner to Jhajjar in Rohtak. A Raja of Dwarka had a bow which Jaku failed to bend, in spite of the promised reward. In shame he left his native land and settled in Bikaner. The legend clearly points to the loss of military status by the Jakhars. Of the same stock are the Sangwan, Piru, and Kadian Jats. The Jakhar are almost confined to Gurgaon and the adjoining Jhajjar tahsil of Rohtak. They also own a large village in Hansi. Jakhar is also a Muhammadan Jat or Rajput clan (agricultural) found in Montgomery, where they appear also as a clan of the Bhattis.

According to H.A. Rose[39] Jat clans Jakhar is derived from Ude.

Jhakkar (झाक्कर), son of Jai and eponym of a tribe in Multan : see Nun. [40]

James Todd[41] writes - The various tribes inhabiting the desert and valley of the Indus would alone form an ample subject of investigation, which would, in all probability, elicit some important truths. Amongst the converts to Islam the inquirer into the pedigree of nations would discover names, once illustrious, but which, now hidden under the mantle of a new faith, might little aid his researches into the history of their origin. He would find the Sodha, the Kathi, the Mallani, affording in history, position, and nominal resemblance grounds for inferring that they are the descendants of the Sogdoi, Kathi, and Malloi, who opposed the Macedonian in his passage down the Indus ; besides swarms of Getae or Yuti, many of whom have assumed the general title of Baloch, or retain the ancient specific name of Numri ; while others, in that of Zjat Jat, preserve almost the primitive appellation. We have also the remains of those interesting races the Johyas and Dahyas, of which much has been said in the Annals of Jaisalmer, and elsewhere ; who, as well as the Getae or Jats, and Huns, hold places amongst the " Thirty-six Royal Races " of ancient India.[42]

James Todd[43] writes that Jakhar, Asaich, Punia are all denominations of the Jat race, a few of whom preserve under these ancient subdivisions their old customs and religion ; but the greater part are among the converts to Islam, and retain the generic name, pronounced Zjat. Those enumerated are harmless and industrious, and are found both in the desert and valley.

Yakkha in Mahavansa

Hukum Singh Panwar (Pauria) writes that The Jats of Jakhar tribe traditionally remember Jakha or Jakhu as their progenitor. [44] Mahavamsa, provides a continuous historical record of over two millennia, and is considered one of the world's longest unbroken historical accounts.[45] It is one of the few documents containing material relating to the Nāga and Yakkha peoples, indigenous inhabitants of Lanka prior to the legendary arrival of Prince Vijaya from Singha Pura.

Mahavansa/Chapter 1 writes that ...Now since a great sacrifice by Kassapa of Uruvela was near at hand, and since he saw that this latter would fain have him away, he, the victorious over enemies, went to seek alms among the Northern Kurus ; and when he had eaten his meal at evening time near the lake Anotatta, the Conqueror, in the ninth month of his buddhahood, at the full moon of Phussa, himself set forth for the isle of Lañkä, to win Lanka for the faith. For Lanka was known to the Conqueror as a place where his doctrine should (thereafter) shine in glory; and (he knew that) from Lañkä, filled with the Yakkhas, the Yakkhas must (first) be driven forth.

Mahavansa/Chapter 7 tells that ....In Lanka, they displaced the island's original inhabitants Yakkhas, established a kingdom and became ancestors of the modern Sinhalas people. Vijaya (543–505 BCE) founded the city of Tambapanni. Here and there did Vijaya's ministers found villages. Anuradhagama was built by a man of that name near the Kadamba river; the chaplain Upatissa built Upatissagama on the bank of the Qambhira river, to the north of Anuradhagama Three other ministers built, each for himself, Ujjeni, Uruvela, and the city of Vijita.

Mahavansa/Chapter 10 writes ... Pandukabhaya (437-367 BC) handed over the government to Abhaya , his eldest uncle, for the night-time: he became the `Nagaraguttika' (Guardian of the City). From that time onward there were nagaraguttikas in the capital. His father-in-law also, Girikandasiva, he did not slay but handed over to this uncle the district of Girikanda. He had the pond' deepened and abundantly filled with water, and since he had taken water therefrom, when victories (for his consecration), they called it Jayavapi. He settled the Yakkha Kalavela on the east side of the city, the Yakkha Cittaraja at the lower end of the Abhayatank. The slave-woman who had helped him in time past and was re-born of a Yakkhini, the thankful (king) settled at the south gate of the City. Within the royal precincth he housed the yakkhini in the form of a mare. Year by year he had sacrificial offerings made to them and to other (Yakkhas); but on festival-days he sat with Cittaraja beside him on a seat of equal height, and having gods and men to dance before him, the king took his pleasure, in joyous and merry wise.

Rulers of Riri republic state

Bigga Ji Jakhar

Bigga Ji Jakhar (1301 - 1336) (also called Bigga Ji or Biggaji) is a folk-deity of Jangladesh area of Rajasthan. He was a Jat ruler of Jakhar gotra of a small democratic republic state. He was born in year 1301 AD at place called Riri, which was capital of Jakhars in present tahsil Dungargarh of the Churu district in Rajasthan, India. His great grandfather was Maharaja Laxman Singh Chuhad and father was Rao Mahun ji. His mother was Sultani of Godara clan. He was a great warrior and killed in protecting cows in the year 1336.

War of Jakhars and Bijarnias

The Bahi of the bard (Raoji Bajrang Singh, Dalania, Phagi, Jaipur) of Bijarnia reveals that One Bijarnia ancestor had come to Dhankoli in samvat 1609 (1552 AD) during the period of Kayamkhani rulers at Dhankoli and the rule of Humayun at Delhi.

Jag Singh Chaudhary (Bijarnia) was an officer in the Army of Mughal emperor Humanyun (1508–1556). Badshah was very pleased with his services so he offered him a Jagir of 12 villages in samvat 1503 (1446 AD). Jagsi had 12 sons and one Paswan son named Rupsi. There is need to check the period.

Local tradition tells us that Jakhar Kunwar of Mandoli Bairath was married in the family of Bana Jat of Jayal Bhadun. Jakhar Kunwar was returning after his gona with his wife Bijli. He stayed at Ladhana. Meanwhile Jagsi’s Paswan son Rupsi was going to forest for hunting and he also stayed at Ladhana for a while. The newly married wife Bijli of Jakhar Kunwar was very impressed with the behavior of Rupsi. She praised the qualities of Rupsi in front of his husband. [46]

This annoyed Jakhar Kunwar and he scolded her for this behavior, left her behind and went away without her. Bijli was a simple and humorous girl. She had not anticipated this before. When Rupsi came back from hunting he found Bijli weeping with sorrow. Rupsi said since he is responsible for this incidence he offered that she could go with him if she had no objection. She was left with no option so decided to go with Rupsi.

Jakhars when learnt that their bahu had gone with Bijarnias they got annoyed over this incidence and complained to Delhi Badshah. Jakhars attacked Bijarnias with an army of 2200 soldiers on chaitra sudi 8 samvat 1510 (1453 AD). Bijarnias had blessings of Jeenmata that they could not be defeated. The 12 brothers who were initially keeping a distance with Paswan brother Rupsi also joined him in war against Jakhars.

Though all brothers fought war but it was made clear during the war by elder Bijarnia that Rupsi had created this problem so he would be dealt accordingly after the war. Rupsi when learnt about this dictate of elder Bijarnia he left Ladhana with Bijli and went to Shrimadhopur. His descendants flourished there. [47]

Sahnali Chhoti and Sahnali Bari villages were founded by Jakhar clan Jats. Their fort is in ruins in Sahnali Bari. On way from Sahnali Chhoti to Dhani Punia there is place called 'Sati Ki Johadi'. Two Jakhar girls became sati here. [48]

Chronology and origin of the gotra

Ram Swarup Joon[49] has given the chronology of this gotra, obtained from the records of the Bards of Dholpur, in his book ‘History of the Jats’ (1938, 1967) as under:

In the branch of Puru there was ‘Sanyati’ whose son was Virabhadra. Virabhadra had four sons 1. Pon Bhadra 2. Kalhan bhadra 3. Atisur Bhadra and 4. Jakh Bhadra.

  • Pon Bhadra is the originator of Punia gotra.
  • Kalhan Bhadra is the originator of Kalhan gotra.
  • Atisur Bhadra had Ajanta Jata Shankar and his son Dahi Bhadra in the lineage. Dahi Bhadra is the originator of Dahiya gotra.
  • Jakh Bhadra is the originator of Jakhar gotra. Brahma Bhadra was in the branch of Jakh Bhadra is the originator of Bamraulia gotra, the rulers of Gohad and Dholpur

According to the bards of Dahiyas, the descendants of above spread as under:

(a) Pon Bhadra’s to Haryana, Brij, and Gwalior

(b) Kalhan Bhadra’s to Kathiawar and Gujrat.

(c) Atisur Bhadra’s to Malwa

(d) Jakh Bhadra’s to Punjab and Kashmir

(e) Dahi Bhadra’s to Punjab and Central Asia

(f) Brahma Bhadra’s by the name of Bamraulia to Jammu and Kashmir, Haridwar and Punjab (the ruling family of Dholpur Jat rulers is from this branch)

जाखड़ गोत्र का इतिहास

ठाकुर देशराज लिखते हैं कि जाखड़ गोत्र उन क्षत्रियों के एक दल के नाम पर प्रसिद्ध हुआ है, जो सूर्य-वंशी कहलाते थे। इस गोत्र को जागे (भाट) लोगों ने एक राजपूत के जाटनी से शादी कर लेने वाली बेहूदी दलील के आधार पर राजपूत से जाट होना लिखा है। भाट लोगों की बहियों में कहीं इन्हें चौहानों में से, कहीं उधावतों में से और कहीं सरोहे राजपूतों में से निकला हुआ लिखा है। भाटों की ऐसी बेबुनियाद और बेहूदी गढ़न्तों

जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज,पृष्ठान्त-594

के सम्बन्ध में पीछे के अध्यायों में काफी लिखा जा चुका है। जाखड़ एक प्रसिद्ध गोत्र है। इसक गोत्र के जाट पंजाब, राजस्थान ओर देहली प्रान्तों में पाये जाते हैं। मि. डब्लयू. क्रुक ने-‘उत्तर-पश्चिमी प्रान्त और अवध की जातियां’ नामक पुस्तक में लिखा है कि “द्वारिका के राजा के पास एक बड़ा भारी धनुष और बाण था। उसने प्रतिज्ञा की थी कि इसे कोई तोड़ देगा, उसका दर्जा राजा से ऊंचा कर दिया जाएगा। जाखर ने इस भारी कार्य की चेष्टा की और असफल रहा। इसी लाज के कारण उसने अपनी मातृ-भूमि को छोड़ दिया और बीकानेर में आ बसा।” जाखर बीकानेर में कहां बसा इसका मता ‘जाट वर्ण मीमांसा’ के लेखक पंडित अमीचन्द शर्मा ने दिया है। जाखड़ ने रिडी को अपनी राजधानी बनाया। भाट के ग्रन्थों में लिखा है कि द्वारिका के राजा के परम रूपवती लड़की थी। उसने प्रतिज्ञा की थी कि जो कोई मनुष्य धनुष को तोड़ देगा, उसी के साथ में लड़की की शादी कर दी जाएगी। साथ ही उसे राजाओं से बड़ा पद दिया जाएगा। जाखड़ सफल न हुआ। जाखड़ एक नरेश था। इस कहानी से यह मालूम होता है कि जाखड़ लोगों का इससे भी पहले अजमेर प्रान्त पर राज्य था, यह भी भाट के ग्रन्थों से पता चलता है। हमें उनके राज्य के होने का पता मढौली पर भी चलता है। मढौली जयपुर राज्य में सम्भवतया मारवाड़ की सीमा के आस-पास कहीं था। उस समय फतहपुर के आस-पास मुसलमान राज्य करते थे। इन मुसलमानों और जाखड़ों में मढौली के पास युद्ध हुआ था। जिला रोहतक में लडान नामक स्थान पर जाखड़ों के सरदार लाड़ासिंह का राज्य था। एक बार पठानों ने उनसे लडान छीन लिया। जाखड़ लोगों ने इसे अपना अपमान समझा और सम्मिलित शक्ति से उन्होंने लडान को फिर पठानों से ले लिया। इस तरह उनके कई सरदारों ने औरंगजेब के समय तक राजस्थान और पंजाब के अनेक स्थानों पर राज किया है। अन्तिम समय में उनके सरदारों के पास केवल चार-चार अथवा पांच-पांच गांव के राज्य रह गये थे। (जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज,पृ.-595)

डॉ पेमा राम [50] लिखते हैं ....रिड़ी-बिग्गा के जाखड़ जाटों का ठिकाना बिग्गा तहसील डूंगरगढ़ में था. इनका गोत्र पड़िहार बतलाया गया है. कहते हैं कि कोलियोजी पड़िहार पहले पहल मंडोर से आकर ग्राम केऊ तहसील डूंगरगढ़़ में बसा था. इसका बेटा जक्खा हुआ जिसने अपने नाम पर जाखासर बसाया. कहते हैं उसने अपने परिवार के रिश्ते वहां बसे जाटों में करने आरंभ कर दिए थे तथा 'नए जाट गोत्र' जाखड़ का जनक कहलाया. उसकी एक लड़की का नाम रिड़ी था, जिसके नाम पर रिड़ी गाँव बसाया. जक्खा का बेटा मैहन था, जिसका बेटा बिग्गा बड़ा शूरवीर हुआ. इसी के नाम पर बिग्गा गाँव बसा. कहते हैं कि बिग्गा ने गायों की रक्षा के लिए राठ मुसलमानों से युद्ध किया जिसमें गैरक्षार्थ वह संवत 1393 (1336) में काम आया. पाऊलेट ने बीकानेर गजेटियर में बिग्गा की म्रत्यु का समय 1315 दिया है. बिग्गाजी का जन्म विक्रम संवत 1358 (1301) में रिड़ी में हुआ रहा. बिग्गा और उसके आसपास के एरिया में बिग्गा गोरक्षक लोकदेवता के रूप में पूजे जाते हैं. गाँव बिग्गा व रिड़ी में जाखड़ जाटों का भोमिचारा था और लंबे समय तक जाखड़ों का इन पर अधिकार बना रहा.

जाट वीरों का इतिहास में कैप्टन दलीप सिंह अहलावत द्वारा वर्णन

कैप्टन दलीपसिंह अहलावत [51]लिखते हैं कि जाखड़ जाटवंश (गोत्र) दहिया जाटवंश की तरह ही वैदिककाल से है। इस वंश का संचालक राजा वीरभद्र का पुत्र जखभद्र* था। जाखड़ चन्द्रवंशी हैं। जाखड़ एक प्रसिद्ध गोत्र है।

आरम्भ में जाखड़ जाटों का दल शिवालिक की पहाड़ियों एवं हिमालय पर्वत की दक्षिणी तलहटी में रहा। अपने देश भारतवर्ष से ये लोग विदेशों में गये और वापिस लौटकर आ गये, इसका कुछ संक्षिप्त ब्यौरा इस प्रकार से है - महाभारत और मार्कण्डेय पुराण का हवाला देकर बी० एस० दहिया ने लिखा है कि “जाखड़ लोग कश्मीर के उत्तर में दूर मध्य एशिया बल्ख के क्षेत्र में निवास करते थे। ये अपने केसरिया रंग के लिए सदियों तक प्रसिद्ध रहे। इसका वर्णन महाभारत में भी है1।” इससे साफ है कि जाखड़ लोग कश्मीर के रास्ते से वहां पर गये।

समय के अनुसार अन्य जाटों की तरह जाखड़ जाट भी अपने पैतृक देश भारतवर्ष में लौट आए। इनका पश्चिमी घाटियों से होकर भारतवर्ष में आना सिद्ध होता है। इन लोगों ने विदेशी आक्रमणकारियों का समय-समय पर मुकाबला इन ही पश्चिमी घाटियों पर किया। जाखड़ जाट अफगानिस्तान, सिन्ध प्रान्त और पश्चिमी पाकिस्तान में बसे और वहां से इनकी कुछ संख्या राजस्थान में जाकर बस गई। वहां पर इन लोगों ने कई स्थानों पर राज्य किया।

मि० डब्ल्यू क्रुक साहब ने अपनी पुस्तक “उत्तरी-पश्चिमी प्रान्त और अवध की जातियां” में लिखा है कि “द्वारिका के राजा के पास एक बड़ा भारी धनुष और बाण था। उसने प्रतिज्ञा की थी कि उसे कोई तोड़ देगा, उसका दर्जा राजा से उंचा कर दिया जाएगा। जाखड़ ने उस भारी कार्य की चेष्टा की और असफल रहा। इसी लाज के कारण उसने अपनी मातृभूमि को छोड़ दिया और बीकानेर में आ बसा।” इस कहानी से साफ है कि जाखड़ गोत्र (वंश) का एक जाट राजा था जिसका राज्य गुजरात में कहीं था। इससे पहले जाखड़ लोगों का अजमेर प्रान्त पर राज्य था। यह भाट ग्रन्थों में लिखा है। जाखड़ राजा बीकानेर में आकर कहां बसा, इसका पता “जाट वर्ण मीमांसा” के लेखक पंडित अमीचन्द शर्मा ने दिया है कि “जाखड़ राजा ने रेणी को अपनी राजधानी बनाया।” जाखड़ लोगों का राज्य मढौली पर भी था। मढौली जयपुर राज्य में मारवाड़ सीमा के आस-पास थी। उस समय फतेहपुर के आस-पास मुसलमान राज्य करते थे। इन मुसलमानों और जाखड़ों का युद्ध मढौली के पास हुआ था2

जाखड़ जाटों के बीकानेर में भी कई छोटे-छोटे राज्य थे3। जब राजस्थान में राजपूतों के राज्य

1. Jats the Ancient Rulers, P. 282, B.S. Dahiya IRS.
2. जाट इतिहास पृ० 591, लेखक ठा० देशराज।
3. जाट इतिहास उर्दू पृ० 368, लेखक ठा० संसारसिंह।
* चन्द्रवंशी (या पुरुवंशी) राजा वीरभद्र के पुत्र जखभद्र के नेतृत्व में चन्द्रवंशी क्षत्रिय आर्यों का संघ (गण), जखभद्र के नाम पर जाखड़ वंश (गोत्र) कहलाया। इस गण में चन्द्रवंशी शिवि गण भी थे। (इसी अध्याय में देखो, शिविवंश प्रकरण)।

जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठान्त-217

स्थापित हो गये तब जाखड़ जाटों का एक दल रोहतक जिला (हरयाणा) में आ गया। इनका नेता लाढसिंह था। यहां पर जाखड़ों ने साहलावास, लडान आदि बहुत गांव बसाये। लाढसिंह बहादुर ने एक बड़े क्षेत्र पर जाखड़ जाटों का राज्य स्थापित किया जिसकी राजधानी लडान थी। दिल्ली के बादशाह की ओर से बहू झोलरी पर एक मुसलमान नवाब का शासन था। उसने बड़ी शक्तिशाली सेना के साथ जाखड़ों पर आक्रमण कर दिया और लडान पर अधिकार कर लिया। नवाब की सेना ने जाखड़ों के गांव को लूटना शुरु कर दिया और उन पर हर प्रकार के अत्याचार करने आरम्भ कर दिये। जाखड़ों के बुलावे पर डीघल गांव के जाट वीर योद्धा बिन्दरा के नेतृत्व में अहलावत जाटों का एक दल जाखड़ों से आ मिला। इन दोनों वंशों के जाटवीरों ने मुसलमान सेना एवं नवाब* को मौत के घाट उतार दिया और बहू-झोलरी के किले पर अधिकार कर लिया। एक पठान सैनिक की गोली लगने से बिन्दरा वहीं पर शहीद हो गया। इस तरह से जाखड़ वीरों ने लडान का अपना राज्य फिर वापिस ले लिया और इनके बहुत से गांव आराम से बस गये थे। जाटों की शक्ति से डरकर दिल्ली का बादशाह जाखड़ों पर आक्रमण करने का साहस न कर सका।

आई-ने-अकबरी में लिखा है कि जाखड़ों के नेता वीर लाढसिंह ने पठानों और दिल्ली के बादशाहों से युद्ध करके अपनी वीरता का प्रमाण दिया1

इस तरह जाखड़ों के कई सरदारों ने औरंगजेब के समय तक राजस्थान और पंजाब के अनेक स्थानों पर राज किया। अन्तिम समय में इनके सरदारों के पास केवल चार-चार अथवा पांच-पांच गांव के राज्य रह गये थे2

जाखड़ पाकिस्तान में सिंधबिलोचिस्तान के प्रान्तों में बड़ी संख्या में हैं जो मुसलमान हैं। राजस्थान-बीकानेर आदि कई स्थानों पर बसे हुए हैं। इनके कुछ गांव अलवर एवं जयपुर में भी हैं। अलवर के चौ० नानकसिंह जाखड़ आर्यसमाज के सेक्रेटरी (मन्त्री) थे और जयपुर के माखर गांव के चौ० लाधूराम जाखड़ शेखावाटी जाट पंचायत के प्रधान थे। कश्मीर में जाखड़ मुसलमान हैं।

हरयाणा प्रान्त के रोहतक जिले में जाखड़ जाटों के गांव निम्न प्रकार से हैं - राजस्थान से जिला रोहतक में जाखड़ जाटों का एक दल आया। उसका नेता चौ० लाढसिंह था। उसी के नाम पर यहां उसने सबसे पहले लडान गांव बसाया। यह जाखड़ों की राजधानी थी। लडान गांव से जाखड़ों के अन्य गांव बसे। आज यहां जाखड़ जाटगोत्र के 19 गांव हैं। इनके अतिरिक्त 19 गांव अन्य जाटगोत्र और दूसरी जातियों के जाखड़ खाप में शामिल हैं। इस तरह से जाखड़ खाप के 38 गांव हैं। इनका ब्यौरा निम्नलिखित है -

  • - नोट - जब नवाब की सेना युद्ध क्षेत्र से भागकर किले में जा घुसी तो सबसे पहले वीर बिन्दरा अपने अहलावतों की एक टोली के साथ किले की दीवार लांघकर अन्दर गये। फिर तो सभी जाट अन्दर घुस गये। बिन्दरा ने स्वयं अपनी तलवार से नवाब का सिर उतार दिया।
1. जाट इतिहास पृ० 84 एवं अंग्रेजी अनुवाद पृ० 88 लेखक ले० रामसरूप जून।
2. जाट इतिहास पृ० 591 लेखक ठा० देशराज।

जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठान्त-218

जाखड़ खाप का प्रधान गाँव लडान रहता आया है। जाखड़ खाप की प्रधानता आज भी लडान गांव में ही है।

पंडित अमीचन्द्र शर्मा: जाट वर्ण मीमांसा

पंडित अमीचन्द्र शर्मा[52]ने लिखा है: [p.23]: जाखड़ गोत्र के जाटों का बड़ा जाखू था। जाखू भी सरोहा क्षत्रिय था। सरोहा संघ मुख्यत: जाट गोत्रों से ही बना था। वह सांगू का सहोदर भाई था। जाखू भी अपने भाई सांगू के साथ ही अजमेर से आया था और बीकानेर रियासत के ग्राम रिडी में बस गया। एक बार द्वारिका के महाराज ने अपनी पुत्री का स्वयंबर रचा था, जाखू भी वहाँ पहुंचा था, जाखू उस स्वयंबर के नियम पूर्ण नहीं कर सका

[p.24]: जाखू ने द्वारका से आकर कराव कर लिया और जाट संघ में मिल गया। जाखू की संतान जाखड़ कहलाई। जिला रोहतक तहसील झज्जर में जाखड़ों के बहुत से गाँव हैं। उनमे लड़ान, सालास, झाडली आदि मुख्य गाँव हैं। जाखू की संतानों में एक लाड़ा हुये जिसने लड़ान गाँव बसाया। महम्मदियों के शासनकाल में इस गाँव का मालिक एक पठान था, पुनः यह गाँव किसी प्रकार लाडा के हाथ आ गया। यह सारा विवरण चौधरी बिहारी सिंह आल्ला नंबरदार और चौधरी रामनाथ हवलदार ने लिखवाया।

बुरड़क इतिहास में जाखड सरदार

बुरड़क गोत्र का इतिहास जो उनके बडवे से प्राप्त किया गया है में भी जाखड़ सरदारों का उल्लेख यों होता है-

धरणीजी जाखड (985 ई.) - चौधरी मालूरामजी बुरड़क, धरणीजी जाखड,चौधरी आलणसिंहजी तथा वीरभाणजी हरिद्वार, केदरनाथ, द्वारकाजी, गंगासागर, कुंभ आदि का स्नान कर तीन साल की यात्रा से सरनाउ आये. वापस आकर पंच-कुण्डीय यज्ञ करवाया. 51 मण घी की आहुति कराई. 51 गायें और 700 मण अनाज ब्राह्मणों को दान किया. गांव कारी के पंडित गिरधर गोपाल द्वारा यज्ञ सम्पन्न किया गया. पंडित गिरधर गोपाल की बेटी राधा को धर्मं परणाई और पीपल परणाई. चौधरी हालूराम के समय दिल्ली के रावराजा महिपाल के समय ये काम संवत 1042 (985 ई.) में कराये.

चौधरी मालूरामजी बुरड़क, धरणीजी जाखड,चौधरी आलणसिंहजी तथा वीरभाणजी ने संवत 1042 में सरनाउ-कोट तथा गढ, बावडी आदि बडवा जगरूप को लिखवाया और दान किया.

दिल्ली पति महीपाल तंवर के अधीन राव राजा की राजधानी सरनाउ को संवत 1032 में बनाया. बुरड़कों की राजधानी सरनाऊ संवत 1032 से संवत 1315 (975 AD - 1258 AD) तक रही.

रिड़मल जाखड (1252 AD) - बुरडक गोत्र के इतिहास के अवलोकन से यह भी पता चलता है कि सरनाऊ-कोट के बुरड़क और गनोडा के मामराज ढाका के बीच लडाई 6 बार हुई. इनमें वह बुरड़क सरदारों को को नहीं हरा सका था. इनमें से दूसरी लड़ाई काती सुदी 13 संवत 1309 (1253 AD) को जाखड़ सरदार रिड़मल जाखड के नेतृत्व में हुई थी:

दूसरी लडाई - सरनाउ-कोट पर दूसरी लडाई काती सुदी 13 संवत 1309 को हुई. मामराज ढाका के साथ 15000 आदमी थे. लडाई में 800 आदमी काम आये. इनमें से पदम सिन्ह के 200 तथा मामराज ढाका के 600 लोग काम आये. नसरूदीन महमूद बादशाह के समय संवत 1309 (1252 AD) को इसके सेनापति रिडी बिग्गा के रिड़मल जाखड थे.

Distribution in Delhi

Goyla Khurd near Najafgarh

Distribution in Rajasthan

Villages in Jhunjhunu district

Biram Ka Bas, Ghadawa, Jakharon Ka Bas, Dalelpura, Dhamora, Dhigal, Haripura Jhunjhunu, Jakhron Ka Bas, Jakharon Ki Dhani (Sunari), Kakoda, Ranas, Samaspur, Siriyasar,

Locations in Jaipur city

AG Colony, Ambabari, Barkat Nagar, C-Scheme, Dudu, Durgapura, Gandhi Nagar, Ganpati Nagar, Imliwala Phatak, Jhotwara, Khatipura, Mahesh Nagar, Mansarowar Colony, Murlipura Scheme, Purani Basti, Sodala, Station Road, Uniyaron ka Rasta, Vaishali Nagar,

Villages in Jaipur district

Anantpura, Boraj, Chainpura Naraina, Dalania Kudli[53] Dewala, Dhani Boraj, Gadota, Garoti, Hirnoda (98), Itawa Bhopji (4), Jorpura Jobner, Kapadiawas, Kapriyawas Kalan, Kapriyawas Khurd, Karwo Ka Bas, Khuriyal, Lopodiya (3), Mauzamabad, Mendwas (2), Mundiya Garh, Nayabas, Ramsinghpura, Ranjeetpura, Renwal (1), Sakhoon, Sali Jaipur (15), Soorpura, Sinwar, Sriramjipura (1), Sunadiya (1), Teelawas (5),

Villages in Alwar district

Fatehpur Bansur (15), Jatka (1) Nizamnagar, Ramsinghpura,

Villages in Sikar district

Badhadar, Balod Bari, Bari, Bhadwasi, Bhauji ki Dhani (2), Bhawanipura Srimadhopur, Bhikhanwasi, Birodi Badi, Chaukdi, Chudi Miyan, Dasa Ki Dhani (Gokulpura), Dhamora, Dhani Guman Singh, Dinarpura, Dujod, Gokulpura, Gopinath Pura, Govindpura Sri Madhopur (20), Gudha Gorji, Guhala, Gyanpura, Hardayalpura, Haripura, Hukampura, Jakhar Ki Dhani, Jakhar Ki Dhani (Malikpura), Jankipura, Jerthi, Jetpura, Kansarda, Kadma Ka Bas, Katrathal, Kolida, Laxmangarh, Likhma Ka Bas (40), Losal, Mandawara Sikar, Mandeta, Nagardas, Nangal Sikar, Napawali, Neem Ka Thana, Neemera, Netarwas, Nausal, Purana Bas (50), Rahnawa, Raipura, Roru Bari, Salamsingh Ki Dhani, Salwadi, Sarwari, Sankhoo, Sewa, Sikar, Sirohi Sikar, Tehat,

Villages in Churu district

Badhsar, Balrasar (45), Bhadasar Utrada, Bidasar, Chhapar Churu (6), Dalman (1), Dokwa, Gudan, Khariyabas, Kharia Jakharan, Lalgarh, Lodsar, Molisar Chhota, Mundra (20) Nakrasar, Neshal, Paharsar (30), Rajiasar Chack, Roopeli, Sardarshahar, Sarothiya, Sujangarh (43), Tehandesar, Somasar,

Villages in Nagaur district

Ajeetpura, Asop, Bansra Nagaur, Bhadliya, Bharnai, Bhidasari, Bidiyad, Borwa, Boseri, Budsoo, Chandi Makrana, Chau, Chhawata Kalan, Chhawata Khurd, Dangawas, Deh, Dhojak, Dotolai, Dugastau, Genana, Gunsali, Isar Navra, Jakharon Ka Bas, Kalwa, Kantiya, Karkedi, Khajwana, Kharnal (2), Khivtana (40), Kooni (8), Kurchhi, Kutiyasani Khurd, Kyamsar, Lampolai, Loonwa (15), Lunsara, Maulasar, Mundwa, Naradhana, Nimbi Jodhan, Nokha Chandawata, Nokha Jodha, Parewadi, Phagali, Rabdiyad, Raidhanu, Ratanga, Rol, Roopathal, Sewri, Sheelgaon, Sudrasan, Sunari, Surpaliya, Suwadiya, Tangla, Thalanjoo, Udiyas,

Villages in Ajmer district

Gagunda, Mangaliyawas, Ralawatan (50), Sursura,

Villages in Jodhpur district

Artiya Kalan, Bagoriya, Baithwasiya, Banar Jodhpur, Bara Kalan, Bhatida[54], Bhundana (भुण्डाणा), Bisalpur, Dhanari Kalan[55] Chadi, Chamu, Chhila, Gagari, Garasani, Gharaw (10), Guda Vishnoiyan (2), Hatundi, Hirania Ki Dhani (Lohawat Jatahwas), Jaleli, Jalkha, Jhanwar, Jodhpur, Kharda Mewasa, Khariya Khangar, Khatiyasani, Khawaspura, Kheri Charan, Lohawat Jatahwas, Mailana (30), Malawas Bilada, Mathaniya, Melana, Merasiya, Mornawara, Murkasani, Nandadi, Nandiya Khurd, Netra Jodhpur, Newra, Newra Road, Palina, Palri Mangaliya, Phalaudi, Rajlani (200), Ratkudia, Salwa Kalla, Shaitansingh Nagar, Silari, Tena, Utambar, Nanan Jodhpur, Kosana,

Villages in Ganganagar district

Ahuwala, Binjhbaila[56], 46 RBA Padampur, Daulatpura, Dungar Singh Pura, Ghamudwali, Gharsana, Sahuwala, Ladhuwala, Khyaliwala, Ghamandia, sanwatsar

Villages in Hanumangarh district

Badopal, Bashir, Bhograna, Chak 34 RWD Rawatsar, Chak Bhagsar, Chautala, Chindalia[57], Dhaban, Dholipal, Dingarh, Gandheli, Ghotra Khalsa, Hanumangarh, Haripura, Jakharanwali, Jorkian, Kohlan, Kharsandi, Khedar Ki Dhani, Khothanwali, Kishanpura Utradha, Lilanwali, Maliya Nohar, Malkhera, Maujgarh, Mirjewala, Munnawali Hanumangarh, Nagrana, Naiwala, Nathwania, Pacca Saharana, Panditanwali, Phephana, Pilibanga, Ramgarh, Ramgarh Ujjalwas, Ramsara Jakhran, Ratanpura, Ratna Desar, Saliwala, Sangaria, Satipura,

Villages in Barmer district

Aratwaw, Bakhasar, Balewa, Balotra, Barmer, Beejasar, Beejrad, Bhachbhar, Bhanpura Barmer, Bhimthal[58], Bisaraniya Barmer, Bor Charnan, Chabawas, Chawanada, Chhitar Ka Par, Chaukriya Ki Dhani, Dharasar, Dudhu, Gadevi, Garal (20), Jakhdon Ki Dhani, Khadeen, Kudla, Kumpaliya, Purawa, Jakharo Ki Dhani (t.Chohtan), Jakhron Ki Dhani (t.Gudha Malani), Jakhron Ka Tala (t.Ramsar), Jakhronwala (जाखड़ोंवाला), Jaydoo, Korna, Mokhab Khurd, Naukh (10), Nokhra (20), Pooniyon Ka Tala Ratasar, Redana, Sahar, Sarla Barmer, Sobhala Jetmalan (40), Sohara, Tankeliyasr,

Villages in Jaisalmer district

Bhaniyana, Fatehgarh

Villages in Pali district

Alawas, Bagiyara, Guriya Pali, Jhujanda, Kala Pipal Ki Dhani, Lototi, Ramawas Khurd, Sisarwada,

Villages in Jalor district

Bhadwal, Chitalwana, Dabli, Gundau Jhab, Khara, Lalji Ki Dungari, Mirpur Kheda, Mirpura, Sanchore, Vodha,

Villages in Bikaner district

3 Rjd, Barsingsar, Beegawas Ramsara, Berasar Nokha, Bikaner, Jakhar Wala, Kalyansar Purana, Kedli (20), Khajuwala, Kapoorisar, Napasar, Nakodesar, Norang Desar, Saloodiya, Sansardesar, Satasar, Takhatpura,

Villages in Chittorgarh district

Makhanpura, Sahnawa,

Villages in Tonk district

Aliyari, Araniya Maal (6), Aranya Kankad (2), Bagpura (1), Bajya ka Mauja (Parana) (1), Doria (12), Manasya Tiba (1), Nagar (2), Nimola (3), Ramma (2), Rampura (10), Shergarh (4),

Distribution in Haryana

Found in villages - Berwala Khurd, Kaluana, Nathor, Panihari, Balawas, Kirtan, Kirmara, Kanwari, Kalirawan, Deva, Agroha,

Villages in Bhiwani and Charkhi Dadri districts

Alakhpura Bhiwani, Berla Bhiwani, Bigowa(बिगोवा), Barsi Jattan, Daniyapur Dhani, Jeetpura, Dhani Mithi, Kadma Dadri, Pur, Sui, Surpura Khurd Bhiwani,

Villages in Hisar district

Balawas, Bandaheri, Deva, Gorchhi, Jakhod Khera, Kaimri, Kalirawan, Kanwari, Kharkari, Kheri Gangan, Muklan, Satrod Khas,

Villages in Fatehabad district

Baijalpur, Dhabi Kalan, Dullat Fatehabad, Kumharia Fatehabad, Mehuwala, Phoolan, Pili Mandori,

Villages in Rohtak district

Bhaini Chander Pal

Villages in Sirsa district

Bakrianwali, Banwala, Haripura, Ludesar, Munnawali, Panihari

Villages in Jhajjar district

Akehri Madanpur, Amdal Shahpur, Amboli, Bhurawas Jhajjar, Dhalanwas, Dhania Jhajjar, Dhanirwas, Jahazgarh, Jamalpur Jhajjar, Jhanswa, Jharli Jhajjar, Hamayunpur Jhajjar, Ladain, Madalsahpur, Mohanbari, Mundsa, Nilaheri, Noganwa, Salhawas, Sundrehti,

Villages in Mahendergarh district

Gehli Narnaul, Sureti Jakhar,

Villages in Rewari district

Khar Khari, Rewari, Bohka

Villages in Palwal district


Villages in Faridabad district


Village in Jind District

Phulian Khurd, Kabbrcha,

Distribution in Madhya Pradesh

Found in Bhopal, Harda, Mandsaur districts.

Distribution in Madhya Pradesh

Villages in Dewas district

Kothmir, Leeli Dewas, Piplani Sunwani Gopal, Kusmanya[59]

Villages in Mandsaur district

Barkhedadev, Bugalia (Gujarda), Pipalkhuta,

Villages in Nimach district

Nimach (1), Khor Vikram (2), Nagpura (1),

Villages in Dhar district

Jakhars live in villages:

Badwai, Karod Khurd, Kothda, Lili Khedi, Nagda Dhar, Salkanpur, Sat Talai[60]

Villages in Ratlam district

Villages in Ratlam district with population of this gotra are:

Berchha 2, Bhatkheda 1, Bilpank 1, Dantodiya 2, Dheekwa 1, Ghatwas 1, Jharsandala 2, Kalori 1, Kalori khurd 2, Mundari 1, Namli 3, Negarda 10, Piploda 2, Ratlam 5, Sikhedi 4, Surana 1,

Villages in Indore district

Atyana, Betma, Bhidota[61], Karadia Indore, Khatwadi[62], Tillor Khurd, Pardeshipura (a locality in Indore city), Sendal,

Villages in Harda district

Dagawan Neema, Jhugariya, Kunjargaon, Uda Harda,

Villages in Gwalior district

Gwalior, Paira, Rarua,

Villages in Khargone district

Limbi Bujurg, Katkut,

Villages in Shajapur district


Villages in Sehore district

Ashta, Amla Majju, Rupdi,

Villages in Barwani district


Villages in Bhopal district

Kolar Bhopal,

Villages in Khandwa district

Nandna, Pamakhedi,

Villages in Ujjain district

Barkheda Tarana, Hakkanipura, Sayarkhedi,

Villages in Rajgarh district

Barwan Rajgarh

Distribution in Uttar Pradesh

Villages in Meerut district

Bahadarpur, Chindauri, Karnawal (करनावल), Pilona,

Villages in Bareilly district


Villages in Hathras district

Nagla Sarak,

Villages in Ghaziabad district

Dhindar, Kakodi (काकोडी)(ककोदी),

Villages in Muzaffarnagar district


Villages in Rampur district

Mewala Kalan,

Villages in Badayun district

Kunwarpur, Nagla Jatan,

Villages in Gautam Budh Nagar district


Villages in Aligarh district

Pipli Tappal,

Distribution in Gujarat

Villages in Banas Kantha district

Rampura, Sherpura,

Distribution in Maharashtra

Villages in Nasik district


Villages in Jalna district

Rajur Jalna,

Villages in Amravati district

Dhanegaon, Anjangaon,

Distribution in Punjab

They are found in Bhagsar,Panchkosi villages.

Villages in Patiala district

Jakhar population in Patiala district is 1,200. [64]

Villages in Hoshiarpur district

Villages in Firozpur district

Bhagu Abohar, Hiranwali, Killianwali, Panchkosi,

Villages in Sangrur district


Distribution in Pakistan

According to James Tod[65] Jakhar, Asiagh, Punia are all denominations of the Jat race, a few of whom preserve under these ancient subdivisions their old customs and religion ; but the greater part are among the converts to Islam, and retain the generic name, pronounced Zjat. Those enumerated are harmless and industrious, and are found both in the desert and valley. There are besides these a few scattered families of ancient tribes , as the Sultana, and Khumra, of whose history we are ignorant, Johyas, Sindhals, and others, whose origin has already been noticed in the Annals of Marusthali.

Jakhar - Some Jakhar claim descent from the Bhatti Rajputs, others from the Chauhan Rajputs. They are a Saraiki-speaking Jat clan, found in Layyah, Muzaffargarh, Bhakkar, Multan and Khanewal, Thatta districts.

According to 1911 census the Jakhar were the principal Muslim Jat clan in districts:

See also

Gallery of Jakhars

Notable persons

  • Bigga Ji Jakhar (1301 - 1336) - Folk-deity of Jangladesh area of Rajasthan.
  • Prof. Ganga Ram Jakhar - Vice-Chancellor Maharaja Ganga Singh University, Bikaner Highway No. 15, Jaisalmer Road, Bikaner-334004 Phone : 01 51 -2212041 (0), 2200181 (R), Fax : 0151-2212042. email grjvcmgsub@.rediffmail.com, website : www.mgsubikanerac.in
  • Vikash Jakhar : Sh. Vikash Jakhar hails from Jakharon ka bas, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan. He joined CRPF as Assistant Commandant and was decorated with the Shaurya Chakra in 2018 for his bravery in Anti-naxal operation in Jharkhand.
  • Rajendra Singh Jakhar - Volleyball Player
  • Sidh Shri Khema Baba (Jakhar) - From Baytu (Barmer)
  • Ajmer Singh Jakhar - Sarpanch and Social worker, V.P.O:Maniana, Teh:Moonak, Distt:Sangrur (Punjab)
  • Badri Ram Jakhar - Elected MP for 15th Lok Sabha in 2009 from Pali, Rajasthan
  • Late Zile Singh Jakhar - MLA from Salhawas constituency, distt. Jhajjar (Haryana)).
  • Balbir Singh Jakhar - MLA from Sikar, Rajasthan (elected in 1952).
  • Nanak Chand Jakhad (born:1901-) (चौधरी नानकचन्द जाखड़), from Alwar was a Social worker in Alwar, Rajasthan. [66]
  • Praveen Jakhar - Sub Editor Rajasthan Patrika, Jaipur, VPO- Rahanava, Via- Balaran, Teh.- Laxmangarh, Sikar (Raj.) - 332401, Present Address : Quarter no-4, Airport Colony, Jaipur Airport, Jaipur-302011, Phone Number : 0141-2724565,Mob: 9414249676, Email: praveenjakhar@yahoo.co.in
  • Poonam Jakhar - Meritorious student. Rajasthan Madhyamik Shiksha Board 10th class - 2010, Merit list, from M D Public School Ojtoo, Rank 1, Marks 97.83%
  • Col. M. K. Jakhar - col. (Retd.), Date of Birth : 29-August-1950, VPO - Gadota, teh.- Dudu,distt.- Jaipur, Present Address : C-81, C-Scheme Prithve Raj Road Jaipur, Phone: 0141-2228742, Mob: 9829077665
  • Vishnu Kumar Verma (Jakhar) - MD Central Co-Op. Bank, Date of Birth : 30-November-1962, Permanent Address : Nagla Sarak,Hathras, Present Address : Mahesh Nagar, Jaipur,Phone Number : 0141-2502142, Mob: 9460180559, Email Address : vkv30nov@yahoo.in
  • Magha Ram Chaudhary (Jakhar) - RAS (2000) from village Kudla (Barmer), DOB:1-5-1958
  • Rajiv Jakhar, Assistant Commandant, CRPF.- "All-round Best Officer" of the Batch year-2008, decorated with prestigious "SWORD OF HONOR" and "Home Minister's Trophy". R/O- VPO- Lalgarh Jattan, Dist- Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan.
  • Mr. Rajbir Singh Jahkhar - Govt. Service, Inspector Delhi Police, 8044/B-11, Vasant Kunj New Delhi, Ph: 011-26895252 (PP-473)
  • Mr. Shiv Prasad Jakhar - Govt. Service, Parliament Interpretor, Lok Sabha Secretriat, New Delhi, Vill & P O: Sankhu, Via - Balaran, Dist. - Sikar (Rajasthan) Ph: 9953721921, Email: shivjakhar@gmail.com (PP-644)
  • Capt. Jai Singh Jakhar - S/O Col. Ajit Singh DOB: 17-Jun-55, Business, Manging Director, A - 606 , Ansal Chamber -I , Bhikaji Cama Place , New Delhi – 110066 , A-242 Vikaspuri , New Delhi – 110018, Vill & PO- Gochchi, Distt Jhajhar, Haryana Ph: 011-26160417, 011-25573588, 9810448603, Email: jaijkhr@gmail.com (PP-879)
  • Dr. Ranbir Singh Jakhar - Awarded with Best Citizen Award of India, Director S D Jakhar Hospital Beri (Jhajjar), for providing health services in rural areas for last thirty years.[74]
  • Indu Jakhar - IAS-2014, Rank-669. [75]
  • Vikas Jakhar - IAS-2014, Rank-696. [76]
  • Kuldip Jakhar - IAS-2014, Rank-851. [77]
  • Rajesh Jakhar (Lance Naik) is a Martyr of Kargil War from Haryana. He became Martyr on 07 July 1999 during Operation Vijay in Kargil War. He was from village Jhanswa, Matanhail, Jhajjar, Haryana. Unit-17 Jat Regiment.
  • Ram Dhan Jakhar - रामधन जाखड़:नागौर बोर्डिंग की छात्र संख्या बढ़ाने व कुरीति निवारण में बोर्डिंग हाउस के विद्यार्थियों ने मेलों में तथा जगमठों में जहां कहीं भी काम पड़ा चौधरी मूलचन्द सियाग (1887 - 1978) के साथ जाकर गायन व भजनों द्वारा जनता के अंधेरों रूपी पर्दे को हटाया और प्रकाश डाला जिसमें आपकी मुख्य भूमिका थी। [78]
Ram Niwas Jakhar, Martyr
Unit – 15 Jat Regiment
Unit - 4 Sikh Regiment
Unit - 3 Jat Regiment
Unit - 9 Grenadiers
Unit - 11 Rajputana Rifles
Unit - 3 Rajputana Rifles


  1. Ompal Singh Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.39,s.n. 872
  2. B S Dahiya:Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study), p.239, s.n.92
  3. Ompal Singh Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.39,s.n. 872
  4. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV, p.342
  5. An Inquiry Into the Ethnography of Afghanistan:H. W. Bellew, pp.13-14
  6. An Inquiry Into the Ethnography of Afghanistan,H. W. Bellew, p.79,88,91,111,112,117,155,183,186
  7. An Inquiry Into the Ethnography of Afghanistan/Page 1-25, p.24
  8. Jat Varna Mimansa (1910) by Pandit Amichandra Sharma,p. 57
  9. Jat Varna Mimansa (1910): Pandit Amichandra Sharma, Published by Lala Devidayaluji Khajanchi, pp.21-24
  10. Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats, Rohtak, India (1938, 1967)
  11. Bhim Singh Dahiya:Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Appendices/Appendix II, p.322
  12. The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/An Historico-Somatometrical study bearing on the origin of the Jats, p.171,f.n.216
  13. Mahendra Singh Arya et al: Adhunik Jat Itihas, p.245
  14. Jat Varna Mimansa (1910): Pandit Amichandra Sharma, Published by Lala Devidayaluji Khajanchi, p.24
  15. Hukum Singh Panwar: The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/The identification of the Jats, p.316
  16. Hukum Singh Panwar: The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/The identification of the Jats, p.316
  17. Dr Ompal Singh Tugania, Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p. 16
  18. Dr Ompal Singh Tugania, Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p. 16
  19. Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter V,p. 88
  20. Dilip Singh Ahlawat: Jat viron ka Itihas
  21. Hukum Singh Panwar: The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/An Historico-Somatometrical study bearing on the origin of the Jats, p. 150-151
  22. Yoginder Pal Shastri, op. cit., p. 468
  23. Amichand Sharma, Jat Varna mimansa, v.s. 1967
  24. Hukum Singh Panwar: The Jats - Their Origin, Antiquity & Migrations, p. 150-151
  25. Buddha Prakash, op. cit., p. 77
  26. M.L. Bhargava, Geography of the Rigvedic India, Lucknow, 1964, p. 129
  27. Hukum Singh Panwar: The Jats - Their Origin, Antiquity & Migrations, p. 150-151
  28. The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/Addenda,pp.ii-iii
  29. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syr_Darya
  30. Mahabharata III 1991
  31. Bhim Singh Dahiya, Jats the Ancient Rulers ( A clan study), p. 282
  32. हारहूणांश च चीनांश च तुखारान सैन्धवांस तदा । जागुडान रमठान मुण्डान सत्री राज्यान अद तङ्गणान (Mahabharata:III.48.21)
  33. Thakur Deshraj: Jat Itihas, p. 595.
  34. Thakur Deshraj: Jat Itihas , p. 595.
  35. Dasharatha Sharma:"Early Chauhan Dynasties", p.178
  36. A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/C, p.145
  37. A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/B , p.153
  38. A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/J,p.349-50
  39. A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/J,p.376
  40. A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/J,p.381
  41. James Todd Annals/Sketch of the Indian Desert,p.1292
  42. See sketch of the tribes, Vol. I. p. 98
  43. James Todd Annals/Sketch of the Indian Desert,p.1297
  44. The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/An Historico-Somatometrical study bearing on the origin of the Jats, p.171,f.n.216
  45. Tripāṭhī, Śrīdhara, ed. (2008). Encyclopaedia of Pali Literature: The Pali canon. 1. Anmol. p. 117. ISBN 9788126135608.
  46. M.K Azad: 'Dhankoli Aaj Tak', Published by Dhankoli Vikas Mandal, Dhankoli, 2004 p.196
  47. M.K Azad: 'Dhankoli Aaj Tak', Published by Dhankoli Vikas Mandal, Dhankoli, 2004 p.197
  48. उद्देश्य:जाट कीर्ति संस्थान चूरू द्वारा आयोजित सर्व समाज बौधिक एवं प्रतिभा सम्मान समारोह, स्मारिका जून 2013,p.120
  49. Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats, Rohtak, India (1938, 1967)
  50. डॉ पेमा राम:राजस्थान के जाटों का इतिहास, 2015, p. 35
  51. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter III,प.217-219
  52. Jat Varna Mimansa (1910), Author: Pandit Amichandra Sharma, Published by Lala Devidayaluji Khajanchi, pp.23-24
  53. User:Abhimanyusingh9
  54. User:Hancylukhaaa
  55. User:Mahadev959
  56. Saharanrahul004
  57. User:Gsswami
  58. https://www.jatland.com/forums/showthread.php/40442-गोत्र-जोड़ने-बाबत
  59. User:Sk56
  60. User:Sk56
  61. User:Sk56
  62. Jat Samaj Badnawar, Samuhik Vivah Samoroh Samiti, Dwitiy Samuhik Vivah Samoroh 4 February 2014. Phone:9425969553, 9893548483, 9826418672
  63. User:Sk56
  64. History and study of the Jats.B.S Dhillon. p.126
  65. James Todd Annals/Sketch of the Indian Desert, Vol.III,pp.1297
  66. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.74-79
  67. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.163
  68. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.163
  69. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.188
  70. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.322a-323
  71. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.399
  72. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.434
  73. Jat Samaj Patrika:Agra, September 2001, p.26
  74. Jat Jyoti: September 2013,p. 39
  75. 'Jat Privesh', July 2015,p. 18
  76. 'Jat Privesh', July 2015,p. 18
  77. 'Jat Privesh', July 2015,p. 18
  78. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.185

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